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前端弹窗手机版 上拉下滑加载

程序员文章站 2022-05-29 08:06:00


<section class="aui-searchbar" style="margin-top:2.25rem;" id="search">
    <div class="aui-searchbar-input aui-border-radius">
        <i class="aui-iconfont aui-icon-search"></i>
        <input type="search" placeholder="请输入搜索内容" id="search-input">
        <div class="aui-searchbar-clear-btn">
            <i class="aui-iconfont aui-icon-close"></i>
    <div class="aui-searchbar-btn">取消</div>
<section class="aui-content" id="mescroll" style="height:95%;">
    <ul class="aui-list aui-media-list" id="dataList">
<input type="hidden" id="order_input" name="order_input" value="createDesc">
<input type="hidden" id="filter_input" name="filter_input" value="all">
<input type="hidden" id="count_input" name="count_input" value="0">


$(function () {
    $('.aui-retrie dt a').click(function () {
        var $t = $(this);
        if ($t.hasClass('up')) {
            $(".aui-retrie dt a").removeClass('up');
        } else {
            $(".aui-retrie dt a").removeClass('up');
            $('.downlist').eq($(".aui-retrie dt a").index($(this)[0])).show();
    $(".sorting ul li a:contains('" + $('#sorting').text() + "')").addClass('selected');
    $(".filtrate ul li a:contains('" + $('#filtrate').text() + "')").addClass('selected');

    $('#crm_index').bind('click', function () {
        window.location.href = ctx + '/crmIndex';

    $('#customer_add').bind('click', function () {
        window.location.href = yCtx + '/customerApi/addCustomerPage';

    $('#aescOne').bind('click', {'aesc': 'aescOne'}, order);
    $('#aescTwo').bind('click', {'aesc': 'aescTwo'}, order);
    $('#aescThree').bind('click', {'aesc': 'aescThree'}, order);
    $('#aescFour').bind('click', {'aesc': 'aescFour'}, order);

    function order(data) {
        $(".aui-retrie dt a").removeClass('up');

    $('#all').bind('click', {'value': 'all'}, commonlyUsed);
    $('#self').bind('click', {'value': 'self'}, commonlyUsed);
    $('#participation').bind('click', {'value': 'participation'}, commonlyUsed);

    function commonlyUsed(data) {
        if (data.data.value == "all") {


        } else if (data.data.value == "self") {


        } else if (data.data.value == "participation") {



    $('#allCutomerType').bind('click', {'value': '0'}, cutomerType);
    $('#lowUpCutomerType').bind('click', {'value': '3'}, cutomerType);
    $('#ordinaryCutomerType').bind('click', {'value': '2'}, cutomerType);
    $('#importantCutomerType').bind('click', {'value': '1'}, cutomerType);

    function cutomerType(data) {
        if (data.data.value == "0") {



        } else if (data.data.value == "3") {



        } else if (data.data.value == "2") {



        } else if (data.data.value == "1") {





    $('#allFollowUp').bind('click', {'value': 'allFollowUp'}, followUp);
    $('#seven').bind('click', {'value': 'seven'}, followUp);
    $('#fifteen').bind('click', {'value': 'fifteen'}, followUp);

    function followUp(data) {

        if (data.data.value == "allFollowUp") {


        } else if (data.data.value == "seven") {


        } else if (data.data.value == "fifteen") {




    $("#search-input").bind('input propertychange', function () {
        if ($("#search-input").val() != null) {
            $("#btnClose").css("display", "block");
        } else {
            $("#btnClose").css("display", "none");
    $('#btnClose').click(function () {//清空搜索内容
    $('#search').bind('click', function () {
        $(".aui-retrie dt a").removeClass('up');

    $('#confirm').bind('click', function () {
        $(".aui-retrie dt a").removeClass('up');

    function query() {
            type: "POST",
            url: yCtx + '/customerApi/getCustomerList',
            data: $('#queryFrom').serialize(),// 你的formid
            async: true,
            success: function (data) {

    $('#reset').bind('click', reset);//重置
    function reset() {











    var mescroll = new MeScroll("mescroll", {
        down: {
            callback: function () {

        up: {
            auto: true,
            loadFull: {
                use: false, //列表数据过少,是否自动加载下一页,直到满屏或者无更多数据为止;默认false
                delay: 500 //延时执行的毫秒数; 延时是为了保证列表数据或占位的图片都已初始化完成,且下拉刷新上拉加载中区域动画已执行完毕;
            callback: getListData, //上拉回调,此处可简写; 相当于 callback: function (page) { getListData(page); }
            isBounce: false, //此处禁止ios回弹,解析(务必认真阅读,特别是最后一点): http://www.mescroll.com/qa.html#q10
            clearEmptyId: "dataList", //1.下拉刷新时会自动先清空此列表,再加入数据; 2.无任何数据时会在此列表自动提示空
            use: true,
            htmlLoading: '<p class="upwarp-progress mescroll-rotate"></p><p class="upwarp-tip">加载中..</p>',
            htmlNodata: '<p class="upwarp-nodata">-- 没有更多数据了 --</p>',
            offset: 100,
            isLock: false


