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程序员文章站 2022-06-02 16:57:38

根据zdnet的Mary Jo Foley,作为微软代号为Oslo的SOA技术和战略(提供一个世界级的主流建模平台,促进IT和业务间的合作和集成)的一部分,微软正在开发一门代号为D的新编程语言(此D非那D也)。D将是一门声明式的文字建模语言(textual modeling lanuage),目标用户是业务专业人员和领域专家。围绕着D,将有一个新的编辑工具,称为Intellipad (也有Emacs.Net编辑器一说)。

在上个月底在微软举行的Lang. NET会议上,微软的Chief Modeling Officer Don Box对此做了一些提示。他说,微软对开发一种类似80年代CASE工具那样的东西不感兴趣,

“This is not some 1980s CASE [Computer-Aided Software Engineering] play where we're doing round-tripping between your UML [Unified Modeling Language]—although we’ll probably do some of that. But really what we're talking about is making the platform just work this way so that the thing that's on the hard disk and runs is more data than it is code.”

微软的目的是“把更多应用的东西放到数据里去,少放在代码里(putting more and more of your application into data and putting less in code)”,“允许开发人员少写代码,更好地理解他们要开发的软件 (to enable developers to write less code and to better understand their software)”。

Mary Jo Foley猜测,也许到10月份PDC时,微软会公布该语言的技术预览版。

Ted Neward对Lang. NET会议写有3篇博客,值得一读(虽然对Don Box的演讲着墨过少):

Highlights of the Lang.NET Symposium, Day One

Highlights of the Lang.NET Symposium Day Two

Highlights of the Lang.NET Symposium, Day Three (from memory)

相关标签: D语言 微软