- 零gc开销:比如freecache或bigcache这种,底层基于ringbuf,减小指针个数;
- 有gc开销:直接基于map来实现的缓存框架。
func main() { cachesize := 100 * 1024 * 1024 cache := freecache.newcache(cachesize) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { str := strconv.itoa(i) _ = cache.set([]byte(str), []byte(str), 1) } now := time.now() runtime.gc() fmt.printf("freecache, gc took: %s\n", time.since(now)) _, _ = cache.get([]byte("aa")) now = time.now() for i := 0; i < n; i++ { str := strconv.itoa(i) _, _ = cache.get([]byte(str)) } fmt.printf("freecache, get took: %s\n\n", time.since(now)) }
1 初始化
type segment struct { rb ringbuf // ring buffer that stores data segid int _ uint32 // 占位 misscount int64 hitcount int64 entrycount int64 totalcount int64 // number of entries in ring buffer, including deleted entries. totaltime int64 // used to calculate least recent used entry. timer timer // timer giving current time totalevacuate int64 // used for debug totalexpired int64 // used for debug overwrites int64 // used for debug touched int64 // used for debug vacuumlen int64 // up to vacuumlen, new data can be written without overwriting old data. slotlens [256]int32 // the actual length for every slot. slotcap int32 // max number of entry pointers a slot can hold. slotsdata []entryptr // 索引指针 } func newcachecustomtimer(size int, timer timer) (cache *cache) { cache = new(cache) for i := 0; i < segmentcount; i++ { cache.segments[i] = newsegment(size/segmentcount, i, timer) } } func newsegment(bufsize int, segid int, timer timer) (seg segment) { seg.rb = newringbuf(bufsize, 0) seg.segid = segid seg.timer = timer seg.vacuumlen = int64(bufsize) seg.slotcap = 1 seg.slotsdata = make([]entryptr, 256*seg.slotcap) // 每个slotdata初始化256个单位大小 }
2 读写流程
_ = cache.set([]byte(str), []byte(str), 1)
func (cache *cache) set(key, value []byte, expireseconds int) (err error) { hashval := hashfunc(key) segid := hashval & segmentandopval // 低8位 cache.locks[segid].lock() // 加锁 err = cache.segments[segid].set(key, value, hashval, expireseconds) cache.locks[segid].unlock() } func (seg *segment) set(key, value []byte, hashval uint64, expireseconds int) (err error) { slotid := uint8(hashval >> 8) hash16 := uint16(hashval >> 16) slot := seg.getslot(slotid) idx, match := seg.lookup(slot, hash16, key) var hdrbuf [entry_hdr_size]byte hdr := (*entryhdr)(unsafe.pointer(&hdrbuf[0])) if match { // 有数据更新操作 matchedptr := &slot[idx] seg.rb.readat(hdrbuf[:], matchedptr.offset) hdr.slotid = slotid hdr.hash16 = hash16 hdr.keylen = uint16(len(key)) originaccesstime := hdr.accesstime hdr.accesstime = now hdr.expireat = expireat hdr.vallen = uint32(len(value)) if hdr.valcap >= hdr.vallen { // 已存在数据value空间能存下此次value大小 atomic.addint64(&seg.totaltime, int64(hdr.accesstime)-int64(originaccesstime)) seg.rb.writeat(hdrbuf[:], matchedptr.offset) seg.rb.writeat(value, matchedptr.offset+entry_hdr_size+int64(hdr.keylen)) atomic.addint64(&seg.overwrites, 1) return } // 删除对应entryptr,涉及到slotsdata内存copy,ringbug中只是标记删除 seg.delentryptr(slotid, slot, idx) match = false // increase capacity and limit entry len. for hdr.valcap < hdr.vallen { hdr.valcap *= 2 } if hdr.valcap > uint32(maxkeyvallen-len(key)) { hdr.valcap = uint32(maxkeyvallen - len(key)) } } else { // 无数据 hdr.slotid = slotid hdr.hash16 = hash16 hdr.keylen = uint16(len(key)) hdr.accesstime = now hdr.expireat = expireat hdr.vallen = uint32(len(value)) hdr.valcap = uint32(len(value)) if hdr.valcap == 0 { // avoid infinite loop when increasing capacity. hdr.valcap = 1 } } // 数据实际长度为 entry_hdr_size=24 + key和value的长度 entrylen := entry_hdr_size + int64(len(key)) + int64(hdr.valcap) slotmodified := seg.evacuate(entrylen, slotid, now) if slotmodified { // the slot has been modified during evacuation, we need to looked up for the 'idx' again. // otherwise there would be index out of bound error. slot = seg.getslot(slotid) idx, match = seg.lookup(slot, hash16, key) // assert(match == false) } newoff := seg.rb.end() seg.insertentryptr(slotid, hash16, newoff, idx, hdr.keylen) seg.rb.write(hdrbuf[:]) seg.rb.write(key) seg.rb.write(value) seg.rb.skip(int64(hdr.valcap - hdr.vallen)) atomic.addint64(&seg.totaltime, int64(now)) atomic.addint64(&seg.totalcount, 1) seg.vacuumlen -= entrylen return }
seg.evacuate会评估ringbuf是否有足够空间存储key/value,如果空间不够,其会从空闲空间尾部后一位(也就是待淘汰数据的开始位置)开始扫描(oldoff := seg.rb.end() + seg.vacuumlen - seg.rb.size()),如果对应数据已被逻辑deleted或者已过期,那么该块内存可以直接回收,如果不满足回收条件,则将entry从环头调换到环尾,再更新entry的索引,如果这样循环5次还是不行,那么需要将当前oldhdrbuf回收以满足内存需要。
func (seg *segment) evacuate(entrylen int64, slotid uint8, now uint32) (slotmodified bool) { var oldhdrbuf [entry_hdr_size]byte consecutiveevacuate := 0 for seg.vacuumlen < entrylen { oldoff := seg.rb.end() + seg.vacuumlen - seg.rb.size() seg.rb.readat(oldhdrbuf[:], oldoff) oldhdr := (*entryhdr)(unsafe.pointer(&oldhdrbuf[0])) oldentrylen := entry_hdr_size + int64(oldhdr.keylen) + int64(oldhdr.valcap) if oldhdr.deleted { // 已删除 consecutiveevacuate = 0 atomic.addint64(&seg.totaltime, -int64(oldhdr.accesstime)) atomic.addint64(&seg.totalcount, -1) seg.vacuumlen += oldentrylen continue } expired := oldhdr.expireat != 0 && oldhdr.expireat < now leastrecentused := int64(oldhdr.accesstime)*atomic.loadint64(&seg.totalcount) <= atomic.loadint64(&seg.totaltime) if expired || leastrecentused || consecutiveevacuate > 5 { // 可以回收 seg.delentryptrbyoffset(oldhdr.slotid, oldhdr.hash16, oldoff) if oldhdr.slotid == slotid { slotmodified = true } consecutiveevacuate = 0 atomic.addint64(&seg.totaltime, -int64(oldhdr.accesstime)) atomic.addint64(&seg.totalcount, -1) seg.vacuumlen += oldentrylen if expired { atomic.addint64(&seg.totalexpired, 1) } else { atomic.addint64(&seg.totalevacuate, 1) } } else { // evacuate an old entry that has been accessed recently for better cache hit rate. newoff := seg.rb.evacuate(oldoff, int(oldentrylen)) seg.updateentryptr(oldhdr.slotid, oldhdr.hash16, oldoff, newoff) consecutiveevacuate++ atomic.addint64(&seg.totalevacuate, 1) } } }
func (cache *cache) get(key []byte) (value []byte, err error) { hashval := hashfunc(key) segid := hashval & segmentandopval cache.locks[segid].lock() value, _, err = cache.segments[segid].get(key, nil, hashval, false) cache.locks[segid].unlock() return } func (seg *segment) get(key, buf []byte, hashval uint64, peek bool) (value []byte, expireat uint32, err error) { hdr, ptr, err := seg.locate(key, hashval, peek) // hash+定位查找 if err != nil { return } expireat = hdr.expireat if cap(buf) >= int(hdr.vallen) { value = buf[:hdr.vallen] } else { value = make([]byte, hdr.vallen) } seg.rb.readat(value, ptr.offset+entry_hdr_size+int64(hdr.keylen)) }
3 总结
到此这篇关于深入理解go缓存库freecache的使用的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关go freecache内容请搜索以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持!