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《Design of Computer Programs》学习笔记(1 - 1)Winning Poker Hands - Lesson 1

程序员文章站 2022-05-22 19:54:22

Winning Poker Hands

Lesson 1

Lesson 1 - Udacity

1. Welcome

2. About the class

3. Outlining the problem






一手牌 a hand 【JJ225】
一张牌 a card【红桃J】【黑桃J】
the 5 of diamonds,the rank is 5 and the suit is diamonds。

【JJ225】有两个对(2 pair),一对J、一对2和一张5。


n张一样大小的牌称为两条、三条 或 四条。
n of a kind:2 of a kind、3 of a kind、4 of a kind。n - kind


List of poker hands - *

4. 练习:Representing Hands


■ ['JS', 'JD', '2S', '2C', '7H']
■ [(11, 'S'), (11, 'D'), (2, 'S'), (7,'H')]
□ set(['JS', '5D', '2S', '2C', '7H'])
□ "JS JD 2S 2C 7H"




5. 练习:Poker Function

def poker(hands):
        "Return the best hand: poker([hand, ...]) => hand"
        return max

6. 练习:Understanding Max

def poker(hands):
        "Return the best hand: poker([hand, ...]) => hand"
        return max

print max([3, 4, 5, 0]), max([3, 4, -5, 0], key=abs)

7. 练习:Using Max

def poker(hands):
        "Return the best hand: poker([hand, ...]) => hand"
        return max(hands, key=hand_rank)

def hand_rank():
        return None # we will be changing this later.


8. 练习:Testing


def poker(hands):
        "Return the best hand: poker([hand, ...]) => hand"
        return max(hands, key=hand_rank)

def test():
        "Test cases for the functions in poker program."
        sf = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split()
        # 这里的T应该是10,6、7、8、9、T是顺子 straight;
        # 全为C,则花色相同 flush;
        # 总而言之,是同花顺。
        # sf 应该是 straight flush (同花顺)的简写。
        fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split()
        # fk:four of a kind,4张大小一样的牌
        # 4个9
        fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split()
        # fh:full house,3带2
        # 3个(条,kind)10,2个7。
        assert poker([sf, fk, fh]) == sf
        # 上一行必须为真,如果不为真,程序就会停止。
        assert poker([fk, fh]) == fk
        assert poker([fh, fh]) == fh
        # Add 2 new assert statements here. The first 
        # should check that when fk plays fh, fk 
        # is the winner. The second should confirm that
        # fh playing against fh returns fh.
        return "tests pass"


《Design of Computer Programs》学习笔记(1 - 1)Winning Poker Hands - Lesson 1

* - List of poker hands - Hand-ranking categories

9. 练习:Extreme Values


测试极限值。例如,assert poker([fh, fh]) == fh,是极限值的一种。

# -----------
# User Instructions
# Modify the test() function to include two new test cases:
# 1) A single hand.
# 2) 100 hands.
# Since the program is still incomplete, clicking RUN won't do 
# anything, but clicking SUBMIT will let you know if you
# have gotten the problem right. 

def poker(hands):
    "Return the best hand: poker([hand,...]) => hand"
    return max(hands, key=hand_rank)

def test():
    "Test cases for the functions in poker program"
    sf = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split() 
    fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split() 
    fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split()
    assert poker([sf, fk, fh]) == sf
    assert poker([fk, fh]) == fk
    assert poker([fh, fh]) == fh
    # Add 2 new assert statements here. The first 
    # should assert that when poker is called with a
    # single hand, it returns that hand. The second 
    # should check for the case of 100 hands.
    assert poker([sf]) == sf
    # 当玩单人游戏时,它就赢了。
    assert poker([sf] + [fk] * 99)    
    return 'tests pass'


10. 练习:Hand Rank Attempt

hand_rank将一手牌(a hand)作为一个输入,但是return什么呢?

# Return a value indicating the ranking of a hand.
# 返回一个值,标明一手牌的顺序(大小)。


参照* - List of poker hands Hand-ranking categories这张图,和本博文的【手牌排序类别】图。有10种类型的手牌(hands)。(Udacity的视频里面说的是9种,这里我有点疑惑。暂时,我的猜测是,没有讨论5张一样的牌的情况,例如*中的,4个A和1个王组成的5张一样的牌。)

从以上,可知,有9中不同类型的手牌。从顶部最大的同花顺(sf straight flush),到底部最小。我们可以用数字标记,从8到0。8属于同花顺straight flush。然后,我们可以得到解决办法的一个框架:

def hand_rank(hand):
    "Return a value indicating the ranking of a hand."
    # 排序大小是最重要的,我们可以先用我们的card_ranks函数,获取排序大小。
    ranks = card_ranks(hand)
    # 首先,我们想检查是否有同花顺(straight flush)
    if straight(ranks) and flush(hand):
        return 8
    # 如果有一个4条(Four of a kind)
    # 在kind()函数里面,我们只需要大小点数rank。
    elif kind(4, ranks):
        return 7
    elif ...




