npoi可以生成没有安装在您的服务器上的microsoft office套件的excel报表,并且在后台调用microsoft excel activex更有效率;从office文档中提取文本,以帮助您实现全文索引功能(大多数时候,此功能用于创建搜索引擎); 从office文档提取图像; 生成包含公式的excel工作表。
npoi是完全免费使用; 涵盖excel的大多数功能(单元格样式,数据格式,公式等);支持xls,xlsx,docx;设计为面向接口(看看npoi.ss命名空间);支持不仅导出而且导入; .net 2.0甚至为xlsx和docx(虽然我们也支持.net 4.0); 来自世界各地的成功案例;巨大的基本例子;对隔离存储没有依赖。
npoi的运行要求:vs2010与.net 4.0运行时;vs2005或vs2008与.net 2.0运行时(sp1);vs2003与.net 1.1;mono;asp.net中的中等信任环境。
以上是对npoi的相关背景和使用环境做了一个简单的介绍,接下来我具体的看一下npoi的一些核心类和方法,由于下载的是dll文件,还是采用.net reflector对dll文件进行反编译,以此查看源代码。
public isheet createsheet(string sheetname) { if (sheetname == null) { throw new argumentexception("sheetname must not be null"); } if (this.containssheet(sheetname, this.sheets.count)) { throw new argumentexception("the workbook already contains a sheet of this name"); } if (sheetname.length > 0x1f) { sheetname = sheetname.substring(0, 0x1f); } workbookutil.validatesheetname(sheetname); ct_sheet sheet = this.addsheet(sheetname); int index = 1; foreach (xssfsheet sheet2 in this.sheets) { index = (int) math.max((long) (sheet2.sheet.sheetid + 1), (long) index); } label_0099: foreach (xssfsheet sheet3 in this.sheets) { index = (int) math.max((long) (sheet3.sheet.sheetid + 1), (long) index); } string filename = xssfrelation.worksheet.getfilename(index); foreach (poixmldocumentpart part in base.getrelations()) { if ((part.getpackagepart() != null) && filename.equals(part.getpackagepart().partname.name)) { index++; goto label_0099; } } xssfsheet item = (xssfsheet) base.createrelationship(xssfrelation.worksheet, xssffactory.getinstance(), index); item.sheet = sheet; sheet.id = item.getpackagerelationship().id; sheet.sheetid = (uint) index; if (this.sheets.count == 0) { item.isselected = true; } this.sheets.add(item); return item; }
internal virtual void write(stream stream) { bool flag = false; if (this.worksheet.sizeofcolsarray() == 1) { ct_cols colsarray = this.worksheet.getcolsarray(0); if (colsarray.sizeofcolarray() == 0) { flag = true; this.worksheet.setcolsarray(null); } else { this.setcolwidthattribute(colsarray); } } if (this.hyperlinks.count > 0) { if (this.worksheet.hyperlinks == null) { this.worksheet.addnewhyperlinks(); } ct_hyperlink[] array = new ct_hyperlink[this.hyperlinks.count]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { xssfhyperlink hyperlink = this.hyperlinks[i]; hyperlink.generaterelationifneeded(base.getpackagepart()); array[i] = hyperlink.getcthyperlink(); } this.worksheet.hyperlinks.sethyperlinkarray(array); } foreach (xssfrow row in this._rows.values) { row.ondocumentwrite(); } dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new dictionary<string, string>(); dictionary[st_relationshipid.namespaceuri] = "r"; new worksheetdocument(this.worksheet).save(stream); if (flag) { this.worksheet.addnewcols(); } }
public virtual irow createrow(int rownum) { ct_row ctrow; xssfrow row2 = this._rows.containskey(rownum) ? this._rows[rownum] : null; if (row2 != null) { ctrow = row2.getctrow(); ctrow.set(new ct_row()); } else if ((this._rows.count == 0) || (rownum > this.getlastkey(this._rows.keys))) { ctrow = this.worksheet.sheetdata.addnewrow(); } else { int count = this.headmap(this._rows, rownum).count; ctrow = this.worksheet.sheetdata.insertnewrow(count); } xssfrow row3 = new xssfrow(ctrow, this) { rownum = rownum }; this._rows[rownum] = row3; return row3; }
public isheet getsheet(string name) { foreach (xssfsheet sheet in this.sheets) { if (name.equals(sheet.sheetname, stringcomparison.invariantcultureignorecase)) { return sheet; } } return null; }
