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封装的 mysql类, 和sql语句生成类

程序员文章站 2022-06-04 14:16:27
host = $server['host'];
            $this->user = $server['user'];
            $this->pwd  = $server['pwd'];
            $this->port = $server['port'];
            $this->dbname = $server['dbname'];            
        }//End of function       

        public static function  getInstance($server)
            if(  self::$isConnect  ) {
                return self::$handle;    

            self::$handle =  new self($server);        
            self::$isConnect = true;

            return self::$handle;
        }//End of funtion

        private function connect()
            $this->resource = mysql_connect($this->host.':'.$this->port,
                             ) or $this->error("connect fail");
            mysql_select_db($this->dbname, $this->resource);
            return true;
        private function getSql($sql)
            $operate = array('insert', 'delete', 'update', 'select', 'create');
            return $sql;
        public function query($sql)
            $sql = $this->getSql($sql);
            mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");
            $query_result = mysql_query($sql, $this->resource) or $this->error("query fail");
            return $query_result;

        public function getQueryResult($sql)
            $query_result = $this->query($sql);

            $result = array();
            if( !$query_result ) {
                return $result;

            while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_result) ) {
                $result[] = $row;
            $result['rows'] = mysql_num_rows($query_result);
            $query_result = null;
            return $result;

        public function getInsertResult($sql)
            $query_result = $this->query($sql);
            if( !$query_result  ) {
                return false;

            return mysql_insert_id($this->resource);

        public function getUpdateResult($sql)
            $query_result = $this->query($sql);
            if( !$query_result ) {
                return false;
            return mysql_affected_rows($this->resource);

        public function getDeleteResult($sql)
            return $this->getUpdateResult($sql);    

        public function close_connect()
            self::$handle = null;
            self::$isConnect = false;
            $this->resource = null;

        private function error($msg='')
           $msg = "$msg--->>".mysql_error();

}//End of class    


2. [文件] DbTool.class.php

primary_key = $primary_key;
        public function getInsertSql($data, $table) {
            $sql = $key_str = $value_str = "";
            foreach($data as $key=>$value) {
                $key_str .= "{$key}, ";
                $value_str .= "'{$value}', ";
            $key_str = trim($key_str, ', ');
            $value_str = trim($value_str, ', ');
            $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table}({$key_str}) VALUES({$value_str})";
            $data=null; $key_str=null; $value_str=null;
            return $sql;

        public function getUpdateSql($data, $table) {
            $pk = $this->primary_key;
            $id = $data[$pk]; unset($data[$pk]);
            $sql = $key_value = "";
            foreach($data as $key=>$value) {
                $key_value .= "{$key}='{$value}', ";
            $key_value = trim($key_value, ', ');
            $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$key_value} WHERE $pk='{$id}'";
            $data=null; $key_value=null;

            return $sql;

        public function getQuerySql($condition, $table) {
            $field = empty($condition['field']) ? '*': $condition['field'];
            $sql = "SELECT {$field} FROM {$table}  ";
            if( isset($condition['where']) ) {
                $sql .= "WHERE {$condition['where']} ";
            if( isset($condition['groupby']) ) {
                $sql .= "GROUP BY {$condition['groupby']} ";
            if( isset($condition['orderby']) ) {
                $sql .= "ORDER BY {$condition['orderby']} ";
            if( isset($condition['limit']) ) {
                $sql .= "LIMIT {$condition['limit']} ";

            return $sql;

        public function getDeleteSql($id, $table) {
            $pk = $this->primary_key; 
            $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE $pk='{$id}' ";
            return $sql;

