2022-05-29 13:21:05
--获取指定schema或表上的索引质量信息报告 gx_adm@cabo3> @idx_quality enter value for input_owner: gx_adm enter value for input_tbname: client_trade_tbl -->如果我们省略具体的表名则会输出整个schema的索引质量报告 table table index data blks leaf blks clust index table rows blocks index size mb per key per key factor quality ------------------------- ------------ ---------- ------------------------- ------- --------- --------- ------------ ------------- client_trade_tbl 6,318,035 278488 i_tdcl_arc_stl_date_stock 62 312 13 171,017 5-excellent i_tdcl_arc_stl_date_cash 62 318 13 174,599 5-excellent i_tdcl_arc_cancel_date 83 238 8 288,678 5-excellent i_tdcl_arc_input_date 144 249 13 310,974 5-excellent i_tdcl_arc_trade_date 144 269 14 337,097 5-excellent pk_client_trade_tbl 200 1 1 798,216 2-good i_tdcl_arc_grp_ref_id 144 1 1 811,468 2-good uni_tdcl_arc_ref_id 136 1 1 765,603 2-good i_tdcl_arc_contract_num 72 1 1 834,491 2-good i_tdcl_arc_settled_date 61 299 5 380,699 1-poor i_tdcl_arc_acc_num 184 624 3 3,899,446 1-poor i_tdcl_arc_pl_stk 176 218 1 4,348,804 1-poor i_tdcl_arc_instru_id 120 2,667 8 4,273,038 1-poor --从上面的单表输出的索引质量可知,出现了4个处于poor级别的索引,也就是说这些个索引具有较大的聚簇因子,几乎接近于表上的行了 --对于这几个索引的质量还应结合该索引的使用频率来考量该索引存在的必要性 --对于聚簇因子,只能通过重新组织表上的数据来,以及调整相应索引列的顺序得以改善 --查询单表上索引列的相关信息 gx_adm@cabo3> @idx_info enter value for owner: gx_adm enter value for table_name: client_trade_tbl table_name index_name cl_nam cl_pos status idx_typ dscd ------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- ------ -------- --------------- ---- client_trade_tbl i_tdcl_arc_acc_num acc_num 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_cancel_date cancel_date 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_contract_num contract_num 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_grp_ref_id grp_ref_id 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_input_date input_date 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_instru_id instru_id 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_pl_stk stock_cd 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_pl_stk pl_cd 2 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_settled_date settled_date 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_stl_date_cash stl_date_cash 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_stl_date_stock stl_date_stock 1 valid normal asc i_tdcl_arc_trade_date trade_date 1 valid normal asc pk_client_trade_tbl business_date 1 valid normal asc pk_client_trade_tbl ref_id 2 valid normal asc uni_tdcl_arc_ref_id ref_id 1 valid normal asc --从上面的查询结果可知,当前表trade_client_tbl上含有13个索引,应该来说该表索引存在一定冗余。 --大多数情况下,单表上6-7个索引是比较理想的。过多的索引导致过大的资源开销,以及降低dml性能。
该列是否经常使用“ = ”作为常用查询条件
--script name: idx_quality.sql --author : leshami --blog: --index quality retrieval set linesize 145 set pagesize 1000 set verify off clear computes clear breaks break on table_name on num_rows on blocks column owner format a14 heading 'index owner' column table_name format a25 heading 'table' column index_name format a25 heading 'index' column num_rows format 999g999g990 heading 'table|rows' column mb format 9g990 heading 'index|size mb' column blocks heading 'table|blocks' column num_blocks format 9g990 heading 'data|blocks' column avg_data_blocks_per_key format 999g990 heading 'data blks|per key' column avg_leaf_blocks_per_key format 999g990 heading 'leaf blks|per key' column clustering_factor format 999g999g990 heading 'clust|factor' column index_quality format a13 heading 'index|quality' --spool index_quality select i.table_name, t.num_rows, t.blocks, i.index_name, o.bytes / 1048576 mb, i.avg_data_blocks_per_key, i.avg_leaf_blocks_per_key, i.clustering_factor, case when nvl (i.clustering_factor, 0) = 0 then '0-no stats' when nvl (t.num_rows, 0) = 0 then '0-no stats' when (round (i.clustering_factor / t.num_rows * 100)) < 6 then '5-excellent' when (round (i.clustering_factor / t.num_rows * 100)) between 7 and 11 then '4-very good' when (round (i.clustering_factor / t.num_rows * 100)) between 12 and 15 then '2-good' when (round (i.clustering_factor / t.num_rows * 100)) between 16 and 25 then '2-fair' else '1-poor' end index_quality from dba_indexes i, dba_segments o, dba_tables t where -- i.index_name like upper ('%&&1%') and i.owner = t.owner and i.table_name = t.table_name and i.owner = o.owner and i.index_name = o.segment_name and t.owner = upper('&input_owner') and t.table_name like upper('%&input_tbname%') order by table_name, num_rows, blocks, index_quality desc; --spool off; =========================================================================================== --script name: idx_info.sql --get the index column information by specified table set linesize 180 col cl_nam format a20 col table_name format a25 col cl_pos format 9 col idx_typ format a15 select b.table_name, a.index_name, a.column_name cl_nam, a.column_position cl_pos, b.status, b.index_type idx_typ, a.descend dscd from dba_ind_columns a, dba_indexes b where a.index_name = b.index_name and owner = upper('&owner') and a.table_name like upper('%&table_name%') order by 2, 4;
下一篇: Oracle 监控索引使用率脚本分享