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dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏

程序员文章站 2022-05-23 13:33:06
dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏

dosbox 自动运行

dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏
dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏

I was over at my parents' house for the Christmas Holiday and my mom pulled out a bunch of old discs and software from 20+ years ago. One gaame was "Star Trek: Judgment Rites" from 1995. I had the CD-ROM Collector's edition with all the audio from the original actors, not just the floppy version with subtitles. It's a MASSIVE 23 megabytes of content!

我在圣诞节假期的父母家过完了,妈妈从20多年前拿出了一堆旧光盘和软件。 其中一项是1995年的《星际迷航:审判仪式》。我有CD-ROM收藏版,其中包含原始演员的所有音频,而不仅仅是带有字幕的软盘版本。 这是23 MB的巨大内容!

You can run Star Trek: Judgment Rites on Windows XP, but on newer operating systems that don't include DOS in the original way. Windows is no longer layered on top of DOS, although it can run some DOS apps with a virtual DOS machine (NTVDM) games rarely work. Remember things like running a Sound Blaster on DMA 1, A220 and IRQ5? Well, none of that exists anymore.

您可以在Windows XP上运行《星际迷航:审判仪式》,但可以在不包含DOS的较新操作系统上以原始方式运行。 尽管Windows可以运行带有虚拟DOS机(NTVDM)游戏的DOS应用程序,但Windows不再位于DOS之上。 还记得在DMA 1,A220和IRQ5上运行Sound Blaster的事情吗? 好吧,这些都不存在了。

Enter DOSBox, a very complete x86 PC emulator that runs an amazing number of old games. It's likely that every old DOS game you have lying around will work great under DOSBox with a little tweaking. In fact, it'll be harder for you to get the games off floppy disks than it will to get them running.

输入DOSBox ,这是一个非常完整的x86 PC模拟器,可以运行大量旧游戏。 稍作调整,您可能会在DOSBox下使用的所有旧DOS游戏都能很好地工作。 实际上,从软盘上退出游戏比让它们运行起来要困难得多。

I saw that Star Trek: Judgment Rites works great on DOSBox. There's just a few slightly non-obvious things to do to get it running (unless you read the manual. ;) )

我看到《星际迷航:审判仪式》在DOSBox上效果很好。 要使它运行,只需要做一些不太明显的事情(除非您阅读了手册。))

After you install DOSBox, you'll note that there's a .conf ini file associated with your it. You can have a different .conf file for each game, then make a desktop shortcut like:

安装DOSBox之后,您会注意到有一个与它关联的.conf ini文件。 每个游戏可以有一个不同的.conf文件,然后创建一个桌面快捷方式,例如:

c:\dosbox\dosbox.exe "c:\games\youroldgame.exe" -conf c:\games\youroldgame.conf

c:\ dosbox \ dosbox.exe“ c:\ games \ youroldgame.exe” -conf c:\ games \ youroldgame.conf

Disk drives in DOSBox are virtual and you need to "mount" them, so if you want a C drive in your DOS box, you'll need to tell DOSBox which of your directories you want to be the C drive within the Box.


For example, I did this


mount C C:\dosgames

装载CC:\ dosgames

At the very bottom of the .conf file is a section called [autoexec] where you can add likes that will automatically run when DOSBox starts up, just like any autoexec.bat file. I added that mount line and then I always have a C drive within the box.

.conf文件的最底部是[autoexec]部分,您可以在其中添加在DOSBox启动时自动运行的赞,就像任何autoexec.bat文件一样。 我添加了该安装线,然后在包装盒中始终有一个C驱动器。

dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏

I can mount old CD-ROMs, like Star Trek, like this:


mount J K:\ -type cdrom

In this line, J is virtual and K: is my actual CD-ROM device with the physical Star Trek CD-ROM.

在这一行中,J是虚拟的,而K:是我实际的带有物理《星际迷航》 CD-ROM的CD-ROM设备。

But messing with CD-ROMs is a hassle, so I used ISO Recorder for Windows, installed it, right-clicked on my drive and created a startrek.iso image file. Then, I changed my mount to

但是弄乱CD-ROM很麻烦,因此我使用了Windows的ISO记录器,安装了它,右键单击驱动器并创建了startrek.iso映像文件。 然后,我将坐骑改为

imgmount j c:\dosgames\startrek.iso -t iso

So now my startrek.conf has this at the bottom:


# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.
mount c c:\dosbox
imgmount j c:\dosbox\startrek.iso -t iso

After running DOSBox with these disks mounted, I installed it using the original installer off the CD-ROM.


dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏

Now, I have a 30" monitor, and this little 320x240 game looks WAY too small. Also, it runs in a window, and I'd like it to run Full Screen and scale. I made these changes in my .conf file.


These are just the lines I changed to get the effect I wanted. The actual .conf is very large and has lots of options.

这些只是为了获得所需效果而更改的行。 实际的.conf很大,并且有很多选择



cycles=fixed 12000

DOSBox is a great way to introduce your kids to older games that you have fond memories of. It's also a great way to get kids playing (what I believe to be) better and higher quality games that make you think and work at a different pace. If you haven't used it before, check it out at http://www.dosbox.com.

DOSBox是一种将您的孩子介绍给您怀有美好回忆的老游戏的好方法。 这也是让孩子们玩(我相信是)更好,更高质量的游戏的好方法,使您以不同的速度思考和工作。 如果您以前从未使用过,请在http://www.dosbox.com上进行检查。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏
dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏
dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏
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dosbox 自动运行_如何使用DOSBox在新计算机上运行90年代的老旧游戏

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/how-to-run-old-but-awesome-games-from-the-90s-on-your-new-computer-with-dosbox

dosbox 自动运行