部分情况下,可以工作。例如3带一对(full house,对应6)大于顺子(straight,对应4)。

11. 练习:Representing Rank


int 70905 70302
□ 小数 7.0905 7.0302
■ 元组 (7, 9, 5) (7, 3, 2)


12. Wild West Poker

用代码表示一手牌(the hand)

同花顺(rank 8,Staight flush)
举例:【同花顺 梅花 7/8/9/10/J】
表示为(8, 11)。解释:同花顺的排序大小最大,为8。上面这手牌中,J最大。(8, 11)完整地描述这手牌(the hand)。

4带1(rank 7,Four of a kind)
表示为(7, 14, 12)。解释:这手牌中,4个A是主要的rank,为7。A的数大小是14。Q是card rank number 12。

3带1对(rank 6,Full House)
表示为(6, 8, 13)。解释:尽管K比8大,但是8的个数比K多。3个8为full house,value是6。K是13。这个3元素的元组(6, 8, 13)完整地描述了这手牌(hand)。

同花(rank 5,Flush)
举例:【同花(Flush) 方片 10+8+7+5+3】
表示为(5, [10, 8, 7, 5, 3])。解释:同花 Flush 的排序 ranked 大小是5。并且,为了更具体地表示这手牌,我们把所有的牌的数都放进来了。

顺子(rank 4,Straight)
举例:【顺子(Straight) J/10/9/8/7】(花色是乱的)
表示为(4, 11)。解释:4意思是Straight 顺子,11意思是J。

3带2张不一样的(rank 3,Three of a kind)
表示为(3, 7, [7, 7, 7, 5, 2])。解释:通常,只用描述3个7,就可以表示1手牌,但是如果我们真的需要具体地表示(英文为break the ties),我们需要看着下一个最大的牌。

2个对子(rank 2,Two Pair)
表示为(2, 11, 3, [13, 11, 11, 3, 3]):。解释:“1对J和1对3”可以描述这手牌的绝大部分,但是我们也需要比较所有的卡牌(cards)。2个对子对应的rank是2,J是11,3是3,最后列出5张card,可以完全地消除这手牌的歧义。

只有1个对子(rank 1,One pair)
表示为(1, 2, [11, 6, 3, 2, 2])。解释:“1对2,J最大”,但是,还是有些部分没有描述到。1个对子的ranking是1,2代表2本身的大小,然后把所有的cards写进元组。

啥好牌都没有(rank 0,High Card)
表示为(0, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2)。解释:“7/5/4/3/2”这手牌,没有对子、顺子、炸弹,rank是0。

13. Back To Hand Rank

def poker(hands):
    "Return the best hand: poker([hand,...]) => hand"
    return max(hands, key=hand_rank)

def hand_rank(hand):
    "Return a value indicating the ranking of a hand."
    ranks = card_ranks(hand)
    if straight(ranks) and flush(hand):
        return (8, max(ranks)) # 2 3 4 5 6 (8, 6) 6 7 8 9 T (8, 10)
    elif kind(4, ranks):
        return (7, kind(4, ranks), kind(1, ranks)) # 9 9 9 9 3 (7, 9, 3)
    elif ...

def test():

elif kind(4, ranks):
    return (7, kind(4, ranks)

这里,不够清晰,到底会返回什么。为了解决这个问题,我们可以用一个实际的值,让它返回一个值。如果有4个7,则返回(7, 7)。如果有4个10,则返回(7, 10)。

elif kind(4, ranks):
        return (7, kind(4, ranks), kind(1, ranks)) # 9 9 9 9 3 (7, 9, 3)

的解释:如果只有1副牌,那么,1手牌里面,最多只有1个4张10。但是,我们需要允许,有两副牌的情况下,也可以玩游戏。所以,我们需要搞一个决胜属性,决胜属性将会是你手里的牌里剩下的卡牌,也就是这张一条的卡牌。(the tiebreaker would be the remaining card in your hand,which is the card that you have 1 of a kind of.)例如,如果你有一手牌,【99993】,表示为(7, 9, 3)

