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一个神奇的Swing软件substance swingribbonsubstance 

程序员文章站 2022-05-31 19:26:10
   最近一段时间,因为项目的需要, 需要在swing 中使用A Ribbon component, 后来在好朋友的帮助下,找到了一个开源的组件 substance, 他是有一位大师Kirill Grouchnikov所发明的, 简单的介绍如下:

   Kirill Grouchnikov has been writing software since he was in junior high school, and after finishing his BSc in computer science, he happily continues doing it for a living. He is currently working as a senior software developer in a large corporate environment and would like to share his views on the Java community, trends and code writing experience.


What is Insubstantial?

Insubstantial is a maintenance fork of some of Kirill Grouchnikov's swing based projects. Specifically Substance, Trident, Flamingo, and some supporting project. These are not Kirill's 'official' releases but he has expressed that he is unlikely to do any more official releases



Re: 紧急求领导指点swing-flamingo的开源控件 javapub 2012-02-28 
关于http://insubstantial.posterous.com/是flamingo组件的主页 你可以先访问http://www.niudaili.com/, 然后输入网址,就可以进去了。