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程序员文章站 2022-05-20 15:27:14



  1. import random #导入随机模块
  2. num = 1
  3. yin_num = 0
  4. shu_num = 0
  5. while num <= 3:
  6. if shu_num == 2 or yin_num == 2:
  7. break
  8. user = int(input('请出拳 0(石头) 1(剪刀) 2(布)'))
  9. if user > 2:
  10. print('不能出大于2的值')
  11. else:
  12. data = ['石头', '剪刀', '布']
  13. com = random.randint(0, 2)
  14. print("您出的是{},电脑出的是{}".format(data[user], data[com]))
  15. if user == com:
  16. print('平局')
  17. continue
  18. elif (user == 0 and com == 1) or (user == 1 and com == 2) or (user == 2 and com == 0):
  19. print('你赢了')
  20. yin_num += 1
  21. else:
  22. print('你输了')
  23. shu_num += 1
  24. num += 1


  1. import random
  2. import time
  3. bomb = random.randint(1, 99)
  4. print(bomb)
  5. start = 0
  6. end = 99
  7. while 1 == 1:
  8. people = int(input('请输入{}到{}之间的数:'.format(start, end)))
  9. if people > bomb:
  10. print('大了')
  11. end = people
  12. elif people < bomb:
  13. print('小了')
  14. start = people
  15. else:
  16. print('BOOM!!!')
  17. break
  18. print('等待电脑了输入{}到{}之间的数:'.format(start, end))
  19. time.sleep(1)
  20. com = random.randint(start + 1, end - 1)
  21. print('电脑输入:{}'.format(com))
  22. if com > bomb:
  23. print('大了')
  24. end = com
  25. elif com < bomb:
  26. print('小了')
  27. start = com
  28. else:
  29. print('BOOM!!!')
  30. break


  1. import time
  2. import random
  3. # 让用户注册
  4. name = input('请填写用户名:')
  5. age = input("{}您好,请输入您的年龄 : ".format(name))
  6. user_info = {'name': name, 'age': int(age)} # 用户信息
  7. user_properties = ['X 1-5'] # 用于存放用户道具 默认道具
  8. properties = ['X3 (250G)', 'X1-5 (300G)'] # 道具列表 显示用
  9. # 根据用户年龄 给与不同的初始金币
  10. if 10 < user_info['age'] < 18:
  11. glod = 1000
  12. elif 18 <= user_info['age'] <= 30:
  13. glod = 1500
  14. else:
  15. glod = 500
  16. user_info['glod'] = glod
  17. # 输出相关提示信息
  18. print("{}您好,欢迎游玩本游戏,您的初始金币为:{}".format(user_info['name'], user_info['glod']))
  19. print("\n")
  20. time.sleep(1)
  21. print('游戏说明'.center(50, '*'))
  22. print('*'.ljust(53), '*')
  23. print('*', end='')
  24. print("电脑每次投掷三枚骰子,总点数>=10为大,否则为小".center(32), end='')
  25. print('*')
  26. print('*'.ljust(53), '*')
  27. print('*' * 54)
  28. print("\n")
  29. # 开始游戏
  30. result = input('是否开始游戏 yes or no : ')
  31. go = True
  32. if (result.lower() == 'yes'):
  33. while go:
  34. dices = []
  35. # 开始投掷
  36. for i in range(0, 3):
  37. dices.append(random.randint(1, 6))
  38. total = sum(dices) # 计算总和
  39. user_input = input('请输入big OR small : ') # 等待用户输入
  40. u_input = user_input.strip().lower()
  41. time.sleep(1)
  42. # 判断用户输入
  43. print('骰子点数为:{}'.format(dices), end=' ')
  44. if (total >= 10 and u_input == 'big') or (total < 10 and u_input == 'small'):
  45. print('您赢了!!!')
  46. multi = 1 # 倍数
  47. if len(user_properties) > 0: # 如果用户有道具 选择是否使用道具
  48. use_pro = input('是否使用道具: ')
  49. if use_pro.lower() == 'yes':
  50. use_pro = int(input('请选择使用第几个道具{} :'.format(user_properties)))
  51. use_pro -= 1
  52. # 判断道具类型
  53. if user_properties[use_pro] == 'X 3':
  54. multi = 3
  55. print('奖金翻3倍')
  56. elif user_properties[use_pro] == 'X 1-5':
  57. multi = random.randint(1, 5)
  58. print('奖金翻{}倍'.format(multi))
  59. user_properties.remove(user_properties[use_pro]) # 删除道具
  60. user_info['glod'] += 100 * multi; # 金额增加
  61. else:
  62. print('您输了!')
  63. user_info['glod'] -= 100; # 错误 用户金币减 100
  64. # 判断用户金币 是否够下次玩 不够则退出程序
  65. if (user_info['glod'] <= 0):
  66. print('您的金币已经用完,感谢您的游玩')
  67. break
  68. if user_info['glod'] % 1000 == 0: # 用户金币 1000的倍数是 可购买道具
  69. shop = input('您现在有金币:{},是否购买道具 yes or no: '.format(user_info['glod']))
  70. if shop.lower() == 'yes':
  71. good_num = int(input('请选择要购买第几个道具 {}'.format(properties)))
  72. if good_num == 1:
  73. user_properties.append('X 3') # 给用户添加道具
  74. user_info['glod'] -= 250
  75. print('购买成功!消耗金币250')
  76. elif good_num == 2:
  77. user_properties.append('X 1-5') # 给用户添加道具
  78. user_info['glod'] -= 300 # 用户金币减 300
  79. print('购买成功!消耗金币300')
  80. else:
  81. print('没有该道具,您失去了这次机会')
  82. else:
  83. # 一直提示 太烦
  84. # conti = input('您现在有金币:{},是否继续游玩,yes or no: '.format(user_info['glod']))
  85. print('您现在有金币:{} '.format(user_info['glod']))
  86. else:
  87. print('欢迎下次游玩,再见!')
