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如何在Sublime Text中查看文件的当前编码?

程序员文章站 2022-05-30 17:26:56

本文翻译自:How do I see the current encoding of a file in Sublime Text?

How do I see the current encoding of a file in Sublime Text? 如何在Sublime Text中查看文件的当前编码?

This seems like a pretty simple thing to do but searching has not yielded much. 这似乎是一件非常简单的事情,但搜索并没有产生太大的影响。 Any pointers would be appreciated! 任何指针将不胜感激!




With the EncodingHelper plugin you can view the encoding of the file on the status bar. 使用EncodingHelper插件,您可以在状态栏上查看文件的编码。 Also you can convert the encoding of the file and extended another functionalities. 您还可以转换文件的编码并扩展其他功能。

如何在Sublime Text中查看文件的当前编码?


Another option in case you don't wanna use a plugin: 如果您不想使用插件,另一个选项:

Ctrl + ` or Ctrl + `

View -> Show Console

type on the console the following command: 在控制台上键入以下命令:


In case you want to something more intrusive, there's a option to create an shortcut that executes the following command: 如果您想要更具侵入性的东西,可以选择创建执行以下命令的快捷方式:





ShowEncoding is another simple plugin that shows you the encoding in the status bar. ShowEncoding是另一个简单的插件,可以在状态栏中显示编码。 That's all it does, to convert between encodings use the built-in "Save with Encoding" and "Reopen with Encoding" commands. 就是这样,在编码之间进行转换时使用内置的“Save with Encoding”和“Reopen with Encoding”命令。


由于这个帖子在谷歌搜索中是一个流行的结果,这里是为崇高文本3 build 3059+做的方法:在用户首选项中,添加以下行:

"show_encoding": true