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SQLServer 2008 Merge语句的OUTPUT功能

程序员文章站 2022-05-28 12:17:40
下面介绍一下把output同2008的新t-sql语句merge组合使用的方法: 新建下面表:复制代码 代码如下:create table book( isbn varch...
复制代码 代码如下:

create table book(
isbn varchar(20) primary key,
price decimal,
shelf int)

create table weeklychange(
isbn varchar(20) primary key,
price decimal,
shelf int)

create table bookhistory(
action nvarchar(10),
newisbn varchar(20),
newprice decimal,
newshelf int,
oldisbn varchar(20),
oldprice decimal,
oldshelf int,
archivedat datetime2)

复制代码 代码如下:

merge book as b
using weeklychange as wc
on b.isbn = wc.isbn
when matched and (b.price <> wc.price or b.shelf <> wc.shelf) then
update set b.price = wc.price, b.shelf = wc.shelf
when not matched then
insert values(wc.isbn, wc.price, wc.shelf)
output $action, inserted.*, deleted.*, sysdatetime()
into bookhistory;


select * from bookhistory

action newisbn newprice newshelf oldisbn oldprice oldshelf archivedat
------ ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- ---------------------------
update a 101 1 a 100 1 2007-11-25 14:47:23.9907552
insert c 300 3 null null null 2007-11-25 14:47:23.9907552

复制代码 代码如下:

insert into book(isbn, price, shelf, archivedat)
select isbn, price, shelf, getdate() from
(merge book as b
using weeklychange as wc
on b.isbn = wc.isbn and b.archivedat is null
when matched and (b.price <> wc.price or b.shelf <> wc.shelf) then
update set price = wc.price, shelf = wc.shelf
when not matched then
insert values(wc.isbn, wc.price, wc.shelf, null)
output $action, wc.isbn, deleted.price, deleted.shelf
) changes(action, isbn, price, shelf)
where action = 'update';