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程序员文章站 2022-06-01 22:41:23


update student
set tot_cred = (
		with a as(
			select takes.course_id,course.credits,takes.grade,takes.ID
			from course join takes on course.course_id = takes.course_id
			where grade != 'F' and grade is not null
		select sum(credits)
		from a
		group by ID


4	11795
11	11990
4	13779
8	15167
4	16352
18	16597
4	18553
8	20852
19	21065
14	25971
4	28763
4	28985
4	30131
7	32026
7	32433
7	33156
4	34229
10	34813
10	35627
7	39840
3	40006
4	42755
7	45876
7	47413
18	47957
10	52737
4	53418
10	57182
8	57662
9	60694
9	64840
6	66471
5	68183
5	69279


select *
from student
where not exists(
		select course_id
		from course
		where course.dept_name = student.dept_name
		select course_id
		from takes
		where takes.ID = student.ID and grade != 'F' and grade is not null


16597	无崖子	逍遥	102
47957	萧峰	丐帮	26


select ID,name
from (
	select top 5 ID,name
		select top 10 id,name
		from student
		order by ID
	) T(ID,name)
	order by ID desc
order by ID
with a as (select rank() over (order by ID) as rank_id,ID,name
from student
select ID,name
from a
where rank_id >= 6 and rank_id <=10


16597	无崖子
18553	石清露
18909	王傀儡
20852	张万泉
20861	崔百泉


select student.ID,name,count(course_id) 未通过数
	select ID,course_id
	from takes
	where grade = 'F'
	select ID,course_id
	from takes
	where grade != 'F'
) T(ID,course_id) join student on T.ID = student.ID
group by student.name,student.ID;


16597	无崖子	1
20852	张万泉	1
42755	李秋来	1
52737	张三丰	2
57662	左子穆	1
66471	出尘子	1
68183	阿紫	1
69279	阿绿	1


select ID,(select name 
			from student
			where student.ID = takes.ID) 名字,
			(select title
			from course
			where course.course_id = takes.course_id) 课程名,count(course_id) 选课次数,
			select distinct count(course_id)
			from takes t
			group by ID,course_id,grade
			having grade = 'F'
			and takes.ID = t.ID
			and takes.course_id = t.course_id
			) 未通过次数
from takes
group by ID,course_id
having count(course_id)>1


11990	李秋水	江行初雪	2	1
16597	无崖子	凌波微步	2	1
20852	张万泉	初级内功	3	1
25971	吴光胜	初级内功	2	1
34813	本果	初级防御	2	1
52737	张三丰	葵花点穴手	2	2