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程序员文章站 2022-06-05 17:22:15
一、Quartz简介 主要做定时任务,即:在指定时间点或时间段,执行某项任务,可设置执行次数、时间间隔等。 二、Springcloud简介 对比传统的、庞大的、复杂的、以ssm或ssh为框架的web项目而言,springcloud显得格外轻巧,不错乱,易管理,至少模块清晰,功能明确。 三、Sprin ......









​    maven项目集成Quartz定时任务框架,实现批处理功能


 1 /**
 2 * @title: myjobfactory.java
 3 * @package com.ewp.data.controller.quartz
 4 * @description: 解决不能spring注入bean的问题
 5 * @author zxj
 6 * @date 2018年2月26日
 7 * @version v1.0
 8 */
 9 package com.ewp.data.config;
11 import org.quartz.spi.triggerfiredbundle;
12 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired;
13 import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.autowirecapablebeanfactory;
14 import org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.adaptablejobfactory;
15 import org.springframework.stereotype.component;
17 /**
18  * @classname: myjobfactory
19  * @description: 解决不能spring注入bean的问题
20  * @author zxj
21  * @date 2018年2月26日
22  *
23  */
24 @component 
25 public class myjobfactory extends adaptablejobfactory {
26     @autowired  
27     private autowirecapablebeanfactory capablebeanfactory;  
29     @override  
30     protected object createjobinstance(triggerfiredbundle bundle) throws exception {  
31       object jobinstance = super.createjobinstance(bundle);  
32       capablebeanfactory.autowirebean(jobinstance); 
33       return jobinstance;  
34     }  
35 }
 2 import java.io.ioexception;
 3 import java.util.properties;
 5 import org.quartz.scheduler;
 6 import org.quartz.schedulerexception;
 7 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired;
 8 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.value;
 9 import org.springframework.context.annotation.bean;
10 import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration;
11 import org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.schedulerfactorybean;
13 /**
14  * 
15 * @classname: quartzconfig
16 * @description: 配置任务调度中心(服务启动时启动)
17 * @author zxj
18 * @date 2018年2月26日
19 *
20  */
21 @configuration
22 public class quartzconfig {
24     @autowired  
25         private myjobfactory myfactory;  //自定义的factory  
27     @value("${spring.datasource.url}")
28     private string url;// 数据源地址
30     @value("${spring.datasource.username}")
31     private string username;// 用户名
33     @value("${spring.datasource.password}")
34     private string password;// 密码
36        @bean  
37        public schedulerfactorybean schedulerfactorybean() {  
38           schedulerfactorybean schedulerfactorybean = new schedulerfactorybean();  
39           try {  
40             schedulerfactorybean.setquartzproperties(quartzproperties());  
41             schedulerfactorybean.setjobfactory(myfactory); //指向自建的调度工厂,用于解决方法类无法注入的问题 
42           } catch (ioexception e) {  
43             e.printstacktrace();  
44           }  
45             return schedulerfactorybean;  
46         }  
48     @bean
49     public scheduler scheduler() throws ioexception, schedulerexception {
50         scheduler scheduler = schedulerfactorybean().getscheduler();
51         scheduler.start();// 服务启动shi
52         return scheduler;
53     }
54     /**
55      * 
56     * @title: quartzproperties
57     * @description: 设置quartz属性
58     * @param @return
59     * @param @throws ioexception    参数
60     * @return properties    返回类型
61     * @throws
62      */
63     public properties quartzproperties() throws ioexception {
64         properties prop = new properties();
65         prop.put("org.quartz.scheduler.instancename", "quartzscheduler");// 调度器的实例名
66         prop.put("org.quartz.scheduler.instanceid", "auto");// 实例的标识
67             prop.put("org.quartz.scheduler.skipupdatecheck", "true");// 检查quartz是否有版本更新(true 不检查)
68             prop.put("org.quartz.jobstore.class", "org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.jobstoretx");
69         prop.put("org.quartz.jobstore.driverdelegateclass", "org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.stdjdbcdelegate");
70         prop.put("org.quartz.jobstore.tableprefix", "qrtz_");// 表名前缀
71         prop.put("org.quartz.jobstore.isclustered", "false");// 集群开关
72         prop.put("org.quartz.threadpool.class", "org.quartz.simpl.simplethreadpool");// 线程池的名字
