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使.NET运行在Linux, Mac OSX 和 FreeBSD

程序员文章站 2022-05-26 16:59:35



ouspec翻译 写道
首先 GNU决定开发自己的支持多种操作系统的CLI,这可能吗?DotGNU项目的发言人确认了这一点。

GNU计划始于1984年,终极目标是完成一套基于*软件的完整作业操作系统。DotGNU 计划是GNU为了提供Microsoft .NET一份free software替代品的一部份。

DotGNU目前正着力于兼容 ECMA-334和ECMA-335 的C#和CLI标准规格,并实现微软的商业CLI接口,主要目标是为了方便所有便携应用程序能够在DotGNU Portable.NET 和 Microsoft's .NET 平台上运行.








First of all GNU decided to make own CLI for many arcitectures and operation systems. Is this possible?
Guys from DotGNU project sure about this.
"DotGNU Portable.NET is focused on compatibility with the ECMA-334 and ECMA-335 specifications for C# and CLI, and with Microsoft's commercial CLI implementation. Our main goal is to make it easy to write portable application programs which work well both on DotGNU Portable.NET and on Microsoft's .NET platform."

Yes, they support only C# right now. And this is good - C# is the best .Net language ever made.
And the most important - this is not a Microsoft project, this is an open source project.

I think .NET never be released for Linux or MacOSx natively, because MS wants users to run Windows.
And .NET is a good way to bring developers on the MS side. More good software for windows, more windows users.

I want to try this stuff, at least under Linux to know the truth. Because this can be a big hit if .NET became cross-platform.

I'm not currently sure that it really works good. Check it yourself at http://www.dotgnu.org