.NET Core 3.0之深入源码理解Configuration(二)
.net core文件型配置中我们提供了三种主要的实现,分别是json、xml、ini,请查看下图
文件型配置的抽象扩展位于microsoft.extensions.configuration.fileextensions组件中,该扩展是一个基础实现。不过其命名空间是microsoft.extensions.configuration,而micros oft.extensions.configuration扩建本身又是整个.net core configuration的基础实现。将file扩展独立于外部,体验了.net core的模块化设计。
1: /// <summary>
2: /// builds the <see cref="iconfigurationprovider"/> for this source.
3: /// </summary>
4: /// <param name="builder">the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/>.</param>
5: /// <returns>a <see cref="iconfigurationprovider"/></returns>
6: public abstract iconfigurationprovider build(iconfigurationbuilder builder);
string path:文件的路径
bool optional:标识加载的文件是否是可选的
bool reloadonchange:如果文件发生修改,是否重新加载配置源
int reloaddelay:加载延迟,单位是毫秒,默认是250毫秒
ifileprovider fileprovider:用于获取文件内容
action<fileloadexceptioncontext> onloadexception:文件加载异常处理
1: /// <summary>
2: /// if no file provider has been set, for absolute path, this will creates a physical file provider
3: /// for the nearest existing directory.
4: /// </summary>
5: public void resolvefileprovider()
6: {
7: if (fileprovider == null &&
8: !string.isnullorempty(path) &&
9: system.io.path.ispathrooted(path))
10: {
11:var directory = system.io.path.getdirectoryname(path);
12: var pathtofile = system.io.path.getfilename(path);
13: while (!string.isnullorempty(directory) && !directory.exists(directory))
14: {
15: pathtofile = system.io.path.combine(system.io.path.getfilename(directory), pathtofile);
16: directory = system.io.path.getdirectoryname(directory);
17: }
18: if (directory.exists(directory))
19: {
20: fileprovider = new physicalfileprovider(directory);
21: path = pathtofile;
22: }
23: }
24: }
1: /// <summary>
2: /// loads this provider's data from a stream.
3: /// </summary>
4: /// <param name="stream">the stream to read.</param>
5: public abstract void load(stream stream);
1: private void load(bool reload)
2: {
3: var file = source.fileprovider?.getfileinfo(source.path);
4: if (file == null || !file.exists)
5: {
6: if (source.optional || reload) // always optional on reload
7: {
8: data = new dictionary<string, string>(stringcomparer.ordinalignorecase);
9: }
10: else
11: {
12: var error = new stringbuilder($"the configuration file '{source.path}' was not found and is not optional.");
13: if (!string.isnullorempty(file?.physicalpath))
14: {
15: error.append($" the physical path is '{file.physicalpath}'.");
16: }
17: handleexception(new filenotfoundexception(error.tostring()));
18: }
19: }
20: else
21: {
22: // always create new data on reload to drop old keys
23: if (reload)
24: {
25: data = new dictionary<string, string>(stringcomparer.ordinalignorecase);
26: }
27: using (var stream = file.createreadstream())
28: {
29: try
30: {
31: load(stream);
32: }
33: catch (exception e)
34: {
35: handleexception(e);
36: }
37: }
38: }
39: // review: should we raise this in the base as well / instead?,通过注释,我们可以知道onreload()方法可能会在新版中发生变化
40: onreload();
41: }
43: /// <summary>
44: /// loads the contents of the file at <see cref="path"/>.
45: /// </summary>
46: /// <exception cref="filenotfoundexception">if optional is <c>false</c> on the source and a
47: /// file does not exist at specified path.</exception>
48: public override void load()
49: {
50: load(reload: false);
51: }
1: /// <summary>
2: /// initializes a new instance with the specified source.
3: /// </summary>
4: /// <param name="source">the source settings.</param>
5: public fileconfigurationprovider(fileconfigurationsource source)
6: {
7: if (source == null)
8: {
9: throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(source));
10: }
11: source = source;
13: if (source.reloadonchange && source.fileprovider != null)
14: {
15: _changetokenregistration = changetoken.onchange(
16: () => source.fileprovider.watch(source.path),
17: () => {
18: thread.sleep(source.reloaddelay);
19: load(reload: true);
20: });
21: }
22: }
- iconfigurationbuilder
- ifileprovider
- action<fileloadexceptioncontext>
1: /// <summary>
2: /// sets the default <see cref="ifileprovider"/> to be used for file-based providers.