73             prop.put("org.quartz.threadpool.threadcount", "10");// 指定线程数量
74             prop.put("org.quartz.threadpool.threadpriority", "5");// 线程优先级(1-10)默认为5
75             prop.put("org.quartz.threadpool.threadsinheritcontextclassloaderofinitializingthread", "true");
76             prop.put("org.quartz.jobstore.datasource", "quartzdatasource");
78             prop.put("org.quartz.datasource.quartzdatasource.driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.driver");
79             prop.put("org.quartz.datasource.quartzdatasource.url", url);
80         prop.put("org.quartz.datasource.quartzdatasource.user", username);
81         prop.put("org.quartz.datasource.quartzdatasource.password", password);
82         prop.put("org.quartz.datasource.quartzdatasource.maxconnections", "50");
83             return prop;
84     }
87 }


  2 import java.io.serializable;
  4 /**
  5  * 
  6 * @classname: taskinfo
  7 * @description:  管理定时任务
  8 * @author zxj
  9 * @date 2018年2月26日
 10 *
 11  */
 12 public class taskinfo implements serializable{
 13     private static final long serialversionuid = -8054692082716173379l;
 15     /**
 16      * 增加或修改标识
 17      */
 18     private int id;
 20     /**
 21      * 任务名称
 22      */
 23     private string jobname;
 25     /**
 26      * 任务分组
 27      */
 28     private string jobgroup;
 30     /**
 31      * 任务描述
 32      */
 33     private string jobdescription;
 35     /**
 36      * 任务状态
 37      */
 38     private string jobstatus;
 40     /**
 41      * 任务表达式
 42      */
 43     private string cronexpression;
 45     /**
 46      * 创建时间
 47      */
 48     private string createtime;
 50     /**
 51      * 间隔时间(毫秒)
 52      */
 53     private string milliseconds;
 55     /**
 56      * 重复次数
 57      */
 58     private string repeatcount;
 60     /**
 61      * 起始时间
 62      */
 63     private string startdate;
 65     /**
 66      * 终止时间
 67      */
 68     private string enddate;
 70     /**
 71      * @return the milliseconds
 72      */
 73     public string getmilliseconds() {
 74         return milliseconds;
 75     }
 77     /**
 78      * @param milliseconds the milliseconds to set
 79      */
 80     public void setmilliseconds(string milliseconds) {
 81         this.milliseconds = milliseconds;
 82     }
 84     /**
 85      * @return the repeatcount
 86      */
 87     public string getrepeatcount() {
 88         return repeatcount;
 89     }
 91     /**
 92      * @param repeatcount the repeatcount to set
 93      */
 94     public void setrepeatcount(string repeatcount) {
 95         this.repeatcount = repeatcount;
 96     }
 98     /**
 99      * @return the startdate
100      */
101     public string getstartdate() {
102         return startdate;
103     }
105     /**
106      * @param startdate the startdate to set
107      */
108     public void setstartdate(string startdate) {
109         this.startdate = startdate;
110     }
112     /**
113      * @return the enddate
114      */
115     public string getenddate() {
116         return enddate;
117     }
119     /**
120      * @param enddate the enddate to set
121      */
122     public void setenddate(string enddate) {
123         this.enddate = enddate;
124     }
126     public string getjobname() {
127         return jobname;
128     }
130     public void setjobname(string jobname) {
131         this.jobname = jobname;
132     }
134     public string getjobgroup() {
135         return jobgroup;
136     }
138     public void setjobgroup(string jobgroup) {
139         this.jobgroup = jobgroup;
140     }
142     public string getjobdescription() {
143         return jobdescription;
144     }
146     public void setjobdescription(string jobdescription) {
147         this.jobdescription = jobdescription;
148     }
150     public string getjobstatus() {
151         return jobstatus;
152     }
154     public void setjobstatus(string jobstatus) {
155         this.jobstatus = jobstatus;
156     }
158     public string getcronexpression() {
159         return cronexpression;
160     }
162     public void setcronexpression(string cronexpression) {
163         this.cronexpression = cronexpression;
164     }
166     public string getcreatetime() {