【优达学城该视频下方的纠正】【At 4:17, Peter says “…0 is false in Java” this should actually be “…0 is false in python”】

Back To Hand Rank - Design of Computer Programs - YouTube

14. 练习:Testing Hand Rank

# -----------
# User Instructions
# Modify the test() function to include three new test cases.
# These should assert that hand_rank gives the appropriate
# output for the given straight flush, four of a kind, and
# full house.
# For example, calling hand_rank on sf should output (8, 10)
# Since the program is still incomplete, clicking RUN won't do 
# anything, but clicking SUBMIT will let you know if you
# have gotten the problem right. 

def poker(hands):
    "Return the best hand: poker([hand,...]) => hand"
    return max(hands, key=hand_rank)

def test():
    "Test cases for the functions in poker program"
    sf = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split() # Straight Flush
    fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split() # Four of a Kind
    fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split() # Full House
    assert poker([sf, fk, fh]) == sf
    assert poker([fk, fh]) == fk
    assert poker([fh, fh]) == fh
    assert poker([sf]) == sf
    assert poker([sf] + 99*[fh]) == sf
    # add 3 new assert statements here.
    assert hand_rank(sf) == (8, 10)
    assert hand_rank(fk) == (7, 9, 7)
    assert hand_rank(fh) == (6, 10, 7)
print test()

15. 练习:Writing Hand Rank


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Modify the hand_rank function so that it returns the
# correct output for the remaining hand types, which are:
# full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, two pair,
# pair, and high card hands. 
# Do this by completing each return statement below.
# You may assume the following behavior of each function:
# straight(ranks): returns True if the hand is a straight.
# flush(hand):     returns True if the hand is a flush.
# kind(n, ranks):  returns the first rank that the hand has
#                  exactly n of. For A hand with 4 sevens 
#                  this function would return 7.
#                  返回第一顺序大小rank。。。对于一手牌,
#                  有着4个7的,这个函数会返回7.
# two_pair(ranks): if there is a two pair, this function 
#                  returns their corresponding ranks as a 
#                  tuple. For example, a hand with 2 twos
#                  and 2 fours would cause this function
#                  to return (4, 2).
# card_ranks(hand) returns an ORDERED tuple of the ranks 
#                  in a hand (where the order goes from
#                  highest to lowest rank). 
#                  输入1手牌(a hand),返回这个排列(ranks)的
#                  一个有序的元组(顺序是从最高到最低)。
# Since we are assuming that some functions are already
# written, this code will not RUN. Clicking SUBMIT will 
# tell you if you are correct.

def poker(hands):
    "Return the best hand: poker([hand,...]) => hand"
    return max(hands, key=hand_rank)

def hand_rank(hand):
    ranks = card_ranks(hand)
    # 注意本段代码开头部分对于card_ranks()的定义。
    # 上一行的含义是:ranks存放从高到低的手里的牌,作为元组。
    if straight(ranks) and flush(hand):            # straight flush
        return (8, max(ranks))
    elif kind(4, ranks):                           # 4 of a kind
        return (7, kind(4, ranks), kind(1, ranks))
    elif kind(3, ranks) and kind(2, ranks):        # full house
        return (6, kind(3, ranks), kind(2,ranks))  # your code here
    elif flush(hand):                              # flush
        return (5, ranks)# your code here
    elif straight(ranks):                          # straight
        return (4, max(ranks))# your code here
    elif kind(3, ranks):                           # 3 of a kind
        return (3, kind(3, ranks), ranks)           # your code here
    elif two_pair(ranks):                          # 2 pair
        # return (2, max(two_pair(ranks)), min(two_pair(ranks)), hand) 
        # 上一行是我的代码,请留意本段代码的开始对于two_pair()函数的定义,发现可以简化为Peter放入代码,如下一行
        return (2, two_pair(ranks), ranks)
    elif kind(2, ranks):                           # kind
        # return (1, max(ranks), hand)               # your code here
        return (1, kind(2, ranks), ranks)
    else:                                          # high card
        # return (0,) + card_ranks(hand)             # your code here
        # 上一行是我的代码,请看下一行Peter的代码
        return (0, ranks)

def test():
    "Test cases for the functions in poker program"
    sf = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split() # Straight Flush
    fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split() # Four of a Kind
    fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split() # Full House
    assert poker([sf, fk, fh]) == sf
    assert poker([fk, fh]) == fk
    assert poker([fh, fh]) == fh
    assert poker([sf]) == sf
    assert poker([sf] + 99*[fh]) == sf
    assert hand_rank(sf) == (8, 10)
    assert hand_rank(fk) == (7, 9, 7)
    assert hand_rank(fh) == (6, 10, 7)
    return 'tests pass'

