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程序员文章站 2022-05-22 13:07:44

Sparse Matrix

A matrix with lots of zeros is called sparse (the opposite of sparse is dense). For sparse matrices, you can save a lot of memory by only storing the non-zero values.
Another example of a large, sparse matrix:

There are the most common sparse storage formats:

  • coordinate-wise (scipy calls COO)
  • compressed sparse row (CSR)
  • compressed sparse column (CSC)

1. COO

按坐标存储 non-zero value:


2. CSR

RowPtrindex=1 处的value为3,代表 Row1 starts with valindex=3 处的值22。


这样做的好处就是access data by row 的时候比较方便,比如想取 index=3 的row,一check,它starts with 9,stops before 12,就去访问 index=[9,11] 的value。

3. CSC

Block Matrix Multiplication

Ordinary Matrix Multiplication

Q: What is the computational complexity (big O) of matrix multiplication for multiplying two n×n matrices A×B=C?

What this looks like:

for i=1 to n
    {read row i of A into fast memory}
    for j=1 to n
        {read col j of B into fast memory}
        for k=1 to n
            C[i,j] += C[i,j] + A[i,k] x B[k,j]
        {write C[i,j] back to slow memory}

Question: How many reads and writes are made?

B的每个Column j 会read n2次,而每个column又有n个element,所以一共read n3,远多于 A


Block Matix Multiplication

Divide A,B,C into N×N blocks of size nN×nN
稀疏矩阵与矩阵块乘法 (Source)

What this looks like:

for i=1 to N
    for j=1 to N
        for k=1 to N
            {read block (i,k) of A}
            {read block (k,j) of B}
            block (i,j) of C += block of A times block of B
        {write block (i,j) of C back to slow memory}

Question 1: What is the big-O of this?

仍然是 O(n3)

Question 2: How many reads and writes are made?

Block Matrix 是 (nN)2 大小的,三层的for loop有 (nN)2N3=Nn2 ,前面还要乘上一个2:2(nN)2N3=2Nn2,因此对 AB两个矩阵都要read这么多次。

相关标签: 线性代数