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git 初始化git存储库_处理Git子存储库的简单方法

程序员文章站 2022-05-27 12:48:30

git 初始化git存储库

Warning: this post is old and might not reflect the current state of the art


Suppose in your project you have a folder that you want to manage on a separate Git repository.


Or, suppose you want to open-source part of your application, but you don’t want the burden of managing a separate folder, symlinks and separate Git pushes.


What can you do?


输入子树 (Enter subtrees)

First, create a new repository that will host the files you need. If using GitHub, initialize it with a README.md file so it will automatically create the master branch.

首先,创建一个新的存储库,该存储库将托管您需要的文件。 如果使用GitHub,请使用README.md文件对其进行初始化,以便它将自动创建master分支。

Next, add it as a remote inside your project.


$ git remote add repository-name [email protected]:yourname/repository-name.git
$ git subtree add --prefix=subfolder/path/you/want repository-name master

Change repository-name, subfolder/path/you/want and yourname with your chosen names.


You can add --squash to the last command if the project want to incorporate has already many commits, and you want to pull all changes in one single commit.


You’re done!


推拉 (Pushing and pulling)

Now, suppose someone pushes a PR on that subrepository, or you edit it from another project.


To incorporate the changes inside your project, do:


git subtree pull --prefix=subfolder/path/you/want repository-name master

You can add --squash if you want to incorporate all changes in one single commit.


Now you’ll push to your own project, and the changes made in the subrepository are stored in the Git history of it.


To also push those changes to the subrepository Git history, and to the remote, just do


git subtree push --prefix=subfolder/path/you/want repository-name master

Again, use --squash if you feel it appropriate. Git will cherry-pick the commits that involve the subrepository subdirectory, so you’ll just see those changes in the subrepository history.

同样,如果您认为合适,请使用--squash 。 Git会挑选涉及子存储库子目录的提交,因此您只会在子存储库历史记录中看到这些更改。

You might want to be careful and differentiate the commits that involve the subrepository. In this way you’ll keep things separated.

您可能需要小心并区分涉及子存储库的提交。 这样,您就可以将事情分开。

翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/how-to-handle-git-subrepositories/

git 初始化git存储库