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程序员文章站 2022-05-30 19:14:30

CREATE TABLE who_tmp_real_stock2
SELECT SUM( num ) AS real_stock,goods_id AS goods_id_new
FROM who_goods_stock
GROUP BY goods_id_new
ALTER TABLE who_tmp_real_stock2
ADD UNIQUE (goods_id_new)
SELECT a.goods_id as goods_id,cat_id, d.real_stock, a.goods_sn as goods_sn,goods_name,keywords,is_on_sale,is_delete,
is_best,is_new,is_hot,is_promote,shop_price*100 as shop_price,(shop_price*6.3-in_price)*1000 as profit,
(c.sale_num*15+c.stock_num*2) as stock_num,pattern_value,a.add_time

from who_goods_desc b,
who_privilegestocknum c,
who_goods a LEFT JOIN
who_tmp_real_stock2 d ON a.goods_id=d.goods_id_new

where a.goods_id=b.goods_id and
a.goods_id=c.goods_id and
a.goods_id>0 and
c.stock_num>0 and
is_on_sale=1 and
is_delete=0 and
is_freeshipping=0 and
select a.*
from who_goods a
where a.goods_id=$id

SELECT a.goods_id AS goods_id, cat_id, a.goods_sn AS goods_sn, goods_name, keywords, is_on_sale, is_delete,
is_best,is_new, is_hot, is_promote, shop_price *100 AS shop_price, last_update, goods_number, goods_material,
goods_color, pattern_value, c.real_stock
FROM who_goods AS a,
who_goods_desc AS b LEFT JOIN who_tmp_real_stock c ON b.goods_id=c.goods_id_new

WHERE a.goods_id = b.goods_id
AND is_on_sale =1 AND
is_delete =0 AND
is_freeshipping =0 AND
a.goods_number >0

相关标签: mysql select