Android NFC开发MifareClassic读写Demo实例下载
本例子是一个NFC读卡信息的例子源码、NFC技术由非接触式射频识别(RFID)演变而来、由飞利浦半导体(现恩智浦半导体)、诺基亚和索尼共同研制开发、其基础是RFID及互连技术、近场通信(Near Field Communication,NFC)是一种短距高频的无线电技术、在13.56MHz频率运行于20厘米距离内、其传输速度有106 Kbit/秒、212 Kbit/秒或者424 Kbit/秒三种、目前近场通信已通过成为ISO/IEC IS 18092国际标准、ECMA-340标准与ETSI TS 102 190标准、NFC采用主动和被动两种读取模
本项目默认编码GBK编译版本4.4.2、运行需要有NFC硬件支持、最近一直在研究Android NFC相关的技术、发现有两种数据格式、MifareClassic和MifareUltralight两种、不巧的是公司用的是MifareUltralight、一直没有研究出来、Android官方的文档也看过、跟文档来也没有弄出来、还是研究当中、这里先分享已经研究出来的成果、MifareClassic数据格式
AndroidManifest.xml 代码
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" /> </intent-filter> <meta-data android:name="android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" android:resource="@xml/nfc_tech_filter" />
nfc_tech_filter.xml 代码
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <tech-list> <tech></tech> </tech-list> </resources>
private void processIntent(Intent intent) { //取出封装在intent中的TAG Tag tagFromIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG); for (String tech : tagFromIntent.getTechList()) { // System.out.println(tech); } boolean auth = false; //读取TAG MifareClassic mfc = MifareClassic.get(tagFromIntent); try { String metaInfo = ""; //Enable I/O operations to the tag from this TagTechnology object. mfc.connect(); int type = mfc.getType();//获取TAG的类型 int sectorCount = mfc.getSectorCount();//获取TAG中包含的扇区数 String typeS = ""; switch (type) { case MifareClassic.TYPE_CLASSIC: typeS = "TYPE_CLASSIC"; break; case MifareClassic.TYPE_PLUS: typeS = "TYPE_PLUS"; break; case MifareClassic.TYPE_PRO: typeS = "TYPE_PRO"; break; case MifareClassic.TYPE_UNKNOWN: typeS = "TYPE_UNKNOWN"; break; } metaInfo = "卡片类型:" typeS "共" sectorCount "个扇区共" mfc.getBlockCount() "个块存储空间: " mfc.getSize() "B"; for (int j = 0; j < sectorCount; j ) { //Authenticate a sector with key A. auth = mfc.authenticateSectorWithKeyA(j, a); int bCount; int bIndex; if (auth) { metaInfo = "Sector " j ":验证成功"; // 读取扇区中的块 bCount = mfc.getBlockCountInSector(j); bIndex = mfc.sectorToBlock(j); for (int i = 0; i < bCount; i ) { byte[] data = mfc.readBlock(bIndex); metaInfo = "Block " bIndex " : " bytesToHexString(data) ""; bIndex ; } } else { metaInfo = "Sector " j ":验证失败"; } } promt.setText(metaInfo); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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上一篇: Android高仿微信6.1主界面源码