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程序员文章站 2022-06-04 23:12:20
复制代码 代码如下: /*创建服务器登录角色*/ create login hnjm with password='hnjmxy123' /*打开指定数据库*/ use [...
复制代码 代码如下:

create login hnjm with password='hnjmxy123'
use [job]
/*创建数据库角色 并关联服务器登录角色*/
create user hnjm for login hnjm
grant select on serverattachments to hnjm
grant select on servercompanies to hnjm
grant select on serverdocument to hnjm
grant select on serverfrontusers to hnjm
grant select on serverjobpostings to hnjm
grant select on serverrecommendedcompanies to hnjm
grant select on serverrecommendedpostings to hnjm
grant select on servercompanyjobpostingupdate to hnjm