python 检测本机公网IP,变化时邮件通知
2022-05-23 15:19:23
【完全转载】 代码如下: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # author: heidanine # file: # modified: 2011/03/20 01:40 # ########################################### # 检测外网的Ip,发送到指定邮箱 ########################################### # 初期设置: # 1. 填写 myMail -> 你的邮箱哦 # 2. 填写 mySmtp -> host 你自己的smtp服务器。 user/pwd 用户名和密码 # 3. 填写 testUrlParams -> 这个除了保留的地址,你可以多找几个,防止哪个网站不好用了。 # 测试脚本可否执行: # python # 如果没什么问题就可以把这个脚本的执行交给cron了。 # 配置cron(需要root权限),每10分钟检测一次,可自己按习惯定。 # crontab -e # 输入: # */10 * * * * python # import os import time import httplib import urllib import urllib2 import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText ################ ## 我发邮件的邮箱地址 myMail = "" ################ # 先发给自己就行了,想发给别人再加就可以了 toMailList= [myMail\ #,''\ ] ################ # 发邮件的SMTP服务器设置 mySmtp = {"host": ""\ ,"user": "XXXXXXXX"\ ,"pwd": "XXXXXXXX"\ } ################ #检测外网IP的网站列表 testUrlParams = [{'domain': '', 'uri': '/ip'}\ ,{'domain': '', 'uri': ''}\ ] # log文件名 logFileName = 'checkWanIp.log' # log初始内容 logList = [''] # 保存上次IP信息的文件 lastInfoFileName = '.lastInfo' def getWanIpInfo(): ''' 取得外网IP ''' ipInfo = [''] for urlParam in testUrlParams: ipInfo.append("\r\n----------") ipInfo.append("\r\nTest Server : http://" + urlParam['domain'] + urlParam['uri']) ip = getRequestIpInfo(urlParam) if ip is None: ipInfo.append("\r\nTest Fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") ipInfo.append("\r\n----------") else: ipInfo.append("\r\nTest OK!") ipInfo.append("\r\nResult: \r\n") ipInfo.append(ip) ipInfo.append("\r\n----------") return "".join(ipInfo) def getRequestIpInfo(urlParam): ''' 从指定的测试IP的网站得到当前电脑所在网络的外网IP param['domain'] : 域名 (用httplib这个包访问不要加"http://") param['uri'] : URI ''' global logList ip = None try: con = httplib.HTTPConnection(urlParam['domain']) con.request('GET', urlParam['uri']) res = con.getresponse() if res.status == 200 : ip = con.close() except Exception, e: logList.append(str(e)) return ip def sendMail(subject, info): ''' 发送邮件到指定的邮箱 subject: 主题 info: 邮件内容 ''' global logList msg = MIMEText(info) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = myMail msg['To'] = ";".join(toMailList) try: s = smtplib.SMTP(); s.connect(mySmtp['host']) s.login(mySmtp['user'], mySmtp['pwd']) s.sendmail(myMail, toMailList, msg.as_string()) s.close() return True except Exception, e: logList.append(str(e)) return False def readFile(fileName): ''' 读文件内容 ''' global logList try: # 打开文件读取文件内容 f = open(fileName, 'r') try: return finally: f.close() except IOError: logList.append("\r\n" + fileName + " - Can't open the file! Your maybe first run the script, or confirm the Read permission!") return None def writeFile(fileName, str): return writeFileByMode(fileName , str, 'w') # 追加模式 def writeLog(str): ''' 写Log文件 ''' print str return writeFileByMode(logFileName ,str, 'a') # 追加模式 def writeFileByMode(fileName, str, mode): ''' 写文件内容 ''' global logList if mode is None: mode = 'w' # 默认写模式 try: # 写入文件内容 f= open(fileName, mode) try: f.write(str) return True finally: f.close() except IOError: logList.append("\r\n" + fileName + " - Can't write the file! Please confirm the write permission") return False if __name__ == '__main__': try: # 从网站上取得IP ipInfo = getWanIpInfo() logList.append(ipInfo) #读取上次保存的内容 lastInfo = readFile(lastInfoFileName) # 判断和上次取得的内容是否有变化 if lastInfo == ipInfo: logList.append("\r\n\r\n:) IP is not change!") print "".join(logList) else: # 把取得的内容存入文件中,下次用来进行比较 writeFile(lastInfoFileName, ipInfo) logList.append("\r\n\r\nWrite new IP to '" + lastInfoFileName + "'") # 取得开始时间字符串 timeStr = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%-d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) # 设置邮件主题 subject = '[Get IP]host:buhe9(' + timeStr + ')' # 发送到指定邮箱 sendMail(subject, ipInfo) #写入log logList.append("\r\n Subject: " + subject) logList.append("\r\n Send mail ok!") logList.append("\r\n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■") writeLog("".join(logList)) except Exception, e: writeLog(str(e))
上一篇: php守候进程-发送队列邮件
下一篇: 关于SoapClient问题