public class propertysetfactory { public static propertyset create(directoryentry dir, string name); public static propertyset create(stream stream); public static summaryinformation createsummaryinformation(); public static documentsummaryinformation createdocumentsummaryinformation(); }
[serializable] public class documentsummaryinformation : specialpropertyset { // fields public const string default_stream_name = "\x0005documentsummaryinformation"; // methods public documentsummaryinformation(propertyset ps); private void ensuresection2(); public void removebytecount(); public void removecategory(); public void removecompany(); public void removecustomproperties(); public void removedocparts(); public void removeheadingpair(); public void removehiddencount(); public void removelinecount(); public void removelinksdirty(); public void removemanager(); public void removemmclipcount(); public void removenotecount(); public void removeparcount(); public void removepresentationformat(); public void removescale(); public void removeslidecount(); // properties public int bytecount { get; set; } public string category { get; set; } public string company { get; set; } public customproperties customproperties { get; set; } public byte[] docparts { get; set; } public byte[] headingpair { get; set; } public int hiddencount { get; set; } public int linecount { get; set; } public bool linksdirty { get; set; } public string manager { get; set; } public int mmclipcount { get; set; } public int notecount { get; set; } public int parcount { get; set; } public string presentationformat { get; set; } public override propertyidmap propertysetidmap { get; } public bool scale { get; set; } public int slidecount { get; set; } }
private void ensuresection2() { if (this.sectioncount < 2) { mutablesection section = new mutablesection(); section.setformatid(sectionidmap.document_summary_information_id2); this.addsection(section); } }
/// <summary> /// 枚举(excel单元格数据类型) /// </summary> public enum npoidatatype { /// <summary> /// 字符串类型-值为1 /// </summary> string, /// <summary> /// 布尔类型-值为2 /// </summary> bool, /// <summary> /// 时间类型-值为3 /// </summary> datetime, /// <summary> /// 数字类型-值为4 /// </summary> numeric, /// <summary> /// 复杂文本类型-值为5 /// </summary> richtext, /// <summary> /// 空白 /// </summary> blank, /// <summary> /// 错误 /// </summary> error }
2. 将datatable数据导入到excel中:
/// <summary> /// 将datatable数据导入到excel中 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">要导入的数据</param> /// <param name="iscolumnwritten">datatable的列名是否要导入</param> /// <param name="sheetname">要导入的excel的sheet的名称</param> /// <param name="filename">文件夹路径</param> /// <returns>导入数据行数(包含列名那一行)</returns> public static int datatabletoexcel(datatable data, string sheetname, bool iscolumnwritten, string filename) { if (data == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("data"); } if (string.isnullorempty(sheetname)) { throw new argumentnullexception(sheetname); } if (string.isnullorempty(filename)) { throw new argumentnullexception(filename); } iworkbook workbook = null; if (filename.indexof(".xlsx", stringcomparison.ordinal) > 0) { workbook = new xssfworkbook(); } else if (filename.indexof(".xls", stringcomparison.ordinal) > 0) { workbook = new hssfworkbook(); } filestream fs = null; try { fs = new filestream(filename, filemode.openorcreate, fileaccess.readwrite); isheet sheet; if (workbook != null) { sheet = workbook.createsheet(sheetname); } else { return -1; } int j; int count; //写入datatable的列名,写入单元格中 if (iscolumnwritten) { var row = sheet.createrow(0); for (j = 0; j < data.columns.count; ++j) { row.createcell(j).setcellvalue(data.columns[j].columnname); } count = 1; } else { count = 0; } //遍历循环datatable具体数据项 int i; for (i = 0; i < data.rows.count; ++i) { var row = sheet.createrow(count); for (j = 0; j < data.columns.count; ++j) { row.createcell(j).setcellvalue(data.rows[i][j].tostring()); } ++count; } //将文件流写入到excel workbook.write(fs); return count; } catch (ioexception ioex) { throw new ioexception(ioex.message); } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } finally { if (fs != null) { fs.close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 将excel中的数据导入到datatable中 /// </summary> /// <param name="sheetname">excel工作薄sheet的名称</param> /// <param name="isfirstrowcolumn">第一行是否是datatable的列名</param> /// <param name="filename">文件路径</param> /// <returns>返回的datatable</returns> public static datatable exceltodatatable(string sheetname, bool isfirstrowcolumn, string filename) { if (string.isnullorempty(sheetname)) { throw new argumentnullexception(sheetname); } if (string.isnullorempty(filename)) { throw new argumentnullexception(filename); } var data = new datatable(); iworkbook workbook = null; filestream fs = null; try { fs = new filestream(filename, filemode.open, fileaccess.read); if (filename.indexof(".xlsx", stringcomparison.ordinal) > 0) { workbook = new xssfworkbook(fs); } else if (filename.indexof(".xls", stringcomparison.ordinal) > 0) { workbook = new hssfworkbook(fs); } isheet sheet = null; if (workbook != null) { //如果没有找到指定的sheetname对应的sheet,则尝试获取第一个sheet sheet = workbook.getsheet(sheetname) ?? workbook.getsheetat(0); } if (sheet == null) return data; var firstrow = sheet.getrow(0); //一行最后一个cell的编号 即总的列数 int cellcount = firstrow.lastcellnum; int startrow; if (isfirstrowcolumn) { for (int i = firstrow.firstcellnum; i < cellcount; ++i) { var cell = firstrow.getcell(i); var cellvalue = cell.stringcellvalue; if (cellvalue == null) continue; var column = new datacolumn(cellvalue); data.columns.add(column); } startrow = sheet.firstrownum + 1; } else { startrow = sheet.firstrownum; } //最后一列的标号 var rowcount = sheet.lastrownum; for (var i = startrow; i <= rowcount; ++i) { var row = sheet.getrow(i); //没有数据的行默认是null if (row == null) continue; var datarow = data.newrow(); for (int j = row.firstcellnum; j < cellcount; ++j) { //同理,没有数据的单元格都默认是null if (row.getcell(j) != null) datarow[j] = row.getcell(j).tostring(); } data.rows.add(datarow); } return data; } catch (ioexception ioex) { throw new ioexception(ioex.message); } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } finally { if (fs != null) { fs.close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 读取excel文件内容转换为dataset,列名依次为 "c0"……c[columnlength-1] /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">文件绝对路径</param> /// <param name="startrow">数据开始行数(1为第一行)</param> /// <param name="columndatatype">每列的数据类型</param> /// <returns></returns> public static dataset readexcel(string filename, int startrow, params npoidatatype[] columndatatype) { var ds = new dataset("ds"); var dt = new datatable("dt"); var sb = new stringbuilder(); using (var stream = new filestream(filename, filemode.open, fileaccess.read)) { //使用接口,自动识别excel2003/2007格式 var workbook = workbookfactory.create(stream); //得到里面第一个sheet var sheet = workbook.getsheetat(0); int j; irow row; //columndatatype赋值 if (columndatatype.length <= 0) { //得到第i行 row = sheet.getrow(startrow - 1); columndatatype = new npoidatatype[row.lastcellnum]; for (var i = 0; i < row.lastcellnum; i++) { var hs = row.getcell(i); columndatatype[i] = getcelldatatype(hs); } } for (j = 0; j < columndatatype.length; j++) { var tp = getdatatabletype(columndatatype[j]); dt.columns.add("c" + j, tp); } for (var i = startrow - 1; i <= sheet.physicalnumberofrows; i++) { //得到第i行 row = sheet.getrow(i); if (row == null) continue; try { var dr = dt.newrow(); for (j = 0; j < columndatatype.length; j++) { dr["c" + j] = getcelldata(columndatatype[j], row, j); } dt.rows.add(dr); } catch (exception er) { sb.append(string.format("第{0}行出错:{1}\r\n", i + 1, er.message)); } } ds.tables.add(dt); } if (ds.tables[0].rows.count == 0 && sb.tostring() != "") throw new exception(sb.tostring()); return ds; }