3: /// </summary>
4: /// <param name="builder">the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/> to add to.</param>
5: /// <param name="fileprovider">the default file provider instance.</param>
6: /// <returns>the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/>.</returns>
7: public static iconfigurationbuilder setfileprovider(this iconfigurationbuilder builder, ifileprovider fileprovider)
8: {
9: if (builder == null)
10: {
11: throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(builder));
12: }
14: builder.properties[fileproviderkey] = fileprovider ?? throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(fileprovider));
15: return builder;
16: }
18: /// <summary>
19: /// gets the default <see cref="ifileprovider"/> to be used for file-based providers.
20: /// </summary>
21: /// <param name="builder">the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/>.</param>
22: /// <returns>the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/>.</returns>
23: public static ifileprovider getfileprovider(this iconfigurationbuilder builder)
24: {
25: if (builder == null)
26: {
27: throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(builder));
28: }
30: if (builder.properties.trygetvalue(fileproviderkey, out object provider))
31: {
32: return provider as ifileprovider;
33: }
35: return new physicalfileprovider(appcontext.basedirectory ?? string.empty);
36: }
1: /// <summary>
2: /// sets the fileprovider for file-based providers to a physicalfileprovider with the base path.
3: /// </summary>
4: /// <param name="builder">the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/> to add to.</param>
5: /// <param name="basepath">the absolute path of file-based providers.</param>
6: /// <returns>the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/>.</returns>
7: public static iconfigurationbuilder setbasepath(this iconfigurationbuilder builder, string basepath)
8: {
9: if (builder == null)
10: {
11: throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(builder));
12: }
14: if (basepath == null)
15: {
16: throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(basepath));
17: }
19: return builder.setfileprovider(new physicalfileprovider(basepath));
20: }
1: /// <summary>
2: /// sets a default action to be invoked for file-based providers when an error occurs.
3: /// </summary>
4: /// <param name="builder">the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/> to add to.</param>
5: /// <param name="handler">the action to be invoked on a file load exception.</param>
6: /// <returns>the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/>.</returns>
7: public static iconfigurationbuilder setfileloadexceptionhandler(this iconfigurationbuilder builder, action<fileloadexceptioncontext> handler)
8: {
9: if (builder == null)
10: {
11: throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(builder));
12: }
14: builder.properties[fileloadexceptionhandlerkey] = handler;
15: return builder;
16: }
18: /// <summary>
19: /// gets the default <see cref="ifileprovider"/> to be used for file-based providers.
20: /// </summary>
21: /// <param name="builder">the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/>.</param>
22: /// <returns>the <see cref="iconfigurationbuilder"/>.</returns>
23: public static action<fileloadexceptioncontext> getfileloadexceptionhandler(this iconfigurationbuilder builder)
24: {
25: if (builder == null)
26: {
27: throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(builder));
28: }
30: if (builder.properties.trygetvalue(fileloadexceptionhandlerkey, out object handler))
31: {
32: return handler as action<fileloadexceptioncontext>;
33: }
34:return null;
35: }
1: private static string fileproviderkey = "fileprovider";
2: private static string fileloadexceptionhandlerkey = "fileloadexceptionhandler";
文件型配置还依赖于.net core的其他组件microsoft.extensions.fileproviders和microsoft.extensions.primitives。
.NET Core 3.0之深入源码理解Configuration(二)
.NET Core 3.0之深入源码理解Configuration(三)
.NET Core 3.0之深入源码理解Configuration(一)
.NET Core 3.0之创建基于Consul的Configuration扩展组件
【春华秋实】深入源码理解.NET Core中Startup的注册及运行
.NET Core 3.0之深入源码理解Configuration(三)
.NET Core 3.0之深入源码理解Configuration(二)
【春华秋实】深入源码理解.NET Core中Startup的注册及运行
.NET Core 3.0之深入源码理解Configuration(一)
.NET Core 3.0之创建基于Consul的Configuration扩展组件