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cmd for循环批处理相同事情,高效工作

程序员文章站 2022-05-29 17:05:10
@echo off
for /l %%f in (99930001,1,99930007) do (
md %%f
copy *.ini %%f
copy *.zip %%f


Using Multiple Commands in a For Loop

CMD lets you use multiple command lines after a for loop. This makes the Windows XP forcommand much more powerful than the old DOS version. In cases where you would have had to call a batch file subroutine in the past, you can now use parentheses to perform complex operations.

For example, this batch file examines a directory full of Windows bitmap (BMP) files and makes sure that there is a corresponding GIF file in another directory; if the GIF file doesn't exist, it uses an image-conversion utility to create one:

@echo off 
echo Searching for new .BMP files...

for %%F in (c:\incoming\*.bmp) do (
    rem output file is input file name with extension .GIF
    set outfile=c:\outgoing\%%~nF.gif
    if not exist %outfile% (
         echo ...Creating %outfile%
         imgcnv -gif %%F %outfile%