167         return createtime;
168     }
170     public void setcreatetime(string createtime) {
171         this.createtime = createtime;
172     }
174     public int getid() {
175         return id;
176     }
178     public void setid(int id) {
179         this.id = id;
180     }
181 }


  1 package com.ewp.data.service;
  3 import java.util.arraylist;
  4 import java.util.date;
  5 import java.util.hashset;
  6 import java.util.list;
  8 import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.dateformatutils;
  9 import org.quartz.cronschedulebuilder;
 10 import org.quartz.crontrigger;
 11 import org.quartz.job;
 12 import org.quartz.jobbuilder;
 13 import org.quartz.jobdetail;
 14 import org.quartz.jobkey;
 15 import org.quartz.scheduler;
 16 import org.quartz.schedulerexception;
 17 import org.quartz.simpleschedulebuilder;
 18 import org.quartz.simpletrigger;
 19 import org.quartz.trigger;
 20 import org.quartz.triggerbuilder;
 21 import org.quartz.triggerkey;
 22 import org.quartz.impl.matchers.groupmatcher;
 23 import org.slf4j.logger;
 24 import org.slf4j.loggerfactory;
 25 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired;
 26 import org.springframework.stereotype.service;
 28 import com.ewp.data.quartz.taskinfo;
 29 import com.ewp.data.quartz.exception.serviceexception;
 30 import com.ewp.data.util.dateutil;
 32 /**
 33  * 
 34  * @classname: taskservice
 35  * @description: 任务处理类
 36  * @author zxj
 37  * @date 2018年2月26日
 38  *
 39  */
 40 @service
 41 public class taskservice {
 42     private static final logger logger = loggerfactory.getlogger(taskservice.class);
 44     @autowired
 45     private scheduler scheduler;
 47     /**
 48      * 
 49      * @title: list
 50      * @description: 任务列表
 51      * @param @return    参数
 52      * @return list<taskinfo>    返回类型
 53      * @throws
 54      */
 55     public list<taskinfo> queryjoblist() {
 56         logger.info("taskservice--data-s-->queryjoblist()");
 57         list<taskinfo> list = new arraylist<>();
 58         try {
 59         for (string groupjob : scheduler.getjobgroupnames()) {
 60             for (jobkey jobkey : scheduler.getjobkeys(groupmatcher.<jobkey> groupequals(groupjob))) {
 61             list<? extends trigger> triggers = scheduler.gettriggersofjob(jobkey);
 62             for (trigger trigger : triggers) {
 63                 trigger.triggerstate triggerstate = scheduler.gettriggerstate(trigger.getkey());
 64                 jobdetail jobdetail = scheduler.getjobdetail(jobkey);
 65                 string cronexpression = "";
 66                 string createtime = "";
 67                 string milliseconds = "";
 68                 string repeatcount = "";
 69                 string startdate = "";
 70                 string enddate = "";
 71                 if (trigger instanceof crontrigger) {
 72                     crontrigger crontrigger = (crontrigger) trigger;
 73                     cronexpression = crontrigger.getcronexpression();
 74                     createtime = crontrigger.getdescription();
 75                 } else if (trigger instanceof simpletrigger) {
 76                 simpletrigger simpletrigger = (simpletrigger) trigger;
 77                 milliseconds = simpletrigger.getrepeatinterval()+ "";
 78                 repeatcount = simpletrigger.getrepeatcount() + "";
 79                 startdate = dateutil.getdatestr(
 80                 simpletrigger.getstarttime(),
 81                 dateutil.format_hour_date_time);
 82                 enddate = dateutil.getdatestr(simpletrigger.getendtime(),dateutil.format_hour_date_time);
 83                 }
 84                 taskinfo info = new taskinfo();
 85                 info.setjobname(jobkey.getname());
 86                 info.setjobgroup(jobkey.getgroup());
 87                 info.setjobdescription(jobdetail.getdescription());
 88                 info.setjobstatus(triggerstate.name());
 89                 info.setcronexpression(cronexpression);
 90                 info.setcreatetime(createtime);
 92                 info.setrepeatcount(repeatcount);
 93                 info.setstartdate(startdate);
 94                 info.setmilliseconds(milliseconds);