/// <summary> /// 从dataset导出到memorystream流2003 /// </summary> /// <param name="savefilename">文件保存路径</param> /// <param name="sheetname">excel文件中的sheet名称</param> /// <param name="ds">存储数据的dataset</param> /// <param name="startrow">从哪一行开始写入,从0开始</param> /// <param name="datatypes">dataset中的各列对应的数据类型</param> public static bool createexcel2003(string savefilename, string sheetname, dataset ds, int startrow, params npoidatatype[] datatypes) { try { if (startrow < 0) startrow = 0; var wb = new hssfworkbook(); var dsi = propertysetfactory.createdocumentsummaryinformation(); dsi.company = "pkm"; var si = propertysetfactory.createsummaryinformation(); si.title = si.subject = "automatic genereted document"; si.author = "pkm"; wb.documentsummaryinformation = dsi; wb.summaryinformation = si; var sheet = wb.createsheet(sheetname); //sheet.setcolumnwidth(0, 50 * 256); //sheet.setcolumnwidth(1, 100 * 256); icell cell; int j; var maxlength = 0; var curlength = 0; object columnvalue; var dt = ds.tables[0]; if (datatypes.length < dt.columns.count) { datatypes = new npoidatatype[dt.columns.count]; for (var i = 0; i < dt.columns.count; i++) { var dtcolumntype = dt.columns[i].datatype.name.tolower(); switch (dtcolumntype) { case "string": datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.string; break; case "datetime": datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.datetime; break; case "boolean": datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.bool; break; case "double": datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.numeric; break; default: datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.string; break; } } } // 创建表头 var row = sheet.createrow(0); //样式 var style1 = wb.createcellstyle(); //字体 var font1 = wb.createfont(); //字体颜色 font1.color = hssfcolor.white.index; //字体加粗样式 font1.boldweight = (short)fontboldweight.bold; //style1.fillbackgroundcolor = hssfcolor.white.index; style1.fillforegroundcolor = hssfcolor.green.index; //getxlcolour(wb, levelonecolor);// 设置图案色 //getxlcolour(wb, levelonecolor);// 设置背景色 style1.fillpattern = fillpattern.solidforeground; //样式里的字体设置具体的字体样式 style1.setfont(font1); //文字水平对齐方式 style1.alignment = horizontalalignment.center; //文字垂直对齐方式 style1.verticalalignment = verticalalignment.center; row.heightinpoints = 25; for (j = 0; j < dt.columns.count; j++) { columnvalue = dt.columns[j].columnname; curlength = encoding.default.getbytecount(columnvalue.tostring()); maxlength = (maxlength < curlength ? curlength : maxlength); var colounwidth = 256 * maxlength; sheet.setcolumnwidth(j, colounwidth); try { //创建第0行的第j列 cell = row.createcell(j); //单元格式设置样式 cell.cellstyle = style1; try { cell.setcelltype(celltype.string); cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } } // 创建每一行 for (var i = startrow; i < ds.tables[0].rows.count; i++) { var dr = ds.tables[0].rows[i]; //创建第i行 row = sheet.createrow(i + 1); for (j = 0; j < dt.columns.count; j++) { columnvalue = dr[j]; curlength = encoding.default.getbytecount(columnvalue.tostring()); maxlength = (maxlength < curlength ? curlength : maxlength); var colounwidth = 256 * maxlength; sheet.setcolumnwidth(j, colounwidth); try { //创建第i行的第j列 cell = row.createcell(j); // 插入第j列的数据 try { var dtype = datatypes[j]; switch (dtype) { case npoidatatype.string: { cell.setcelltype(celltype.numeric); cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); } break; case