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php curl用法

程序员文章站 2022-05-28 16:29:51

function postpage($url)


$response = "";



if($rd==2) $proxy='';

if($rd==3) $proxy='';

if($rd==4) $proxy='';

if($url != "") {

$ch = curl_init($url);

curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_header, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, true);

curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_proxy, $proxy);

$response = curl_exec($ch);

if(curl_errno($ch)) $response = "";



return $response;



curl_close — close a curl session

curl_copy_handle — copy a curl handle along with all of its preferences

curl_errno — return the last error number

curl_error — return a string containing the last error for the current session

curl_exec — perform a curl session

curl_getinfo — get information regarding a specific transfer

curl_init — initialize a curl session

curl_multi_add_handle — add a normal curl handle to a curl multi handle

curl_multi_close — close a set of curl handles

curl_multi_exec — run the sub-connections of the current curl handle

curl_multi_getcontent — return the content of a curl handle if curlopt_returntransfer is set

curl_multi_info_read — get information about the current transfers

curl_multi_init — returns a new curl multi handle

curl_multi_remove_handle — remove a multi handle from a set of curl handles

curl_multi_select — wait for activity on any curl_multi connection

curl_setopt_array — set multiple options for a curl transfer

curl_setopt — set an option for a curl transfer

curl_version — gets curl version information

相关标签: php