 95                 info.setenddate(enddate);
 96                 list.add(info);
 97                 }
 98             }
 99         }
100         logger.info("任务的数量为:---------------->" + list.size());
101         } catch (schedulerexception e) {
102         logger.info("查询任务失败,原因是:------------------>" + e.getmessage());
103         e.printstacktrace();
104      }
105         return list;
106     }
108     /**
109      * 
110      * @title: setsimpletrigger
111      * @description: 简单调度
112      * @param @param inputmap
113      * @param @return    参数
114      * @return boolean    返回类型
115      * @throws
116      */
117     @suppresswarnings({ "unchecked" })
118     public void setsimpletriggerjob(taskinfo info) {
119         logger.info("taskservice--data-s-->setsimpletriggerjob()" + info);
120         string jobname = info.getjobname();
121         string jobgroup = info.getjobgroup();
122         string jobdescription = info.getjobdescription();
123         long milliseconds = long.parselong(info.getmilliseconds());
124         integer repeatcount = integer.parseint(info.getrepeatcount());
125         date startdate = dateutil.parsedate(info.getstartdate());
126         date enddate = dateutil.parsedate(info.getenddate());
127         try {
128             triggerkey triggerkey = triggerkey.triggerkey(jobname, jobgroup);// 触发器的key值
129             jobkey jobkey = jobkey.jobkey(jobname, jobgroup);// job的key值
130             if (checkexists(jobname, jobgroup)) {
131                 logger.info(
132                         "===> addjob fail, job already exist, jobgroup:{}, jobname:{}",
133                         jobgroup, jobname);
134                 throw new serviceexception(string.format(
135                         "job已经存在, jobname:{%s},jobgroup:{%s}", jobname,
136                         jobgroup));
137             }
138             /* 简单调度 */
139             simpletrigger trigger = (simpletrigger) triggerbuilder
140                     .newtrigger()
141                     .withidentity(triggerkey)
142                     .startat(startdate)
143                     .withschedule(
144                             simpleschedulebuilder.simpleschedule()
145                                     .withintervalinmilliseconds(milliseconds)
146                                     .withrepeatcount(repeatcount))
147                     .endat(enddate).build();
148             class<? extends job> clazz = (class<? extends job>) class
149                     .forname(jobname);
150             jobdetail jobdetail = jobbuilder.newjob(clazz).withidentity(jobkey)
151                     .withdescription(jobdescription).build();
152             scheduler.schedulejob(jobdetail, trigger);
153         } catch (schedulerexception | classnotfoundexception e) {
154             logger.info("任务添加失败!--->简单调度" + e.getmessage());
155             throw new serviceexception("任务添加失败!--->简单调度");
156         }
157     }
159     /**
160      * 
161      * @title: addjob
162      * @description: 保存定时任务
163      * @param @param info    参数
164      * @return void    返回类型
165      * @throws
166      */
167     @suppresswarnings("unchecked")
168     public void addjob(taskinfo info) {
169         logger.info("taskservice--data-s-->addjob()" + info);
170         string jobname = info.getjobname(), jobgroup = info.getjobgroup(), cronexpression = info
171                 .getcronexpression(), jobdescription = info.getjobdescription(), createtime = dateformatutils
172                 .format(new date(), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss");
173         try {
174             if (checkexists(jobname, jobgroup)) {
175                 logger.info(
176                         "===> addjob fail, job already exist, jobgroup:{}, jobname:{}",
177                         jobgroup, jobname);
178                 throw new serviceexception(string.format(
179                         "job已经存在, jobname:{%s},jobgroup:{%s}", jobname,
180                         jobgroup));
181             }
183             triggerkey triggerkey = triggerkey.triggerkey(jobname, jobgroup);
184             jobkey jobkey = jobkey.jobkey(jobname, jobgroup);
186             cronschedulebuilder schedbuilder = cronschedulebuilder
