2022-03-09 14:34:49
上次我们说到mysql的一些sql查询方面的优化,包括查看explain执行计划,分析索引等等。今天我们分享一些 分析mysql表读写、索引等等操作的sql语句。
上次我们说到mysql的一些sql查询方面的优化,包括查看explain执行计划,分析索引等等。今天我们分享一些 分析mysql表读写、索引等等操作的sql语句。
select file_name as file, count_read, sum_number_of_bytes_read as total_read, count_write, sum_number_of_bytes_write as total_written, (sum_number_of_bytes_read + sum_number_of_bytes_write) as total from performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance order by sum_number_of_bytes_read+ sum_number_of_bytes_write desc;
select (file_name) as file, count_star as total, concat(round(sum_timer_wait / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as total_latency, count_read, concat(round(sum_timer_read / 1000000000000, 2), 's') as read_latency, count_write, concat(round(sum_timer_write / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h')as write_latency from performance_schema.file_summary_by_instance order by sum_timer_wait desc;
table 的读写延迟
select object_schema as table_schema, object_name as table_name, count_star as total, concat(round(sum_timer_wait / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as total_latency, concat(round((sum_timer_wait / count_star) / 1000000, 2), 'us') as avg_latency, concat(round(max_timer_wait / 1000000000, 2), 'ms') as max_latency from performance_schema.objects_summary_global_by_type order by sum_timer_wait desc;
select object_schema as table_schema, object_name as table_name, count_star as rows_io_total, count_read as rows_read, count_write as rows_write, count_fetch as rows_fetchs, count_insert as rows_inserts, count_update as rows_updates, count_delete as rows_deletes, concat(round(sum_timer_fetch / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as fetch_latency, concat(round(sum_timer_insert / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as insert_latency, concat(round(sum_timer_update / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as update_latency, concat(round(sum_timer_delete / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as delete_latency from performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_table order by sum_timer_wait desc ;
select object_schema as table_schema, object_name as table_name, index_name as index_name, count_fetch as rows_fetched, concat(round(sum_timer_fetch / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as select_latency, count_insert as rows_inserted, concat(round(sum_timer_insert / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as insert_latency, count_update as rows_updated, concat(round(sum_timer_update / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h') as update_latency, count_delete as rows_deleted, concat(round(sum_timer_delete / 3600000000000000, 2), 'h')as delete_latency from performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage where index_name is not null order by sum_timer_wait desc;
select object_schema, object_name, count_read as rows_full_scanned from performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage where index_name is null and count_read > 0 order by count_read desc;
select object_schema, object_name, index_name from performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage where index_name is not null and count_star = 0 and object_schema not in ('mysql','v_monitor') and index_name <> 'primary' order by object_schema, object_name;
select (digest_text) as query, schema_name as db, if(sum_no_good_index_used > 0 or sum_no_index_used > 0, '*', '') as full_scan, count_star as exec_count, sum_errors as err_count, sum_warnings as warn_count, (sum_timer_wait) as total_latency, (max_timer_wait) as max_latency, (avg_timer_wait) as avg_latency, (sum_lock_time) as lock_latency, format(sum_rows_sent,0) as rows_sent, round(ifnull(sum_rows_sent / nullif(count_star, 0), 0)) as rows_sent_avg, sum_rows_examined as rows_examined, round(ifnull(sum_rows_examined / nullif(count_star, 0), 0)) as rows_examined_avg, sum_created_tmp_tables as tmp_tables, sum_created_tmp_disk_tables as tmp_disk_tables, sum_sort_rows as rows_sorted, sum_sort_merge_passes as sort_merge_passes, digest as digest, first_seen as first_seen, last_seen as last_seen from performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest d where d order by sum_timer_wait desc limit 20;