16. 练习:Testing Card Rank


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Modify the test() function to include three new test cases.
# These should assert that card_ranks gives the appropriate
# output for the given straight flush, four of a kind, and
# full house.
# For example, calling card_ranks on sf should output  
# [10, 9, 8, 7, 6]
# Since the program is still incomplete, clicking RUN won't do 
# anything, but clicking SUBMIT will let you know if you
# have gotten the problem right. 

def test():
    "Test cases for the functions in poker program"
    sf = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split() # Straight Flush
    fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split() # Four of a Kind
    fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split() # Full House
    assert card_ranks(sf) == [10, 9, 8, 7, 6]
    assert card_ranks(fk) == [9, 9, 9, 9, 7]
    assert card_ranks(fh) == [10, 10, 10, 7, 7]
    assert poker([sf, fk, fh]) == sf
    assert poker([fk, fh]) == fk
    assert poker([fh, fh]) == fh
    assert poker([sf]) == sf
    assert poker([sf] + 99*[fh]) == sf
    assert hand_rank(sf) == (8, 10)
    assert hand_rank(fk) == (7, 9, 7)
    assert hand_rank(fh) == (6, 10, 7)
    return 'tests pass'

17. 练习:Fixing Card Rank


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Modify the card_ranks() function so that cards with
# rank of ten, jack, queen, king, or ace (T, J, Q, K, A)
# are handled correctly. Do this by mapping 'T' to 10, 
# 'J' to 11, etc...

def card_ranks(cards):
    "Return a list of the ranks, sorted with higher first."
    # 每一张卡牌card,有两个值:大小点数rank和花色suit。
    # 每一张card,有2个值元素:value element。
    # 这里,将2个元素分成第1个和第2个。我们说,a card由a rank 和 a suit组成。
    # 下一行代码,迭代cards中的点数rank和花色suit。
    # 我们将只收集ranks,搞成一个列表。
    ranks = [r for r,s in cards]
    # 但是,这里有一个问题,那就是,
    # !!!卡牌T(10)/J/Q/K/A,全他妈乱套了,没法正确排序!!!
    # 取而代之的是,我们想把
    # T映射到10,J映射到11,Q映射到12,K映射到13,A映射到14。
    return ranks

print card_ranks(['AC', '3D', '4S', 'KH']) #should output [14, 13, 4, 3]


l = ['AC', '3D', '4S', 'KH']
l2 = []
for r,s in l:
        if r == 'T':
        elif r == 'J':
        elif r == 'Q':
        elif r == 'K':
        elif r == 'A':

print "---------"


[10 for r,s in hand if r == 'T',
 11 for r,s in hand if r == 'J',


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Modify the card_ranks() function so that cards with
# rank of ten, jack, queen, king, or ace (T, J, Q, K, A)
# are handled correctly. Do this by mapping 'T' to 10, 
# 'J' to 11, etc...

def card_ranks(cards):
    "Return a list of the ranks, sorted with higher first."
    ranks = ['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r,s in cards]
    return ranks

print card_ranks(['AC', '3D', '4S', 'KH']) #should output [14, 13, 4, 3]


>>> '--23456789TJQKA'.index('2')
>>> '--23456789TJQKA'.index('T')

18. 练习:Straight And Flush


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Define two functions, straight(ranks) and flush(hand).
# Keep in mind that ranks will be ordered from largest
# to smallest.

def straight(ranks):
    "Return True if the ordered ranks form a 5-card straight."
    # Your code here.
    if ranks[0]-4 == ranks[1]-3 == ranks[2]-2 == ranks[3]-1 == ranks[4]:
        return True
    return ranks[0]-4 == ranks[1]-3 == ranks[2]-2 == ranks[3]-1 == ranks[4]
    # Peter的答案
    return (max(ranks)-min(ranks) == 4) and len(set(ranks) == 5)

def flush(hand):
    "Return True if all the cards have the same suit."
    # Your code here.
    return hand[0][1] == hand[1][1] == hand[2][1] == hand[3][1] == hand[4][1]
    # Peter的答案,巧妙地利用了集合的特性:不能含有重复的元素!!!
    suits = [s for r,s in hand]
    return len(set(suits)) == 1

def test():
    "Test cases for the functions in poker program."
    sf = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split()
    fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split()
    fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split()
    assert straight([9, 8, 7, 6, 5]) == True
    assert straight([9, 8, 8, 6, 5]) == False
    assert flush(sf) == True
    assert flush(fk) == False
    return 'tests pass'

print test()

