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cannot be used as a grouping expression because its data type map<string,string> is not an orderable

程序员文章站 2022-05-26 17:56:03

hive中map类型报错:cannot be used as a grouping expression because its data type map<string,string> is not an orderable data type 解决

create table A.temp as 
select   modify_model model
from A.dwd_sdk_log_inc_d
              dayno = '20210421' 
--2.处理逻辑使用tmp,group by字段中不能有map类型,可以有map里面的key进行分组

  select imei
      ,'BD' searchengine
         select model
             ,if(event_info['Title'] is null,event_info['title'],event_info['Title']) as title
		     ,event_info['url']   url
		     ,event_info['adId']  adid
          from (select a.*,row_number() over (partition by model,app_version_name
               ,system_id order by imei) as row_num from a.temp a)       
        group by model
               ,if(event_info['Title'] is null,event_info['title'],event_info['Title'])				
)tta group by imei


相关标签: hive map