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程序员文章站 2022-05-20 20:24:54


# 禁忌搜索算法实现31个城市TSP问题
import random
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

global m, best, tl, ca  # m 城市个数 best全局最优  tl初始禁忌长度  ca最大候选集的个数
global time, spe  # time 迭代次数, spe特赦值
best = float('Inf')  # 全局最优初始化为正无穷
m = 31
tl = int(round(math.sqrt(m*(m-1)/2), 0))
spe = 10
time = 250
ca = 200
tabu = [[0] * (m) for i in range(m)]  # 声明并初始化禁忌表
best_way = [0] * m
now_way = [0] * m  # best_way 最优解  now_way当前解
dis = [[0] * (m) for i in range(m)]  # 使用邻接矩阵存储两城市之间的距离
p = []  # 存放31个城市的坐标

class no:  # 该类表示每个点的坐标
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

def draw(t,re):  # 该函数用于描绘解t的路线图以及迭代过程图
    # 路线图
    x = [0] * (m + 1)
    y = [0] * (m + 1)
    for i in range(m):
        x[i] = p[t[i]].x
        y[i] = p[t[i]].y
    x[m] = p[t[0]].x
    y[m] = p[t[0]].y
    plt.plot(x, y, color='r', marker='*')

    # 迭代过程图
    A = [i for i in range(time)] # 横坐标
    B = re[:]  # 纵坐标
    plt.plot(A, B, '-')

def mycol():  # 城市坐标输入
    coordinate = [[1304, 2312], [3639, 1315], [4177, 2244], [3712, 1399], [3488, 1535], [3326, 1556],
                  [3238, 1229], [4196, 1004], [4312, 790], [4386, 570], [3007, 1970], [2562, 1756],
                  [2788, 1491], [2381, 1676], [1332, 695], [3715, 1678], [3918, 2179], [4061, 2370],
                  [3780, 2212], [3676, 2578], [4029, 2838], [4263, 2931], [3429, 1908], [3507, 2367],
                  [3394, 2643], [3439, 3201], [2935, 3240], [3140, 3550], [2545, 2357], [2778, 2826], [2370, 2975]
    for i in coordinate:
        p.append(no(i[0], i[1]))

def get_dis(a, b):  # 返回a,b两城市的直线距离
    return math.sqrt((p[a].x - p[b].x) * (p[a].x - p[b].x) + (p[a].y - p[b].y) * (p[a].y - p[b].y))

def get_value(t):  # 计算解t的路线长度
    ans = 0.0
    for i in range(1, m):
        ans += dis[t[i]][t[i - 1]]
    ans += dis[t[0]][t[m - 1]]
    return ans

def cop(a, b):  # 把b数组的值赋值a数组
    for i in range(m):
        a[i] = b[i]

def rand(g):  # 随机生成初始解
    vis = [0] * m
    on = 0
    while on < m:
        te = random.randint(0, m - 1)  # 产生一个代表城市序号的随机数
        if (vis[te] == 0):  # 如果当前选出的随机数其对应位置的值为1代表已被选中,则跳过;否则,将当前数加入初始解中
            vis[te] = 1
            g[on] = te
            on += 1

def greedy(g):
    # 使用贪婪算法产生初始解,从第一个城市CR出发,寻找与其直线距离最短的城市NR并标记,令CR=dis_index,然后继续寻找与CR距离最近的城市并标记,直到所有的城市被标记完
    # 初始解的第一个出发城市由随机数产生
    #temp = [random.randint(0, m-1)]
    temp = [0]  # 固定从第一个城市出发,产生的解唯一
    count = 1
    CR = temp[0]
    while count < m:
        distance = [0] * m  # 存储CR与其他城市的距离
        cop(distance, dis[CR])
        distance.sort()  # 对当前城市与其他城市的距离进行排序
        distance = distance[1:]  # 排除掉为0的城市到自己的距离
        dis_index = dis[CR].index(distance[0])  # 将距离最短城市的下标找出
        i = 1
        while dis_index in temp:  # 如果当前距离最短的城市已在初始解里,则找次小的
            dis_index = dis[CR].index(distance[i])
            i += 1
        count += 1
        CR = dis_index
    cop(g, temp)

def init():  # 初始化函数
    global best
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(m):
            if i == j:
            value = get_dis(i, j)
            dis[i][j] = value  # 初始化所有城市之间的直线距离
            dis[j][i] = value

    #rand(now_way)  # 生成初始解作为当前解
    now = get_value(now_way)  # 计算初始解的长度
    cop(best_way, now_way)  # 将当前的初始解及其长度赋给最佳解
    best = now

def slove():  # 迭代函数
    global best, now_way
    temp = [0] * m  # 中间变量记录交换结果
    a = 0
    b = 0  # 记录交换城市下标
    ob_way = [0] * m
    cop(ob_way, now_way)
    ob_value = get_value(now_way)  # 暂存邻域最优解
    for i in range(1, m):  # 搜索所有邻域
        for j in range(1, m):
            if (i + j >= m): break
            if (i == j): continue
            cop(temp, now_way)
            temp[i], temp[i + j] = temp[i + j], temp[i]  # 交换
            value = get_value(temp)
            if (value <= best and tabu[i][i + j] < spe):  # 如果优于全局最优且禁忌长度小于特赦值
                cop(best_way, temp)
                best = value
                a = i
                b = i + j  # 更新全局最优且接受新解
                cop(ob_way, temp)
                ob_value = value
            elif (tabu[i][i + j] == 0 and value < ob_value):  # 如果优于邻域中的最优解则暂存邻域最优解
                cop(ob_way, temp)
                ob_value = value
                a = i
                b = i + j  # 接受新解的坐标
    cop(now_way, ob_way)  # 更新当前解
    for i in range(m):  # 更新禁忌表
        for j in range(m):
            if (tabu[i][j] > 0):
                tabu[i][j] -= 1
    tabu[a][b] = tl  # a,b被选中,重置a,b两个交换城市的禁忌值
    return best  # 每次迭代完毕后,返回最优路径长度

# *************************入口函数*************************
if __name__ == "__main__":
    record = [0] * time  # record每次产生的最优解的路径长度
    mycol()  # 数据输入
    init()  # 数据初始化

    for i in range(time):  # 控制迭代次数
        value = slove()
        record[i] = value / pow(10, 4)
    print("路线总长度:", round(best, 3))  # 打印最优解距离保留三位小数
    print("具体路线:", best_way)  # 打印路线,以序列表示
    draw(best_way, record)  # 路线图与迭代过程图

路线总长度: 17090.424
具体路线: [0, 28, 10, 5, 4, 22, 24, 25, 27, 26, 30, 29, 23, 17, 2, 21, 20, 19, 18, 16, 15, 3, 7, 8, 9, 1, 6, 12, 11, 13, 14]
路线总长度: 16561.835
具体路线: [6, 5, 4, 3, 15, 22, 10, 11, 13, 14, 0, 28, 30, 29, 26, 27, 25, 24, 19, 23, 18, 16, 17, 20, 21, 2, 7, 8, 9, 1, 12]

相关标签: python 数学建模