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Does Anyone Know What's Going on at Coinbase?

程序员文章站 2022-05-21 15:46:14

Does Anyone Know What's Going on at Coinbase? - a Bank on MongoDB: Read the Hacker News thread about Coinbase. Money is going missing. Transactions have been delayed for days and, in some cases, over a week. Even amounts already in BTC are

Does Anyone Know What's Going on at Coinbase? - a Bank on MongoDB:

Read the Hacker News thread about Coinbase.

Money is going missing. Transactions have been delayed for days and, in some cases, over a week. Even amounts already in BTC aren’t leaving the system.

The (snarky) comment is that Coinbase is a bank built on MongoDB.

Emin Gün Sirer

Original title and link: Does Anyone Know What’s Going on at Coinbase? - a Bank on MongoDB (NoSQL database?myNoSQL)

Does Anyone Know What's Going on at Coinbase?