19. 练习:Kind Function


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Define a function, kind(n, ranks).

def kind(n, ranks):
    """Return the first rank that this hand has exactly n of.
    Return None if there is no n-of-a-kind in the hand."""
    # Your code here.
    # 以下是Peter的答案
    for r in ranks:
        if ranks.count(r) == n: return r
        # 如果列表ranks中的元素r的个数等于n,则返回元素r。
        # 结合前面一行的for r in ranks,可以理解,
        # 是对列表ranks中的每一个元素r,都进行统计,
        # 求出列表中每一个元素r的个数。
        # 如果是n个r,则返回r。
    return None
    # 如果没有n个相同的元素,则返回None。
    # 举例:【99997】没有3个相同的元素,则返回None。

    >>> ranks = [9,9,9,9,7]
    >>> ranks.count(9)
    >>> ranks.count(7)

def test():
    "Test cases for the functions in poker program."
    sf = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split() # Straight Flush
    fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split() # Four of a Kind
    fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split() # Full House
    # 注意Peter新增了一行一手牌two pair 【55996】
    tp = "5S 5D 9H 9C 6S".split() # Two pairs
    # fkranks是对fk调用card_ranks之后的排序的结果
    fkranks = card_ranks(fk)
    # tpranks是对tp调用card_ranks之后的排序的结果
    tpranks = card_ranks(tp)
    # fk有4张9,下面的表达式应当返回9。
    assert kind(4, fkranks) == 9
    # fk没有3张一样的牌,应当返回None。
    assert kind(3, fkranks) == None
    # fk没有2张一样的牌,应当返回None。
    assert kind(2, fkranks) == None
    # fk有1张7,应当返回7。
    assert kind(1, fkranks) == 7
    return 'tests pass'

def card_ranks(hand):
    "Return a list of the ranks, sorted with higher first."
    ranks = ['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r, s in hand]
    ranks.sort(reverse = True)
    return ranks

print test()

20. 练习:Two Pair Function


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Define a function, two_pair(ranks).

def two_pair(ranks):
    """If there are two pair, return the two ranks as a
    tuple: (highest, lowest); otherwise return None."""
    # Your code here.
    if ranks[0] == ranks[1] and ranks[2] == ranks[3]:
            # return(ranks[0], ranks[2]) 改为下一行
            return max(ranks[2], ranks[0]), min(ranks[2], ranks[0])
        return None
    # Peter的答案
    那么,返回(pair, lowpair)
    pair = kind(2, ranks)
    lowpair = kind(2, list(reversed(ranks)))
    if pair and lowpair != pair:
        return (pair, lowpair)
        return None

def kind(n, ranks):
    """Return the first rank that this hand has exactly n of.
    Return None if there is no n-of-a-kind in the hand."""
    for r in ranks:
        if ranks.count(r) == n: return r 
    return None

def test():
    "Test cases for the functions in poker program."
    sf = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split() # Straight Flush
    fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split() # Four of a Kind
    fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split() # Full House
    tp = "TD 9H TH 7C 3S".split() # Two Pair
    fkranks = card_ranks(fk)
    tpranks = card_ranks(tp)
    assert kind(4, fkranks) == 9
    assert kind(3, fkranks) == None
    assert kind(2, fkranks) == None
    assert kind(1, fkranks) == 7
    return 'tests pass'

def card_ranks(hand):
    "Return a list of the ranks, sorted with higher first."
    ranks = ['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r, s in hand]
    ranks.sort(reverse = True)
    return ranks

print test()

21. 练习:Making Changes

def test():
    s1 = "AS 2S 3S 4S 5C".split() # A-5 straight


22. 练习:What To Change

□ poker
□ hand_rank
□ card_ranks
■ straight


23. 练习:Ace Low Straight

def card_ranks(hand):
    "Return a list of the ranks, sorted with higher first."
    ranks = ['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r,s in hand]
    这里要解决的问题是【21. 练习:Making Changes】的问题,我的答案是,
    ranks = ['-A23456789TJQK'.index(r) for r,s in hand]
    # return ranks
    # Peter的答案:
    return [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] if (ranks == [14, 5, 4, 3, 2]) else ranks

