Go 语言读写 Excel GolangGoExcelOfficeXML
2022-05-28 15:00:28
Excelize 是 Go 语言编写的一个用来操作 Office Excel 文档类库,基于 ECMA-376 Office OpenXML 标准。可以使用它来读取、写入 XLSX 文件。相比较其他的开源类库,Excelize 支持写入原本带有图片(表)的文档,还支持向 Excel 中插入图片,并且在保存后不会丢失图表样式。
项目主页 https://github.com/xuri/excelize
go get github.com/xuri/excelize/v2
创建 Excel 文档
package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/xuri/excelize/v2" ) func main() { xlsx := excelize.NewFile() // Create a new sheet. index := xlsx.NewSheet("Sheet2") // Set value of a cell. xlsx.SetCellValue("Sheet2", "A2", "Hello world.") xlsx.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "B2", 100) // Set active sheet of the workbook. xlsx.SetActiveSheet(index) // Save xlsx file by the given path. err := xlsx.SaveAs("./Workbook.xlsx") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } }
package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/xuri/excelize/v2" ) func main() { xlsx, err := excelize.OpenFile("./Workbook.xlsx") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } // Get value from cell by given worksheet name and axis. cell := xlsx.GetCellValue("Sheet1", "B2") fmt.Println(cell) // Get all the rows in the Sheet1. rows := xlsx.GetRows("Sheet1") for _, row := range rows { for _, colCell := range row { fmt.Print(colCell, "\t") } fmt.Println() } }
向 Excel 文档中插入图表
package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/xuri/excelize/v2" ) func main() { categories := map[string]string{"A2": "Small", "A3": "Normal", "A4": "Large", "B1": "Apple", "C1": "Orange", "D1": "Pear"} values := map[string]int{"B2": 2, "C2": 3, "D2": 3, "B3": 5, "C3": 2, "D3": 4, "B4": 6, "C4": 7, "D4": 8} xlsx := excelize.NewFile() for k, v := range categories { xlsx.SetCellValue("Sheet1", k, v) } for k, v := range values { xlsx.SetCellValue("Sheet1", k, v) } xlsx.AddChart("Sheet1", "E1", `{"type":"bar3D","series":[{"name":"=Sheet1!$A$2","categories":"=Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1","values":"=Sheet1!$B$2:$D$2"},{"name":"=Sheet1!$A$3","categories":"=Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1","values":"=Sheet1!$B$3:$D$3"},{"name":"=Sheet1!$A$4","categories":"=Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1","values":"=Sheet1!$B$4:$D$4"}],"title":{"name":"Fruit 3D Line Chart"}}`) // Save xlsx file by the given path. err := xlsx.SaveAs("./Workbook.xlsx") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } }向 Excel 文档中插入图片
package main import ( "fmt" _ "image/gif" _ "image/jpeg" _ "image/png" "github.com/xuri/excelize/v2" ) func main() { xlsx, err := excelize.OpenFile("./Workbook.xlsx") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } // Insert a picture. err = xlsx.AddPicture("Sheet1", "A2", "./image1.png", "") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } // Insert a picture to worksheet with scaling. err = xlsx.AddPicture("Sheet1", "D2", "./image2.jpg", `{"x_scale": 0.5, "y_scale": 0.5}`) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } // Insert a picture offset in the cell with printing support. err = xlsx.AddPicture("Sheet1", "H2", "./image3.gif", `{"x_offset": 15, "y_offset": 10, "print_obj": true, "lock_aspect_ratio": false, "locked": false}`) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } // Save the xlsx file with the origin path. err = xlsx.Save() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } }还有其他一些功能,在这里就不一一列举了,详细使用文档以及获取后期的维护更新可以从项目的主页获取 https://github.com/xuri/excelize