npoidatatype.datetime: { cell.setcelltype(celltype.numeric); cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); } break; case npoidatatype.numeric: { cell.setcelltype(celltype.numeric); cell.setcellvalue(convert.todouble(columnvalue)); } break; case npoidatatype.bool: { cell.setcelltype(celltype.numeric); cell.setcellvalue(convert.toboolean(columnvalue)); } break; case npoidatatype.richtext: { cell.setcelltype(celltype.numeric); cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); } break; } } catch (exception ex) { cell.setcelltype(celltype.numeric); cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); throw new exception(ex.message); } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } } } //生成文件在服务器上 using (var fs = new filestream(savefilename, filemode.openorcreate, fileaccess.write)) { wb.write(fs); } return true; } catch (exception er) { throw new exception(er.message); } }
/// <summary> /// 从dataset导出到memorystream流2007 /// </summary> /// <param name="savefilename">文件保存路径</param> /// <param name="sheetname">excel文件中的sheet名称</param> /// <param name="ds">存储数据的dataset</param> /// <param name="startrow">从哪一行开始写入,从0开始</param> /// <param name="datatypes">dataset中的各列对应的数据类型</param> public static bool createexcel2007(string savefilename, string sheetname, dataset ds, int startrow, params npoidatatype[] datatypes) { try { if (startrow < 0) startrow = 0; var wb = new xssfworkbook(); var sheet = wb.createsheet(sheetname); icell cell; int j; var maxlength = 0; int curlength; object columnvalue; var dt = ds.tables[0]; if (datatypes.length < dt.columns.count) { datatypes = new npoidatatype[dt.columns.count]; for (var i = 0; i < dt.columns.count; i++) { var dtcolumntype = dt.columns[i].datatype.name.tolower(); switch (dtcolumntype) { case "string": datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.string; break; case "datetime": datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.datetime; break; case "boolean": datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.bool; break; case "double": datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.numeric; break; default: datatypes[i] = npoidatatype.string; break; } } } //创建表头 var row = sheet.createrow(0); //样式 var style1 = wb.createcellstyle(); //字体 var font1 = wb.createfont(); //字体颜色 font1.color = hssfcolor.white.index; //字体加粗样式 font1.boldweight = (short)fontboldweight.bold; //style1.fillbackgroundcolor = hssfcolor.white.index; //getxlcolour(wb, levelonecolor); // 设置图案色 style1.fillforegroundcolor = hssfcolor.green.index; //getxlcolour(wb, levelonecolor);// 设置背景色 style1.fillpattern = fillpattern.solidforeground; //样式里的字体设置具体的字体样式 style1.setfont(font1); //文字水平对齐方式 style1.alignment = horizontalalignment.center; //文字垂直对齐方式 style1.verticalalignment = verticalalignment.center; row.heightinpoints = 25; for (j = 0; j < dt.columns.count; j++) { columnvalue = dt.columns[j].columnname; curlength = encoding.default.getbytecount(columnvalue.tostring()); maxlength = (maxlength < curlength ? curlength : maxlength); var colounwidth = 256 * maxlength; sheet.setcolumnwidth(j, colounwidth); try { //创建第0行的第j列 cell = row.createcell(j); //单元格式设置样式 cell.cellstyle = style1; try { cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } } // 创建每一行 for (var i = startrow; i < ds.tables[0].rows.count; i++) { var dr = ds.tables[0].rows[i]; //创建第i行 row = sheet.createrow(i + 1); for (j = 0; j < dt.columns.count; j++) { columnvalue = dr[j]; curlength = encoding.default.getbytecount(columnvalue.tostring()); maxlength = (maxlength < curlength ? curlength : maxlength); var colounwidth = 256 * maxlength; sheet.setcolumnwidth(j, colounwidth); try { //创建第i行的第j列 cell = row.createcell(j); // 插入第j列的数据 try { var dtype = datatypes[j]; switch (dtype) { case npoidatatype.string: { cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); } break; case npoidatatype.datetime: { cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); } break; case npoidatatype.numeric: { cell.setcellvalue(convert.todouble(columnvalue)); } break; case npoidatatype.bool: { cell.setcellvalue(convert.toboolean(columnvalue)); } break; case npoidatatype.richtext: { cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); } break; } } catch (exception ex) { cell.setcellvalue(columnvalue.tostring()); throw new exception(ex.message); } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } } } //生成文件在服务器上 using (var fs = new filestream(savefilename, filemode.openorcreate, fileaccess.write)) { wb.write(fs); } return true; } catch (exception er) { throw new exception(er.message); } }
/// <summary> /// 读excel-根据npoidatatype创建的datatable列的数据类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="datatype"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static type getdatatabletype(npoidatatype datatype) { var tp = typeof(string); switch (datatype) { case npoidatatype.bool: tp = typeof(bool); break; case npoidatatype.datetime: tp = typeof(datetime); break; case npoidatatype.numeric: tp = typeof(double); break; case npoidatatype.error: tp = typeof(string); break; case npoidatatype.blank: tp = typeof(string); break; } return tp; } /// <summary> /// 读excel-得到不同数据类型单元格的数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="datatype">数据类型</param> /// <param name="row">数据中的一行</param> /// <param name="column">哪列</param> /// <returns></returns> private static object getcelldata(npoidatatype datatype, irow row, int column) { switch (datatype) { case npoidatatype.string: try { return row.getcell(column).datecellvalue; } catch { try { return row.getcell(column).stringcellvalue; } catch { return row.getcell(column).numericcellvalue; } } case npoidatatype.bool: try { return row.getcell(column).booleancellvalue; } catch { return row.getcell(column).stringcellvalue; } case npoidatatype.datetime: try { return row.getcell(column).datecellvalue; } catch { return row.getcell(column).stringcellvalue; } case npoidatatype.numeric: try { return row.getcell(column).numericcellvalue; } catch { return row.getcell(column).stringcellvalue; } case npoidatatype.richtext: try { return row.getcell(column).richstringcellvalue; } catch { return row.getcell(column).stringcellvalue; } case npoidatatype.error: try { return row.getcell(column).errorcellvalue; } catch { return row.getcell(column).stringcellvalue; } case npoidatatype.blank: try { return row.getcell(column).stringcellvalue; } catch { return ""; } default: return ""; } } /// <summary> /// 获取单元格数据类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="hs">单元格对象</param> /// <returns></returns> private static npoidatatype getcelldatatype(icell hs) { npoidatatype dtype; datetime t1; var cellvalue = ""; switch (hs.celltype) { case celltype.blank: dtype = npoidatatype.string; cellvalue = hs.stringcellvalue; break; case celltype.boolean: dtype = npoidatatype.bool; break; case celltype.numeric: dtype = npoidatatype.numeric; cellvalue = hs.numericcellvalue.tostring(cultureinfo.invariantculture); break; case celltype.string: dtype = npoidatatype.string; cellvalue = hs.stringcellvalue; break; case celltype.error: dtype = npoidatatype.error; break; default: dtype = npoidatatype.datetime; break; } if (cellvalue != "" && datetime.tryparse(cellvalue, out t1)) dtype = npoidatatype.datetime; return dtype; }
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详解开源免费且稳定实用的.NET PDF打印组件itextSharp(.NET组件介绍之八)