2022-05-22 13:57:09
SQL导出为Excel表 Excel Version: SQL Server 7.0/2000Created by: Alexander Chigrikhttp://www.MSSQLCity.com/ - all about MS SQL(SQL Server Articles, FAQ, Scripts, Tips and Test Exams). This stored procedure can be used to insert the result set
SQL导出为Excel表 ExcelVersion: SQL Server 7.0/2000 Created by: Alexander Chigrik http://www.MSSQLCity.com/ - all about MS SQL (SQL Server Articles, FAQ, Scripts, Tips and Test Exams). This stored procedure can be used to insert the result set of the particular select statement into Excel file (c:\ImportToExcel.xls, by default). You can pass the server name, user name, user password, the select statement to execute, and the file name to store the results set, as in the example below: EXEC ExportToExcel @server = '.', @uname = 'sa', @QueryText = 'SELECT au_fname FROM pubs..authors', @filename = 'c:\ImportToExcel.xls' /* Version: SQL Server 7.0/2000 Created by: Alexander Chigrik http://www.MSSQLCity.com/ - all about MS SQL (SQL Server Articles, FAQ, Scripts, Tips and Test Exams). This stored procedure can be used to insert the result set of the particular select statement into Excel file (c:\ImportToExcel.xls, by default). You can pass the server name, user name, user password, the select statement to execute, and the file name to store the results set, as in the example below: EXEC ExportToExcel @server = '.', @uname = 'sa', @QueryText = 'SELECT au_fname FROM pubs..authors', @filename = 'c:\ImportToExcel.xls' */ IF OBJECT_ID('ExportToExcel') IS NOT NULL DROP PROC ExportToExcel GO CREATE PROCEDURE ExportToExcel ( @server sysname = null, @uname sysname = null, @pwd sysname = null, @QueryText varchar(200) = null, @filename varchar(200) = 'c:\ImportToExcel.xls' ) AS DECLARE @SQLServer int, @QueryResults int, @CurrentResultSet int, @object int, @WorkBooks int, @WorkBook int, @Range int, @hr int, @Columns int, @Rows int, @indColumn int, @indRow int, @off_Column int, @off_Row int, @code_str varchar(100), @result_str varchar(255) IF @QueryText IS NULL BEGIN PRINT 'Set the query string' RETURN END -- Sets the server to the local server IF @server IS NULL SELECT @server = @@servername -- Sets the username to the current user name IF @uname IS NULL SELECT @uname = SYSTEM_USER SET NOCOUNT ON EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'SQLDMO.SQLServer', @SQLServer OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error create SQLDMO.SQLServer' RETURN END -- Connect to the SQL Server IF @pwd IS NULL BEGIN EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @SQLServer, 'Connect', null, @server, @uname IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error Connect' RETURN END END ELSE BEGIN EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @SQLServer, 'Connect', null, @server, @uname, @pwd IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error Connect' RETURN END END SELECT @result_str = 'ExecuteWithResults("' + @QueryText + '")' EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @SQLServer, @result_str, @QueryResults OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error with method ExecuteWithResults' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @QueryResults, 'CurrentResultSet', @CurrentResultSet OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error get CurrentResultSet' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @QueryResults, 'Columns', @Columns OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error get Columns' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @QueryResults, 'Rows', @Rows OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error get Rows' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Excel.Application', @object OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error create Excel.Application' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @object, 'WorkBooks', @WorkBooks OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error create WorkBooks' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @WorkBooks, 'Add', @WorkBook OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error with method Add' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @object, 'Range("A1")', @Range OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error create Range' RETURN END SELECT @indRow = 1 SELECT @off_Row = 0 SELECT @off_Column = 1 WHILE (@indRow 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error get GetColumnString' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @Range, 'value', @result_str IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error set value' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @Range, 'Offset', @Range OUT, @off_Row, @off_Column IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error get Offset' RETURN END SELECT @indColumn = @indColumn + 1 END SELECT @indRow = @indRow + 1 SELECT @code_str = 'Range("A' + LTRIM(str(@indRow)) + '")' EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @object, @code_str, @Range OUT IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error create Range' RETURN END END SELECT @result_str = 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''del ' + @filename + ''', no_output' EXEC(@result_str) SELECT @result_str = 'SaveAs("' + @filename + '")' EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @WorkBook, @result_str IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error with method SaveAs' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @WorkBook, 'Close' IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error with method Close' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @object IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error destroy Excel.Application' RETURN END EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @SQLServer IF @hr 0 BEGIN PRINT 'error destroy SQLDMO.SQLServer' RETURN END GO
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