24. 练习:Handling Ties


def poker(hands):
    """Return a list of winning hands: poker([hand,...]) => [hand,...]"""
    return max(hands, key=hand_rank)

def hand_rank(hand):
    """Return a value indicating the ranking of a hand."""
    ranks = card_ranks(hand) 
    if straight(ranks) and flush(hand):
        return (8, max(ranks))
    elif kind(4, ranks):
        return (7, kind(4, ranks), kind(1, ranks))
    elif kind(3, ranks) and kind(2, ranks):
        return (6, kind(3, ranks), kind(2, ranks))
    elif flush(hand):
        return (5, ranks)
    elif straight(ranks):
        return (4, max(ranks))
    elif kind(3, ranks):
        return (3, kind(3, ranks), ranks)
    elif two_pair(ranks):
        return (2, two_pair(ranks), ranks)
    elif kind(2, ranks):
        return (1, kind(2, ranks), ranks)
        return (0, ranks)

def card_ranks(hand):
    """Return a list of the ranks, sorted with higher first."""
    ranks = ['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r, s in hand]
    ranks.sort(reverse = True)
    return ranks



□ □ hand_rank
■ ■ poker
■ □ new function



25. 练习:Allmax

# -----------
# User Instructions
# Write a function, allmax(iterable, key=None), that returns
# a list of all items equal to the max of the iterable, 
# according to the function specified by key. 

def poker(hands):
    "Return a list of winning hands: poker([hand,...]) => [hand,...]"
    return allmax(hands, key=hand_rank)

def allmax(iterable, key=None): 
    # 注意,这里的key是一个函数,就像max(..., key=...)中的一样
    "Return a list of all items equal to the max of the iterable."
    # Your code here.我没有想出allmax怎么写,这里列出Peter的方法。
    result, maxval = [], None
    key = key or (lambda x: x)
    # 这里的lambda表达式,含义是x映射到x,我存在疑问,为何不直接写【x】?
    for x in iterable:
        xval = key(x)
        if not result or xval > maxval:
            result, maxval =[x], xval
        elif xval == maxval:
        return result
    如果没有传入可以函数,则使用(lambda x: x)函数;

def hand_rank(hand):
    "Return a value indicating the ranking of a hand."
    ranks = card_ranks(hand) 
    if straight(ranks) and flush(hand):
        return (8, max(ranks))
    elif kind(4, ranks):
        return (7, kind(4, ranks), kind(1, ranks))
    elif kind(3, ranks) and kind(2, ranks):
        return (6, kind(3, ranks), kind(2, ranks))
    elif flush(hand):
        return (5, ranks)
    elif straight(ranks):
        return (4, max(ranks))
    elif kind(3, ranks):
        return (3, kind(3, ranks), ranks)
    elif two_pair(ranks):
        return (2, two_pair(ranks), ranks)
    elif kind(2, ranks):
        return (1, kind(2, ranks), ranks)
        return (0, ranks)

def card_ranks(hand):
    "Return a list of the ranks, sorted with higher first."
    ranks = ['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r, s in hand]
    ranks.sort(reverse = True)
    return [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] if (ranks == [14, 5, 4, 3, 2]) else ranks

def flush(hand):
    "Return True if all the cards have the same suit."
    suits = [s for r,s in hand]
    return len(set(suits)) == 1

def straight(ranks):
    "Return True if the ordered ranks form a 5-card straight."
    return (max(ranks)-min(ranks) == 4) and len(set(ranks)) == 5

def kind(n, ranks):
    """Return the first rank that this hand has exactly n-of-a-kind of.
    Return None if there is no n-of-a-kind in the hand."""
    for r in ranks:
        if ranks.count(r) == n: return r
    return None

def two_pair(ranks):
    "If there are two pair here, return the two ranks of the two pairs, else None."
    pair = kind(2, ranks)
    lowpair = kind(2, list(reversed(ranks)))
    if pair and lowpair != pair:
        return (pair, lowpair)
        return None

def test():
    "Test cases for the functions in poker program."
    sf1 = "6C 7C 8C 9C TC".split() # Straight Flush
    sf2 = "6D 7D 8D 9D TD".split() # Straight Flush
    fk = "9D 9H 9S 9C 7D".split() # Four of a Kind
    fh = "TD TC TH 7C 7D".split() # Full House
    assert poker([sf1, sf2, fk, fh]) == [sf1, sf2] 
    return 'tests pass'



