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“约会”的全套用语! OfficeGoUP 

程序员文章站 2022-06-03 14:33:15
开始约会making an appointment
★Dou you mind if I call on you tomorrow?(我明天拜访你,你不建议吧!)
Call on=to visit someone访问;拜访(某人)
He called on me last Sunday.(他上星期天来看过我)
★Do you think you could come to my home tomorrow? (你认为你明天能到我家来吗?
★I hope to see you in my office tomorrow.(我希望明天你到我办公室来一趟)
★I'd like to meet you tomorrow.(我想明天和你见一面)
★Are you free next Friday?(下周五你有空吗?)
★Are you busy this evening?(今天晚上你有空吗?)
★What are you going to do this weekend?(这个周末你干什么?)
★I'd like to invite you to a show.(我想请你去看演出?)
★May I ask you out?(我能和你约会吗?)
★Do you have plans tonight?(今天晚上有事吗?)
★Would you like to go to the movies with me?(你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?)
何时何地when and where
▲when shall we meet?(什么时间见面)
▲Where shall we meet?(什么地方见面)
▲Will tomorrow be ok?(明天行吗?)
▲What about tomorrow?(明天怎么样?)
▲How is tomorrow? (明天怎么样?)
▲Let's make it tomorrow?(我们定在明天吧!)
▲A: What time should we meet?
  B: how about seven?(七点怎么样?)
◆Any time.(随时恭候)
◆That's settled.(就这么定了)
◆Yes, usual place.(对,老地方)
◆That's fine with me.(我很方便)
◆ All right.(对)
◆ OK, I'll see you then.(行,到时见面。)
◆A; where do you want to meet?(在哪里见面)
  B: Any place you want.(你觉得哪儿合适就在那儿)
●I'm afraid I can't meet you next Sunday.(我恐怕下礼拜天不呢不能见你)
●I'm afraid I won't be free next Sunday.(我恐怕下礼拜天没有空)
●I've got rather a full day next Sunday.(我下礼拜天拍的满满的)
● Sorry, Saturday is difficult, I'm afraid.
●Sorry, Saturday won't do, I'm afraid.(对不起,周六恐怕不行)
●Sorry, Saturday is a bit of a problem.(对不起,周六有点问题。)
改变或取消changing or canceling
■could we put it off to next Monday?(我们可以把它推迟到下礼拜一吗?)
■Could we meet at three instead of eight tomorrow afternoon?
■Can we make it a little later?(我们晚点见面行吗?)
■I'm afraid we'll have to change our appointment.
■Let's postpone our date for dinner, if you don't mind.
postpone: vt. 推迟,使延期,延迟
  We postponed the match from March 5th to Match 19th.
Something urgent has just come up.(有些急事发生)
Sorry, our appointment will have to be canceled.(对不起,我们的约会不得不取消。)
   Cancel: vt 取消.删去。我喜欢这个单词!只要是实用的单词我都喜欢!
  She cancelled her order.(她取消定货)
I'm sorry, but I won't be able to see you this afternoon.(对不起,我今天下午不能见你)
相关标签: Office Go UP