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[Intermediate Laravel] 10-The-Seeds-for-Database-Seeding

程序员文章站 2022-06-05 12:46:28


我们继续承接上节课说的,接着学习 Database-Seeding 的工作原理:

Database-Seeding 命令行参数

首先,我们执行 php artisan help db:seed 看看发生什么,结果如下图所示:

默认情况下,我们没有写 –class 参数即启动 seeder,会自动调用 DatabaseSeeder;

SeedCommand Seed命令行

通过 IDE(猜测类名为SeederCommand或位置) 定位到 SeedCommad.php ,执行入口方法为 fire() 后续会详细说明,先总体了解类中方法,具体代码及注释如下:

class SeedCommand extends Command{  //引用确认提示  use ConfirmableTrait;   /**   * The console command name.   *   * @var string   */  protected $name = 'db:seed';   /**   * The console command description.   *   * @var string   */  protected $description = 'Seed the database with records';   /**   * The connection resolver instance.   *   * @var \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface   */  protected $resolver;   /**   * Create a new database seed command instance.   *   * @param  \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface $resolver   * @return void   */  public function __construct(Resolver $resolver)  {    parent::__construct();     $this->resolver = $resolver;  }   /**   * Execute the console command.   * 执行console命令行   * @return void   */  public function fire()  {    if (!$this->confirmToProceed()) {      return;    }     $this->resolver->setDefaultConnection($this->getDatabase());    // 获取相应 Seeder,并调用其 run 方法    $this->getSeeder()->run();  }   /**   * Get a seeder instance from the container.   * 获取输入的class参数,   * @return \Illuminate\Database\Seeder   */  protected function getSeeder()  {    // 从输入的class参数,获取Seeder;相当于App::make('className'),默认为 DatabaseSeeder    $class = $this->laravel->make($this->input->getOption('class'));     return $class->setContainer($this->laravel)->setCommand($this);  }   /**   * Get the name of the database connection to use.   * 获取要使用的数据库链接名称   * @return string   */  protected function getDatabase()  {    // 获取输入database 参数值    $database = $this->input->getOption('database');    // 如果没有输入database 参数值,则获取配置文件中默认数据库即config\database.php中default参数value    return $database ?: $this->laravel['config']['database.default'];  }   /**   * Get the console command options.   * 获取console命令行参数   * @return array   */  protected function getOptions()  {    return [      ['class', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'The class name of the root seeder', 'DatabaseSeeder'],       ['database', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'The database connection to seed'],       ['force', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force the operation to run when in production.'],    ];  }} 

fire 方法

用户执行 console 命令,即调用 SeedCommand 类中 fire 方法,fire 方法中先通过引用 use ConfirmableTrait , 调用相关 confirmToProceed 方法,来确认是否继续,具体代码及注释如下:

trait ConfirmableTrait{  /**   * Confirm before proceeding with the action.   * 在进行动作之前确认   * @param  string $warning   * @param  \Closure|bool|null $callback   * @return bool   */  public function confirmToProceed($warning = 'Application In Production!', $callback = null)  {    // 获取默认确认信息,如果$callback为空则查找默认环境变量,production则为ture    $callback = is_null($callback) ? $this->getDefaultConfirmCallback() : $callback;    // 是否需要确认信息    $shouldConfirm = $callbackinstanceof Closure ? call_user_func($callback) : $callback;     if ($shouldConfirm) {      // 如果参数有force,则直接返回true,标识已确认      if ($this->option('force')) {        return true;      }      // 输出确认提示告警信息      $this->comment(str_repeat('*', strlen($warning) + 12));      $this->comment('*     ' . $warning . '     *');      $this->comment(str_repeat('*', strlen($warning) + 12));      $this->output->writeln('');       $confirmed = $this->confirm('Do you really wish to run this command? [y/N]');      // 通过用户输入的y或者n判断是否执行      if (!$confirmed) {        $this->comment('Command Cancelled!');         return false;      }    }     return true;  }   /**   * Get the default confirmation callback.   *   * @return \Closure   */  protected function getDefaultConfirmCallback()  {    return function () {      //判断容器环境是否=production(即.env中APP_ENV对应值),等于则返回true      return $this->getLaravel()->environment() == 'production';    };  }} 

将.env中的APP_ENV值由默认local置为production,执行 php artisan db:seed ,结果如下图所示:

执行 php artisan db:seed --force 则跳过提示,直接执行 seed 命令。


命令 php artisan db:seed 默认执行 DatabaseSeeder 中的 run 方法,回头来看下call方法如何执行:

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder{   protected $toTruncate = ['users','lessons'];   /**   * Run the database seeds.   *   * @return void   */  public function run()  {    Model::unguard();    // 循环删除表    foreach($this->toTruncateas $table)    {      DB::table($table)->truncate();    }    // 调用Seeder父类中 call 方法:    $this->call('UsersTableSeeder');    $this->call('LessonsTableSeeder');  }} 

Seed 类中 call 和 resolve 方法:

/*** Seed类中call方法* Seed the given connection from the given path.* 通过给出的路径进行seed操作* @param  string $class* @return void*/public function call($class){    // 容器存在则App::make($class)->run(),否则new一个$class,调用run    $this->resolve($class)->run();    // 通过接受$class,输出执行Seeded的类名    if (isset($this->command)) {        $this->command->getOutput()->writeln("Seeded: $class");    }} /*** Resolve an instance of the given seeder class.* 获取一个给定seeder类的实例* @param  string $class* @return \Illuminate\Database\Seeder*/protected function resolve($class){    if (isset($this->container)) {        $instance = $this->container->make($class);        $instance->setContainer($this->container);    } else {        $instance = new $class;    }     if (isset($this->command)) {        $instance->setCommand($this->command);    }    return $instance;}