Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]:
2022-05-29 17:24:15
Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: 不能用 DB-Library(如 ISQL)或 ODBC 3.7 或更早版本将 ntext 数据或仅使用 Unicode 排序规则的 Unicode 数据发送到客户端。 (severity 16) in F:\myweb\lzlj\cn.php on line 21
Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: Query failed in F:\myweb\lzlj\cn.php on line 21
Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: Query failed in F:\myweb\lzlj\cn.php on line 21
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Module build failed: Module failed because of a eslint warning
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解决:WARNING: You are using pip version 20.0.2; however, version 20.2.2 is available
Warning: session_destroy() : Trying to destroy uninitialized sessionq错误