    /*联网加载列表数据 */
    function getListData() {
        getListDataFromNet(function (curPageData) {

            mescroll.endBySize(10, curPageData.count);

            var cCount = $("#customerCount_input").val() == null || $("#customerCount_input").val() == "" ? 0 : $("#customerCount_input").val();
            var hasNext = false;
            if (cCount < curPageData.count) {
                hasNext = true;
            mescroll.endSuccess(10, hasNext);
        }, function () {

    function setListData(data) {
        var listDom = document.getElementById("dataList");
        if (data != null && data != "") {
            $("#noDataList").css("display", "none");
            $("#mescroll").css("display", "block");
            var html = "";
            if ($("#listCount").html() == null) {
                var liDom = document.createElement("li");
                var li = "<li class=\"aui-list-header\" id=\"listCount\">共有客户:" + data.count + "</li>";
                liDom.innerHTML = li;
            if (data != null && data.customerList != null) {
                for (var i = 0; i < data.customerList.length; i++) {
                    html = html + "<div onclick=\"goCustoemrShow(\'" + data.customerList[i]["id"] + "\')\" class=\"aui-media-list-item-inner\"><div class=\"aui-list-item-inner\"><div class=\"aui-list-item-text\"><div class=\"aui-list-item-title\">" + data.customerList[i]["name"] + "</div><div class=\"aui-list-item-right\">" + data.customerList[i]["person_name"] + "</div></div>";
                    if ((data.customerList[i]["area_name"] != null && data.customerList[i]["address"] == null) || (data.customerList[i]["address"] == "" && data.customerList[i]["area_name"] != "")) {
                        html = html + "<div class=\"aui-list-item-text\">" + data.customerList[i]["area_name"] + "</div></div></div></li>";
                    } else if ((data.customerList[i]["area_name"] == null && data.customerList[i]["address"] != null) || (data.customerList[i]["address"] != "" && data.customerList[i]["area_name"] == "")) {
                        html = html + "<div class=\"aui-list-item-text\">" + data.customerList[i]["address"] + "</div></div></div></li>";
                    } else if ((data.customerList[i]["area_name"] != null && data.customerList[i]["address"] != null) && (data.customerList[i]["address"] != "" && data.customerList[i]["area_name"] != "")) {
                        html = html + "<div class=\"aui-list-item-text\">" + data.customerList[i]["area_name"] + "-" + data.customerList[i]["address"] + "</div></div></div></li>";
                    } else if ((data.customerList[i]["area_name"] == null && data.customerList[i]["address"] == null) || (data.customerList[i]["address"] == "" && data.customerList[i]["area_name"] == "")) {
                        html = html + "<div class=\"aui-list-item-text\">暂无地址</div></div></div>";
                var liDom = document.createElement("li");
                liDom.setAttribute("class", "aui-list-item");
                liDom.innerHTML = html;
            $("#listCount").html("共有客户:" + data.count);
        } else if ((data == null || data == "") && listDom.getRootNode.length == 0) {
            $("#noDataList").css("display", "block");
            $("#mescroll").css("display", "none");

     在您的实际项目中,请参考官方写法: http://www.mescroll.com/api.html#tagUpCallback
     * */
    function getListDataFromNet(successCallback, errorCallback) {
            type: "POST",
            url: yCtx + '/customerApi/getCustomerList',
             data: {
                "search": $("#search-input").val(),
                "filter": $('#filter_input').val(),
                "order": $('#order_input').val(),
                "count": $('#count_input').val()
            async: true,
            success: function (data) {
            error: errorCallback

function goCustoemrShow(id) {
    window.location.href = yCtx + '/customerApi/showCustomerPage?id=' + id;