26. 练习:Deal


Spade n.(纸牌的)黑桃;
Hearts n.(纸牌的)红桃;
Diamonds n.(纸牌的)方块;
Club n.(纸牌的)梅花。


# -----------
# User Instructions
# Write a function, deal(numhands, n=5, deck), that 
# deals numhands hands with n cards each.

import random # this will be a useful library for shuffling

# This builds a deck of 52 cards. If you are unfamiliar
# with this notation, check out Andy's supplemental video
# on list comprehensions (you can find the link in the 
# Instructor Comments box below).

mydeck = [r+s for r in '23456789TJQKA' for s in 'SHDC'] 

def deal(numhands, n=5, deck=mydeck):
    # Your code here.
    random_deck, result = [], []
    for i in range(len(deck)):
        random_deck.append(deck.pop(int(random.random() * (52 - i))))
    for j in range(numhands):
        result.append(ran_l[0+j*5 : 5+j*5])
    result result

哼哧哼哧搞了大概个把钟头,搞出来,但是居然没有测试通过,代码应该没有问题, 我猜测是因为没有引入shuffle发牌函数吧。


import random

def deal(numhands, n=5, deck=[r+s for r in '23456789TJQKA' for s in 'SHDC']):
    "Shuffle the deck and deal out numhands n-card hands"
    return [deck[deck[n*i:n*(i+1)] for i in range(numhands)]]


27. 练习:Hand Frequencies

《Design of Computer Programs》学习笔记(1 - 1)Winning Poker Hands - Lesson 1

现在,我们可以做的一件事,是我们是否可以复制这种类型的表。也就是,我们测试我们的程序,确保同花顺、high card…等等等,是否是正确的次数。
我们将要看下,随机发牌概率。首先,我们将要有个quiz。我们想要发1手随机数的牌(deal out a random number of hands)。然后,统计每种类型,我们有多少种。然后,完成一个*上面的那种表。
我们应该看52手牌、50000手牌、700,000手牌,还是52!(阶乘)手牌?我还想要你回答为什么,我们需要one per card还是1,000 per card,以便随机变量是平稳的?
或者,我们是否需要…(do we need about 10 for least common hand, least common ranking?)
or do we need one for each of the possiable permutations(排列) of everything that came out of the deck?

《Design of Computer Programs》学习笔记(1 - 1)Winning Poker Hands - Lesson 1

one per card 不够。任何情况下,card的数量不相干。重要的是,the number of possible hands和the number of possible results we get for each type of hand,the rankings we get for each.
所以one per card 没有意义。1,000没有多大帮助。对于最不普遍的rank,最少期待10种可能的结果。

def hand_percentages(n=700*1000): # 按照700,000手牌为分母,来计算概率。
        "Sample n random hands and print a table of percentages for type of hand."
        counts = [0] * 9 # 初始一个矩阵,用来存放700k手牌中,各种牌型出现的次数。
        for i in range(n/10): # 迭代操作n/10次
                for hand in deal(10):
                        ranking = hand_rank(hand)[0]
                        counts[ranking] += 1
                # 迭代每1局中的每1手牌hand,1局发牌给10个人
                        # 获取每手牌的ranking,我猜测这里的ranking是牌型的名称
                        # 每手牌的ranking出现1次,则count自增一次
        for i in reversed(range(9)):
                print "%14s: %6.3f %%" % (hand_names[i], 100.*counts[i]/n)

28. Dimensions Of Programming


correctness 正确性
efficiency 效率 是否足够快
features 特征 确切用来做什么
elegance 优雅;简洁 a programmer said “elegance is not optional”
elegance 包含很多attributes,像clarity(清楚;明确)、simplicity(简单)、generality(一般性),都是elegance的一部分。

《Design of Computer Programs》学习笔记(1 - 1)Winning Poker Hands - Lesson 1


“the best is the enemy of the good”如果你追求完美,你可能浪费了太多的时间。

29. Refactoring




elif kind(3, ranks) and kind(2, ranks): # 这是判断是否为3带1对儿,full house。
    return (6, kind(3, ranks), kind(2, ranks))

return语句中,返回了重复的内容,违反了”DRY”(Don’t Repeat Yourself)原则。
这样做,我想出了1手牌(for a hand,for the ranks of a hand)的一个不同的表示(representation)。

