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Type handler was null on parameter mapping for property '__frch_item_0'. It was either not specified

程序员文章站 2022-03-08 17:24:18

Type handler was null on parameter mapping for property ‘__frch_item_0’. It was either not specified andor could not be found for the javaType jdbcType combination specifi

1.Mapper.java 与Mapper.xml 的类型对应不上出现的错误

2.在mybatis框架的xml文件中存在注释 也会出现这种情况 , 删掉注释重新运行试试.

<if test="sign!=null">
    <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="branchListN" open="(" separator="," close=")">
        #{item.code,jdbcType=VARCHAR}      //不一样的参数类型

//不一样的参数类型 删除即可