vs2013编译zlib 1.2.8
2022-05-23 17:51:48
原标题为【How to compile zLib 1.2.8 (WINAPI / WAPI / STDCALL version)】 来源于【http://www.tannerhelland.com/5076/compile-zlib-winapi-wapi-stdcall/】 摘录部分内容如下 【 compile zLib yourself: Extract the entire zLib file and navigate to t
原标题为【How to compile zLib 1.2.8 (WINAPI / WAPI / STDCALL version)】
compile zLib yourself:
- Extract the entire zLib file and navigate to the /contrib/masmx86 folder. Open the “bld_ml32.bat” file in a text editor.
- Add the “/safeseh” switch to both lines in that file (e.g. “ml /safeseh /coff /Zi /c /Flmatch686.lst match686.asm”). Then save and exit.
- Navigate to the /contrib/vstudio/vc11/ folder. Open the zlibvc.sln file in your newly installed Visual Studio 2012 Express.
- In the Solution Explorer (top-right by default), right-click “zlibstat” then select “Properties” at the bottom.
- Go to Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor, and in the Preprocessor Definitions line remove “ZLIB_WINAPI;” (don’t forget to remove the trailing semicolon).
- Now, we need to fix a recently introduced problem that relies on Win8 functionality. In the Solution Explorer, navigate to zlibvc -> iowin32.c. Double-click to open the file.
- Find the line of text that reads “#if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP)”. Change this line to “#if WINAPI_FAMILY_ONE_PARTITION(WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP, WINAPI_PARTITION_APP)”. (Thanks to this link for this fix.)
- zLib uses a Version number declaration that can cause the build process to fail. To fix this, go back to the Solution Explorer, then navigate to zlibvc -> zlibvc.def. Double-click to open.
- Change the line that reads “VERSION 1.2.8″ to read “VERSION 1.28″.
- Finally, go to the Build -> Configuration Manager menu and change the Active Solution Configuration to “Release”.
- Exit that window and press F7 (or click the Build -> Build Solution menu). The project should successfully build.
- You can find your newly compiled zlibwapi.dll file in the /contrib/vstudio/vc11/x86/ZlibDllRelease/ folder.
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