7 10 7 9 7
这里,没有考虑花色,在目前我们的表示方法中,这没关系,我们会把上述按照顺序排列。我们有10、9和3个7,我们说这里有3条(3 of a kind)、4条(4 of a kind)、2条(2 of a kind),等等等等。

我们对这手牌进行group操作,group将返回2个值。第一个值是每种kind的数量(the counts for each of the different kinds of card ranks),我们有3个7、1个10、1个9。因此返回(3, 1, 1)。还有,这些数量将被排序为最大的在前面。group返回的第2个值是牌的大小(card ranks for each of these),我们有3个7、1个10、1个9,因此返回(7, 10, 9)。

从group(7 10 7 9 7)到【(3, 1, 1), (7, 10, 9)】的这种表现形式,在某些方面,是一种更好的表现形式(关于how a poker hand counts)。


def hand_rank(hand):
    "Return a value indicating how high the hand ranks."
    # counts is the count of each rank; ranks lists corresponding ranks
    # E.g. '7 T 7 9 7' => count = (3, 1, 1); ranks = (7, 10 ,9)
    groups = group(['--23456789TJQKA'.index(r) for r,s in hand])
    counts, ranks = unzip(groups)
    # 上一行代码:序列解包,获得counts和ranks的值。
    if ranks == (14, 5, 4, 3, 2):
        ranks = (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
    straight = len(ranks) == 5 and max(ranks)-min(ranks) == 4
    # 对于顺子,例如'9 8 7 6 5',count = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1),ranks = (9, 8, 7, 6, 5)
    # 这样一来,上一行代码很好理解。
    flush = len(set([s for r,s in hand])) == 1
    # 对于同花,肯定花色只有一个,集合中,不会有重复的元素,那么成一行代码也很好理解。
    return (9 if (5,) == counts) else
            8 if straight amd flush else
            7 if (4, 1) == counts else
            6 if (3, 2) == counts else
            5 if flush else
            4 if straight else
            3 if (3, 1, 1) == counts else
            2 if (2, 2, 1) == counts else
            1 if (2, 1, 1, 1) == counts else
            0), ranks

def group(items):

首先,判断是否是(5,) == counts,如果是,则返回(9, ranks);如果不是,
则判断是否是同花顺, 如果是,则返回(8, ranks);如果不是,

30. Summary


def group(items):
    "Return a list of [(count, x)...], highest count first, then highest x first."
    groups = [(items.count(x), x) for x in set(items)]
    return sorted(groups, reverse=True)

def unzip(pairs):
    return zip(*pairs)


>>> items = [7, 8, 7, 9, 7]
>>> groups = [(items.count(x), x) for x in set(items)]
>>> groups
[(1, 8), (1, 9), (3, 7)]

显然,set(items)的值是{7, 8, 9},不含重复的元素。


def hand_rank(hand):
    "Return a value indicating how high the hand ranks."
    # counts is the count of each rank; ranks lists correponding ranks
    # E.g. '7 t 7 9 7' => counts = (3, 1, 1); ranks = (7, 10, 9)
    groups = group(['--23456789TQKA'.index(r) for r, s in hand])
    counts, ranks = unzip(groups)
    if ranks == (14, 5, 4, 3, 2):
        ranks = (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
    straight = len(ranks) == 5 and max(ranks)-min(ranks)==4
    flush = len(set([s for r,s in hand])) == 1
    return max(count_ranking[counts], 4 * straight + 5* flush), ranks

count_rankings = {(5,):10, (4, 1):7, (3, 2):6, (3, 1, 1):3, (2, 2, 1):2,
                 (2, 1, 1, 1):1, (1, 1, 1, 1, 1):0}

understanding 理解。 我们总是通过理解问题,来开始。阅读规格说明书,检查说明书是否可以理解、讲得通。如果无法理解,和别人讨论。尽力弄明白。考虑不同的方式,进而理解说明书。
define pieces 定义问题的碎片。 对于我们的问题,我们有cards、hands、ranks、suits,等等等等。弄清楚问题当中的所有事情的表现形式。
reuse 复用。 尝试复用你拥有的碎片。我们用了max函数、随机洗牌函数random shuffle function。
test 测试。 使用测试,可以知道程序做了什么。
explore 探索设计空间。 我们在设计空间由许多维度。correctness、efficiency、elegance(优雅、简单)、features(特征、用来做什么)。决定你想要到设计空间的哪个地方。保持移动到正确的方向,使用好的品味,知道何时停止。


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