2022-06-05 12:25:22
若需要utf-8格式,请自行将下面的gb2312改成utf-8。 ' 二进制转字符串,否则会出现乱码的! function stb(vin)...
' 二进制转字符串,否则会出现乱码的!
function stb(vin)
const adtypetext = 2
dim bytesstream,stringreturn
set bytesstream = server.createobject("")
with bytesstream
.type = adtypetext
.writetext vin
.position = 0
.charset = "gb2312"
.position = 2
stringreturn = .readtext
end with
set bytesstream = nothing
stb = stringreturn
end function
' 二进制转字符串,否则会出现乱码的!
function stb(vin)
const adtypetext = 2
dim bytesstream,stringreturn
set bytesstream = server.createobject("")
with bytesstream
.type = adtypetext
.writetext vin
.position = 0
.charset = "gb2312"
.position = 2
stringreturn = .readtext
end with
set bytesstream = nothing
stb = stringreturn
end function
上一篇: 去除HTML代码中所有标签的两种方法
下一篇: 香椿什么时候不能吃,懂科学才能吃出健康