187                     .cronschedule(cronexpression)
188                     .withmisfirehandlinginstructiondonothing();
189             crontrigger trigger = triggerbuilder.newtrigger()
190                     .withidentity(triggerkey).withdescription(createtime)
191                     .withschedule(schedbuilder).build();
193             class<? extends job> clazz = (class<? extends job>) class
194                     .forname(jobname);
195             jobdetail jobdetail = jobbuilder.newjob(clazz).withidentity(jobkey)
196                     .withdescription(jobdescription).build();
197             scheduler.schedulejob(jobdetail, trigger);
198         } catch (schedulerexception | classnotfoundexception e) {
199             logger.info("保存定时任务-->类名不存在或执行表达式错误--->复杂调度" + e.getmessage());
200             throw new serviceexception("类名不存在或执行表达式错误");
201         }
202     }
204     /**
205      * 
206      * @title: edit
207      * @description: 修改定时任务
208      * @param @param info    参数
209      * @return void    返回类型
210      * @throws
211      */
212     public void editjob(taskinfo info) {
213         logger.info("taskservice--data-s-->editjob()" + info);
214         string jobname = info.getjobname(), jobgroup = info.getjobgroup(), cronexpression = info
215                 .getcronexpression(), jobdescription = info.getjobdescription(), createtime = dateformatutils
216                 .format(new date(), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss");
217         try {
218             if (!checkexists(jobname, jobgroup)) {
219                 throw new serviceexception(
220                         string.format("job不存在, jobname:{%s},jobgroup:{%s}",
221                                 jobname, jobgroup));
222             }
223             triggerkey triggerkey = triggerkey.triggerkey(jobname, jobgroup);
224             jobkey jobkey = new jobkey(jobname, jobgroup);
225             cronschedulebuilder cronschedulebuilder = cronschedulebuilder
226                     .cronschedule(cronexpression)
227                     .withmisfirehandlinginstructiondonothing();
228             crontrigger crontrigger = triggerbuilder.newtrigger()
229                     .withidentity(triggerkey).withdescription(createtime)
230                     .withschedule(cronschedulebuilder).build();
232             jobdetail jobdetail = scheduler.getjobdetail(jobkey);
233             jobdetail.getjobbuilder().withdescription(jobdescription);
234             hashset<trigger> triggerset = new hashset<>();
235             triggerset.add(crontrigger);
237             scheduler.schedulejob(jobdetail, triggerset, true);
238         } catch (schedulerexception e) {
239             logger.info("修改定时任务-->类名不存在或执行表达式错误--->复杂调度" + e.getmessage());
240             throw new serviceexception("类名不存在或执行表达式错误");
241         }
242     }
244     /**
245      * 
246      * @title: delete
247      * @description: 删除定时任务
248      * @param @param jobname
249      * @param @param jobgroup    参数
250      * @return void    返回类型
251      * @throws
252      */
253     public void deletejob(string jobname, string jobgroup) {
254         logger.info("taskservice--data-s-->deletejob()--jobname:" + jobname
255                 + "jobgroup:" + jobgroup);
256         triggerkey triggerkey = triggerkey.triggerkey(jobname, jobgroup);
257         try {
258             if (checkexists(jobname, jobgroup)) {
259                 scheduler.pausetrigger(triggerkey);
260                 scheduler.unschedulejob(triggerkey);
261                 logger.info("===> delete, triggerkey:{}", triggerkey);
262             }
263         } catch (schedulerexception e) {
264             logger.info("删除定时任务-->复杂调度" + e.getmessage());
265             throw new serviceexception(e.getmessage());
266         }
267     }
269     /**
270      * 
271      * @title: pause
272      * @description: 暂停定时任务
273      * @param @param jobname
274      * @param @param jobgroup    参数
275      * @return void    返回类型
276      * @throws
277      */
278     public void pausejob(string jobname, string jobgroup) {
279         logger.info("taskservice--data-s-->pausejob()--jobname:" + jobname
280                 + "jobgroup:" + jobgroup);
