use tempdb
if object_id('table_left') is not null drop table table_left
if object_id('table_right') is not null drop table table_right
create table table_left(groupId nvarchar(5),dataSub1 nvarchar(10),dataSub2 nvarchar(10))
create table table_right(groupId nvarchar(5),dataSub1 nvarchar(10),dataSub2 nvarchar(10))
alter table table_left add dataChecksum as checksum(dataSub1,dataSub2)
alter table table_right add dataChecksum as checksum(dataSub1,dataSub2)
create nonclustered index ix_table_left_cs on table_left(dataChecksum)
create nonclustered index table_right_cs on table_right(dataChecksum)
set nocount on
insert into table_right(groupId,dataSub1,dataSub2)
'#1','data1','data7' union all
select '#1','data2','data8' union all
select '#1','data3','data9' union all
select '#2','data55','data4' union all
select '#2','data55','data5'
insert into table_left(groupId,dataSub1,dataSub2)
select '#11','data1','data7' union all
select '#11','data2','data8' union all
select '#11','data3','data9' union all
select '#22','data55','data0' union all
select '#22','data57','data2' union all
select '#33','data99','data4' union all
select '#33','data99','data6'
select distinct a.groupId
from table_left a
inner join table_right b on b.dataChecksum=a.dataChecksum
and b.dataSub1=a.dataSub1
and b.dataSub2=a.dataSub2
where not exists(select x.dataSub1,x.dataSub2 from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId except select y.dataSub1,y.dataSub2 from table_right y where y.groupId=b.groupId )
and not exists(select x.dataSub1,x.dataSub2 from table_right x where x.groupId=b.groupId except select y.dataSub1,y.dataSub2 from table_left y where y.groupId=a.groupId )