    @RequestMapping(value = "getCustomerList", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
    public Map<String, Object> getSalesKit(HttpServletRequest request) {
        List<Map<String, Object>> result;
        Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
        try {
            String order = request.getParameter("order");// 排序 --按最后跟进时间正序:aescOne,按最后跟进时间倒序:aescTwo,按创建时间倒序:aescThree,按创建时间正序:aescFour
            String commonlyUsed = request.getParameter("commonlyUsed");// 常用筛选--全部:all,我负责的:self,我参予的:participation
            String cutomerType = request.getParameter("cutomerType");// 客户分类--全部:0,低价值客户:3 ,普通客户:2, 重要客户:1
            String followUp = request.getParameter("followUp");// 跟进频率--全部:allFollowUp,7天未跟进:seven,15天未跟进:fifteen
            String search = request.getParameter("search");
            String count = request.getParameter("count");//每次要加载的数量
            String openId = request.getSession(false).getAttribute("openId").toString();
            if (openId == null) return null;
            SysUserExample exm = new SysUserExample();
            SysUserExample.Criteria cri = exm.createCriteria();
            List<SysUser> userList = sysUserService.selectByExample(exm);//按条件查询
            if (!userList.isEmpty()) {
                SysUser user = userList.get(0);
                Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
                map.put("companyId", user.getCompanyId());
                map.put("userId", user.getId());
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(order)) {
                    map.put("order", order);
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(commonlyUsed)) {
                    map.put("commonlyUsed", commonlyUsed);
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cutomerType)) {
                    map.put("cutomerType", cutomerType);
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(followUp)) {
                    map.put("followUp", followUp);
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(search)) {
                    map.put("search", search);
                // 查总数量
                result = crmDefinedSQLService.getCustomerListToApp(map);
                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
                    resultMap.put("count", result.size());
                } else {
                    resultMap.put("count", 0);
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(count)) {
                    map.put("currentCount", Integer.parseInt(count) + 10);
                    result = crmDefinedSQLService.getCustomerListToApp(map);
                    if (!result.isEmpty()) {
                        resultMap.put("currentCount", result.size());
                    } else {
                        resultMap.put("currentCount", 0);
                    map.put("beginItem", Integer.parseInt(count));
                result = crmDefinedSQLService.getCustomerListToApp(map);
                resultMap.put("customerList", result);
                return resultMap;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("轻应用-销售简报查询出错:" + e.getMessage());
        return null;


public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustomerListToApp(Map<String, Object> map);
    public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustomerListToApp(Map<String, Object> map) {
        return crmDefinedSQLMapper.getCustomerListToApp(map);
	public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustomerListToApp(Map<String, Object> map);
<select id="getCustomerListToApp" resultType="java.util.Map">
		SELECT  t1.id, t1.name, t1.area_name, t1.address , t1.person_id,t1.person_name
		from crm_customer t1 LEFT JOIN crm_followlog t2 on t1.id = t2.customer_id 
		where 1=1
		<if test="userId != '' and userId != null ">
				<when test="filter !=null and filter !='' and filter == 'self' "><!--常用筛选 : 我负责的 -->
					and t1.person_id = #{userId}
				<when test="filter !=null and filter !='' and filter == 'participation' "><!--常用筛选:  我参予的-->
					and t1.id in (SELECT  t3.customer_id  from crm_customer_share  t3 where t3.user_id = #{userId})
					and t1.create_id = #{userId}
					<if test="companyId != '' and companyId != null ">
						and t1.company_id = #{companyId}
		<if test="search !=null and search !='' "><!--客户名称模糊搜索 -->
			and t1.name LIKE '%${search}%'
		<if test="cutomerType !=null and cutomerType !='' and cutomerType =='1' or cutomerType =='2' or cutomerType =='3'"><!--客户级别 -->
			and t1.customer_level_id = #{cutomerType}
			<when test="followUp !=null and followUp !='' and followUp == 'seven' "><!--跟进频率:7天未跟进-->
				AND (SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(day,t2.follow_date,CURDATE())) > 7
			<when test="followUp !=null and followUp !='' and followUp == 'fifteen' "><!--跟进频率:15天未跟进-->
				AND (SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(day,t2.follow_date,CURDATE())) > 15
		GROUP BY t1.id
			<when test="order !=null and order !='' and order == 'aescOne' "><!--按最后跟进时间正序-->
				ORDER BY t2.follow_date ASC,t1.number ASC
			<when test="order !=null and order !='' and order == 'aescTwo' "><!--按最后跟进时间倒序-->
				ORDER BY t2.follow_date DESC,t1.number ASC
			<when test="order !=null and order !='' and order == 'aescThree' "><!--按创建时间倒序-->
				ORDER BY t1.create_date DESC,t1.number DESC
			<otherwise><!--aescFour 按创建时间正序-->
				ORDER BY t1.create_date ASC,t1.number ASC
		<if test="currentCount!= null and currentCount!='' "><!--加载更多 -->
			limit 0, #{currentCount}
		<if test="beginItem != null "><!--加载更多 -->
			limit #{beginItem}, 10;


        title: ['客户'],
        type: 2,//0(信息框,默认)1(页面层)2(iframe层)3(加载层)4(tips层)
        content: yCtx + '/customerApi/f7listCustomer',
        area: ['320px', '395px'],
        maxmin: true,
        btn: ['确认', '取消'],
        yes: function (index, layero) {
            var form = $(layero).find("iframe").contents().find("#dataList");//获取子页面元素
            var chk = form.find('input:checked');
            if (chk.length === 0) {
                return false;
            var li = form.find('input[name="radio"]:checked').parents('li');
            var customerId = $(li).find("input[name='customerId']").val();
            var customerName = $(li).find("input[name='customerName']").val();




相关标签: 后端 技术