281         triggerkey triggerkey = triggerkey.triggerkey(jobname, jobgroup);
282         try {
283             if (checkexists(jobname, jobgroup)) {
284                 scheduler.pausetrigger(triggerkey);
285                 logger.info("===> pause success, triggerkey:{}", triggerkey);
286             }
287         } catch (schedulerexception e) {
288             logger.info("暂停定时任务-->复杂调度" + e.getmessage());
289             throw new serviceexception(e.getmessage());
290         }
291     }
293     /**
294      * 
295      * @title: resume
296      * @description: 恢复暂停任务
297      * @param @param jobname
298      * @param @param jobgroup    参数
299      * @return void    返回类型
300      * @throws
301      */
302     public void resumejob(string jobname, string jobgroup) {
303         logger.info("taskservice--data-s-->resumejob()--jobname:" + jobname
304                 + "jobgroup:" + jobgroup);
305         triggerkey triggerkey = triggerkey.triggerkey(jobname, jobgroup);
306         try {
307             if (checkexists(jobname, jobgroup)) {
308                 scheduler.resumetrigger(triggerkey);
309                 logger.info("===> resume success, triggerkey:{}", triggerkey);
310             }
311         } catch (schedulerexception e) {
312             logger.info("重新开始任务-->复杂调度" + e.getmessage());
313             e.printstacktrace();
314         }
315     }
317     /**
318      * 
319      * @title: checkexists
320      * @description: 验证任务是否存在
321      * @param @param jobname
322      * @param @param jobgroup
323      * @param @return
324      * @param @throws schedulerexception    参数
325      * @return boolean    返回类型
326      * @throws
327      */
328     private boolean checkexists(string jobname, string jobgroup)
329             throws schedulerexception {
330         logger.info("taskservice--data-s-->checkexists()--jobname:" + jobname
331                 + "jobgroup:" + jobgroup);
332         triggerkey triggerkey = triggerkey.triggerkey(jobname, jobgroup);
333         return scheduler.checkexists(triggerkey);
334     }
336 }


drop table if exists qrtz_fired_triggers;
drop table if exists qrtz_paused_trigger_grps;
drop table if exists qrtz_scheduler_state;
drop table if exists qrtz_locks;
drop table if exists qrtz_simple_triggers;
drop table if exists qrtz_simprop_triggers;
drop table if exists qrtz_cron_triggers;
drop table if exists qrtz_blob_triggers;
drop table if exists qrtz_triggers;
drop table if exists qrtz_job_details;
drop table if exists qrtz_calendars;
create table qrtz_job_details
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    job_name  varchar(200) not null,
    job_group varchar(200) not null,
    description varchar(250) null,
    job_class_name   varchar(250) not null,
    is_durable varchar(1) not null,
    is_nonconcurrent varchar(1) not null,
    is_update_data varchar(1) not null,
    requests_recovery varchar(1) not null,
    job_data blob null,
    primary key (sched_name,job_name,job_group)
create table qrtz_triggers
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    trigger_name varchar(200) not null,
    trigger_group varchar(200) not null,
    job_name  varchar(200) not null,
    job_group varchar(200) not null,
    description varchar(250) null,
    next_fire_time bigint(13) null,
    prev_fire_time bigint(13) null,
    priority integer null,
    trigger_state varchar(16) not null,
    trigger_type varchar(8) not null,
    start_time bigint(13) not null,
    end_time bigint(13) null,
    calendar_name varchar(200) null,
    misfire_instr smallint(2) null,
    job_data blob null,
    primary key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group),
    foreign key (sched_name,job_name,job_group)
        references qrtz_job_details(sched_name,job_name,job_group)
create table qrtz_simple_triggers
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    trigger_name varchar(200) not null,
    trigger_group varchar(200) not null,
    repeat_count bigint(7) not null,
    repeat_interval bigint(12) not null,
    times_triggered bigint(10) not null,
    primary key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group),
    foreign key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group)
