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程序员文章站 2022-03-09 18:45:26

关于.NET 很八卦的新闻:


微软的 Entity Framework推出在即,却遭到多方面的抨击。上个月(6月)23日,部分.net社区的专家在一封公开信(ADO .NET Entity Framework Vote of No Confidence)中,再次对ADO .NET Entity Framework的现状表达了不满,并且警告用户谨慎考虑使用即将到来的ADO .NET Entity Framework。这封公开信同时在收集支持者签名,我刚才数了一下,有417个签名,其中有MVP(Microsoft Most Valuable Professional,微软最具价值专家) 27人。其中有些人显然是NHibernate的支持者,果然.NET的世界和Java的世界总是很相似啊。不禁想起以前听人说,微软当初最喜欢的一项技术就是Java,所以才发明的.NET。




附一下其中一个MVP,Ian Cooper 的说法:

The .NET community had a huge amount to gain from this experience. Ports of Hibernate and Spring offered the community the chance to avoid the mistakes of the past. However, seemingly unaware of the lessons of history the EF team embarked on a project to produce a complex framework, of which persistence is just one aspect, reminiscent of the EJB initiative. So the reaction against the EF comes from its failure to learn lessons that another community has struggled with around complexity and ambition.