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Oracle 阻塞(blocking blocked)介绍和实例演示

程序员文章站 2022-05-29 13:20:35



   数据库中有5条常见的dml语句可能会阻塞,即:insert、update、delete、merge 和select for update。


b、对于update、delete、merge 和select for update阻塞,只要有任一session使用这些操作已经锁定行,其余的必须处于等待状态。直到当前锁定行上的锁(排他锁)释放。对于该类情形,建议尽可能快速提交事务,或采用批量sql方式提交。
c、对于一个阻塞的select for update,解决方案很简单:只需增加nowait 子句,它就不会阻塞了。


scott@cnmmbo> update emp set sal=sal*1.1 where empno=7788;

1 row updated.

scott@cnmmbo> @my_env

spid    sid serial# username  program
------------ ---------- ---------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------
11205    1073  4642 robin   oracle@szdb (tns v1-v3)

leshami@cnmmbo> update scott.emp set sal=sal+100 where empno=7788;

goex_admin@cnmmbo> update scott.emp set sal=sal-50 where empno=7788;

--下面在第一个session 查询阻塞情况
scott@cnmmbo> @blocker 

block_msg            block
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
pts/5 ('1073,4642') is blocking 1067,10438     1
pts/5 ('1073,4642') is blocking 1065,4464     1
--上面的结果表明session 1073,4642 阻塞了后面的2个
--即session 1073,4642是阻塞者,后面2个session是被阻塞者

--author : leshami
--blog : http://blog.csdn.net/leshami

--下面查询正在阻塞的session id,sql语句以及被阻塞的时间
scott@cnmmbo> @blocking_session_detail.sql

sid=1067 wait class=application time=5995
 query=update scott.emp set sal=sal+100 where empno=7788

sid=1065 wait class=application time=225
 query=update scott.emp set sal=sal-50 where empno=7788

scott@cnmmbo> @request_lock_type

username        sid ty lmode  request   id1  id2
------------------------------ ---------- -- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------
scott        1073 tx exclusive none   524319  27412
leshami        1067 tx none  exclusive  524319  27412
goex_admin       1065 tx none  exclusive  524319  27412
--可以看到leshami,goex_admin 2个用户都在请求524319/27412上的exclusive锁,而此时已经被scott加了exclusive锁

scott@cnmmbo> @request_lock_detail

  sid username    osuser   terminal     object_name   ty lock mode req_mode
---------- -------------------- --------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -- ----------- --------------------
  1065 goex_admin   robin   pts/1      emp     tm row excl
  1065 goex_admin   robin   pts/1      trans-524319   tx --waiting-- exclusive
  1067 leshami    robin   pts/0      emp     tm row excl
  1067 leshami    robin   pts/0      trans-524319   tx --waiting-- exclusive
  1073 scott    robin   pts/5      emp     tm row excl
  1073 scott    robin   pts/5      trans-524319   tx exclusive 


robin@szdb:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more my_env.sql 
select spid, s.sid, s.serial#, p.username, p.program
from v$process p, v$session s
where p.addr = s.paddr
  and s.sid = (select sid
     from v$mystat
     where rownum = 1);

robin@szdb:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more blocker.sql 
col block_msg format a50; 
select c.terminal||' ('''||a.sid||','||c.serial#||''') is blocking '||b.sid||','||d.serial# block_msg, a.block 
from v$lock a,v$lock b,v$session c,v$session d 
 where a.id1=b.id1 
 and a.id2=b.id2 
 and a.block>0
 and a.sid <>b.sid 
 and a.sid=c.sid 
 and b.sid=d.sid; 

robin@szdb:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more blocking_session_detail.sql
--to find the query for blocking session

--access privileges: select on v$session, v$sqlarea

select  'sid='
   || a.sid
   || ' wait class='
   || a.wait_class
   || ' time='
   || a.seconds_in_wait
   || chr (10)
   || ' query='
   || b.sql_text
 from v$session a, v$sqlarea b
 where a.blocking_session is not null and a.sql_address = b.address
order by a.blocking_session
robin@szdb:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more request_lock_type.sql
--this script generates a report of users waiting for locks.
--access privileges: select on v$session, v$lock

select sn.username, m.sid, m.type,
  decode(m.lmode, 0, 'none',
      1, 'null',
      2, 'row share',
      3, 'row excl.',
      4, 'share',
      5, 's/row excl.',
      6, 'exclusive',
    lmode, ltrim(to_char(lmode,'990'))) lmode,
  decode(m.request,0, 'none',
       1, 'null',
       2, 'row share',
       3, 'row excl.',
       4, 'share',
       5, 's/row excl.',
       6, 'exclusive',
       request, ltrim(to_char(m.request,
    '990'))) request, m.id1, m.id2
from v$session sn, v$lock m
where (sn.sid = m.sid and m.request != 0)
  or (sn.sid = m.sid
    and m.request = 0 and lmode != 4
    and (id1, id2) in (select s.id1, s.id2
  from v$lock s
      where request != 0
    and s.id1 = m.id1
        and s.id2 = m.id2)
order by id1, id2, m.request; 
robin@szdb:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more request_lock_detail.sql
set linesize 190
col osuser format a15
col username format a20 wrap
col object_name format a20 wrap
col terminal format a25 wrap
col req_mode format a20
select b.sid, c.username, c.osuser, c.terminal,
  decode(b.id2, 0, a.object_name,
   'trans-'||to_char(b.id1)) object_name,
      2,'row share',
      3,'row excl',
      5,'sha row exc',
      'other') "lock mode",
  decode(b.request,0,' ',
      2,'row share',
      3,'row excl',
      5,'sha row exc',
      'other') "req_mode"
 from dba_objects a, v$lock b, v$session c
where a.object_id(+) = b.id1
 and b.sid = c.sid
 and c.username is not null
order by b.sid, b.id2;