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浅析PHP Extension开发基础篇(2)

程序员文章站 2022-05-31 09:48:03

config.m4:这是Unix环境下的Build System配置文件,后面将会通过它生成配置和安装。




Unix Build System配置

开发PHP扩展组件的第一步不是写实现代码,而是要先配置好Build System选项。由于我们是在Linux下开发,所以这里的配置主要与config.m4有关。

关于Build System配置这一块,要是写起来能写一大堆,而且与Unix系统很多东西相关,就算我有兴趣写估计大家也没兴趣看,所以这里我们从略,只拣关键地方说一下,关于config.m4更多细节可以参考这里。


dnl $Id___FCKpd___4nbsp; dnl config.m4 for extension say_hello dnl Comments in this file start with the string dnl. dnl Remove where necessary. This file will not work dnl without editing. dnl If your extension references something external, use with: dnl PHP_ARG_WITH(say_hello, for say_hello support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: dnl [ --with-say_hello Include say_hello support]) dnl Otherwise use enable: dnl PHP_ARG_ENABLE(say_hello, whether to enable say_hello support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: dnl [ --enable-say_hello Enable say_hello support]) if test "$PHP_SAY_HELLO" != "no"; then dnl Write more examples of tests here... dnl # --with-say_hello -> check with-path dnl SEARCH_PATH="/usr/local /usr" # you might want to change this dnl SEARCH_FOR="/include/say_hello.h" # you most likely want to change this dnl if test -r $PHP_SAY_HELLO/$SEARCH_FOR; then # path given as parameter dnl SAY_HELLO_DIR=$PHP_SAY_HELLO dnl else # search default path list dnl AC_MSG_CHECKING([for say_hello files in default path]) dnl for i in $SEARCH_PATH ; do dnl if test -r $i/$SEARCH_FOR; then dnl SAY_HELLO_DIR=$i dnl AC_MSG_RESULT(found in $i) dnl fi dnl done dnl fi dnl dnl if test -z "$SAY_HELLO_DIR"; then dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([not found]) dnl AC_MSG_ERROR([Please reinstall the say_hello distribution]) dnl fi dnl # --with-say_hello -> add include path dnl PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($SAY_HELLO_DIR/include) dnl # --with-say_hello -> check for lib and symbol presence dnl LIBNAME=say_hello # you may want to change this dnl LIBSYMBOL=say_hello # you most likely want to change this dnl PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY($LIBNAME,$LIBSYMBOL, dnl [ dnl PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH($LIBNAME, $SAY_HELLO_DIR/lib, SAY_HELLO_SHARED_LIBADD) dnl AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SAY_HELLOLIB,1,[ ]) dnl ],[ dnl AC_MSG_ERROR([wrong say_hello lib version or lib not found]) dnl ],[ dnl -L$SAY_HELLO_DIR/lib -lm dnl ]) dnl dnl PHP_SUBST(SAY_HELLO_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(say_hello, say_hello.c, $ext_shared) fi 不要看这么多,因为所有以“dnl”开头的全是注释,所以真正起作用没几行。这里需要配置的只有下面几行:

dnl If your extension references something external, use with: dnl PHP_ARG_WITH(say_hello, for say_hello support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: dnl [ --with-say_hello Include say_hello support]) dnl Otherwise use enable: dnl PHP_ARG_ENABLE(say_hello, whether to enable say_hello support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: dnl [ --enable-say_hello Enable say_hello support]) 我想大家也都能看明白,意思就是“如果你的扩展引用了外部组件,使用…,否则使用…”。我们的say_hello扩展并没有引用外部组件,所以将“Otherwise use enable”下面三行的“dnl”去掉,改为:

dnl Otherwise use enable: PHP_ARG_ENABLE(say_hello, whether to enable say_hello support, Make sure that the comment is aligned: [ --enable-say_hello Enable say_hello support]) 保存,这样关于Build System配置就大功告成了。

PHP Extension及Zend_Module结构分析

以上可以看成是为开发PHP扩展而做的准备工作,下面就要编写核心代码了。上文说过,编写PHP扩展是基于Zend API和一些宏的,所以如果要编写核心代码,我们首先要弄清楚PHP Extension的结构。因为一个PHP Extension在C语言层面实际上就是一个zend_module_entry结构体,这点可以从“php_say_hello.h”中得到证实。打开“php_say_hello.h”,会看到里面有怎么一行:

extern zend_module_entry say_hello_module_entry; say_hello_module_entry就是say_hello扩展的C语言对应元素,而关于其类型zend_module_entry的定义可以在PHP源代码的“Zend/zend_modules.h”文件里找到,下面代码是zend_module_entry的定义:

typedef struct _zend_module_entry zend_module_entry; struct _zend_module_entry { unsigned short size; unsigned int zend_api; unsigned char zend_debug; unsigned char zts; const struct _zend_ini_entry *ini_entry; const struct _zend_module_dep *deps; const char *name; const struct _zend_function_entry *functions; int (*module_startup_func)(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); int (*module_shutdown_func)(SHUTDOWN_FUNC_ARGS); int (*request_startup_func)(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); int (*request_shutdown_func)(SHUTDOWN_FUNC_ARGS); void (*info_func)(ZEND_MODULE_INFO_FUNC_ARGS); const char *version; size_t globals_size; #ifdef ZTS ts_rsrc_id* globals_id_ptr; #else &n