2022-05-28 16:20:10
验证ip格式<% '****************************** '函数:checkip(par_strip) '参数:str 要检测的字符...
'参数:str 要检测的字符串
function checkip(par_strip)
checkip =0
dim tmploop, tmpstr
tmpstr =par_strip
if tmpstr ="" or isnull(tmpstr) then exit function
tmpstr =split(tmpstr, ".")
if not isarray(tmpstr) then exit function
for tmploop =0 to ubound(tmpstr)
if tmpstr(tmploop) ="" or isnull(tmpstr(tmploop)) then exit function
if not isnumeric(tmpstr(tmploop)) then exit function
if cint(tmpstr(tmploop)) >255 or cint(tmpstr(tmploop)) <1 then exit function
checkip =1
end function
'参数:str 要检测的字符串
function checkip(par_strip)
checkip =0
dim tmploop, tmpstr
tmpstr =par_strip
if tmpstr ="" or isnull(tmpstr) then exit function
tmpstr =split(tmpstr, ".")
if not isarray(tmpstr) then exit function
for tmploop =0 to ubound(tmpstr)
if tmpstr(tmploop) ="" or isnull(tmpstr(tmploop)) then exit function
if not isnumeric(tmpstr(tmploop)) then exit function
if cint(tmpstr(tmploop)) >255 or cint(tmpstr(tmploop)) <1 then exit function
checkip =1
end function
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