        references qrtz_triggers(sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group)
create table qrtz_cron_triggers
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    trigger_name varchar(200) not null,
    trigger_group varchar(200) not null,
    cron_expression varchar(200) not null,
    time_zone_id varchar(80),
    primary key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group),
    foreign key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group)
        references qrtz_triggers(sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group)
create table qrtz_simprop_triggers
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    trigger_name varchar(200) not null,
    trigger_group varchar(200) not null,
    str_prop_1 varchar(512) null,
    str_prop_2 varchar(512) null,
    str_prop_3 varchar(512) null,
    int_prop_1 int null,
    int_prop_2 int null,
    long_prop_1 bigint null,
    long_prop_2 bigint null,
    dec_prop_1 numeric(13,4) null,
    dec_prop_2 numeric(13,4) null,
    bool_prop_1 varchar(1) null,
    bool_prop_2 varchar(1) null,
    primary key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group),
    foreign key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group)
    references qrtz_triggers(sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group)
create table qrtz_blob_triggers
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    trigger_name varchar(200) not null,
    trigger_group varchar(200) not null,
    blob_data blob null,
    primary key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group),
    foreign key (sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group)
        references qrtz_triggers(sched_name,trigger_name,trigger_group)
create table qrtz_calendars
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    calendar_name  varchar(200) not null,
    calendar blob not null,
    primary key (sched_name,calendar_name)
create table qrtz_paused_trigger_grps
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    trigger_group  varchar(200) not null,
    primary key (sched_name,trigger_group)
create table qrtz_fired_triggers
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    entry_id varchar(95) not null,
    trigger_name varchar(200) not null,
    trigger_group varchar(200) not null,
    instance_name varchar(200) not null,
    fired_time bigint(13) not null,
    sched_time bigint(13) not null,
    priority integer not null,
    state varchar(16) not null,
    job_name varchar(200) null,
    job_group varchar(200) null,
    is_nonconcurrent varchar(1) null,
    requests_recovery varchar(1) null,
    primary key (sched_name,entry_id)
create table qrtz_scheduler_state
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    instance_name varchar(200) not null,
    last_checkin_time bigint(13) not null,
    checkin_interval bigint(13) not null,
    primary key (sched_name,instance_name)
create table qrtz_locks
    sched_name varchar(120) not null,
    lock_name  varchar(40) not null,
    primary key (sched_name,lock_name)


 1 /**
 2 * @title: reportmailbatch.java
 3 * @package com.ewp.data.batch
 4 * @description: 邮件汇报批
 5 * @author zxj
 6 * @date 2018年2月26日
 7 * @version v1.0
 8 */
 9 package com.ewp.data.batch;
11 import org.quartz.job;
12 import org.quartz.jobexecutioncontext;
13 import org.quartz.jobexecutionexception;
14 import org.slf4j.logger;
15 import org.slf4j.loggerfactory;
16 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired;
17 import org.springframework.stereotype.component;
19 import com.ewp.data.service.reportmailservice;
21 /**
22  * @classname: reportmailbatch
23  * @description: 邮件汇报批
24  * @author zxj
25  * @date 2018年2月26日
26  *
27  */
28 @component
29 public class reportmailbatch implements job{
31     private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(reportmailbatch.class);
33     @autowired
34     private reportmailservice service;
36     @override
37     public void execute(jobexecutioncontext arg0) throws jobexecutionexception {
38         log.info("reportmailbatch--data-c->execute()");
39         service.sendreportmail();// 可换成自己业务逻辑
40         log.info("--本次邮件汇报批处理结束--");
41     }
42 }
