2022-05-20 12:09:01
Java当中的泛型 01 这就存在一个问题,如果集合存储元素时,而且存储对象有很多,而且对象类型不相同,就很容易导致隐患。 在 中该文件 在编译的时候不会出现错误是因为该存储的是 的任何类型的对象,所以不会出现错误,编译通过了。编译后为 到运行。 如果要解决问题,可以把问题提前到编译的时候去解决,让 ......
import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list; public class demo{ public static void main(string[] args){ // 创建list集合 list list = new arraylist(); // 特性为长度可变,可以存储对象(对象可以是任意的) list.add("abcdefg"); // 为对象 list.add(1); // 为对象 // 循环取出对象 for(iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasnext(); ){ object object = (object) it.next(); system.out.println(object.tostring()); } // 打印字符串的长度 // 因为字符串的长度是字符串的特有方法,所以需要进行转型 string str = (string) it.next(); system.out.println(str.length()); } }
string str = (string) it.next(); system.out.println(str.length()); // 导致错误 java.lang.classcastexception: java.lang.integer cannot be cast to java.lang.string // 因为存储的对象有integer类型不能转换为string类型
list<string> list = new arraylist<string>();
java.util 接口 collection<e>
public class demo{ public static void main(string[] args){ // 添加泛型 set<string> set = new treeset<string>(); // 添加元素 set.add("a"); set.add("ab"); for(iterator<string> it = set.iterator(); it.hasnext();){ // 不用转换了 string str = it.next(); system.out.println(str); } } }
set<string> set = new treeset<string>(new comperator>(){ @override public int compare(string o1, string o2){ int temp = o1.length() - o2.length(); return temp == 0 ? o1.compareto(o2) : temp; } }
泛型类 可能导致classcastexception
// 简书作者:达叔小生 public static void main(string[] args){ demo d = new demo(); d.setobject(23); string s = (string) d.getobject(); system.out.println(s); }
class demo{ private string str; public string getstr(){ return str; } public void setstr(string str){ this.str = str; } } // object class demo{ private object object; public object getobject(){ return object; } public void setobject(object object){ this.object = object; } }
// 泛型类-泛型定义在类上 class demo(d){ private d object; public d getobject(){ return object; } public void setobject(d object){ this.object = object; } }
demo<string> d = new demo<string>(); d.setobject("abc"); // 只能传递string类型 string s = d.getobject(); system.out.println(s);
// 简书作者:达叔小生 class demo<d>{ public <d> void show(d d){ // 泛型方法 system.out.println("show"+d); } public static<e> void print(e e){ // 方法为静态,使用泛型,需要定义在方法上 system.out.println("print"+d); } }
public static void mian(string[] args){ demo<string> demo = new demo<string>(); demo.show("abc"); demo.print("abc"); }
// 简书作者:达叔小生 interface inter<e>{ void show(e e); }
class interdemo implements inter<string>{ ... } class interdemo<t> implements inter<t>{ public void show(t t){ ... } }
public class demo{ public static main(string[] args){ list<student> list = new arraylist<student>(); list.add(new student("dashu",20)); list.add(new student("dashu1",21)); list.add(new student("dashu2",22)); for(iterator<student> it = list.iterator(); it.hasnext();){ system.out.println(it.next()); } // 打印 private static void print(collection<student> coll){ for(iterator<student> it = coll.iterator(); it.hasnext();){ system.out.println(it.next()); } // 打印 private static void printlist(collection<?> coll){ for(iterator<?> it = coll.iterator(); it.hasnext();){ system.out.println(it.next().tostring()); } // 打印 private static void printlist(collection<? extends person> coll){ for(iterator<? extends person> it = coll.iterator(); it.hasnext();){ person p = it.next(); system.out.println(p.getname()); } } } } }
? extends e
的子类型? super e
// 简书作者:达叔小生 public class person{ // 定义属性 private string name; private int age; // 定义构造方法 public person(){ super(); } // 有参的构造方法 public person(string name, int age){ super(); this.name = name; this.age = age; } public string getname(){ return name; } public void setname(string name){ this.name = name; } public int getage(){ return age; } public void setage(int age){ this.age = age; } // tostring @override public string tostring(){ return "person [ name=" + name + ",age=" + age + "]"; } }
public class student extends person{ public student(){ super(); } public student(string name, int age){ super(name,age; } @override public string tostring(){ return "student [getname()=" + getname() + ",getage()=" + getage() + "]"; } }
public class worker extends person{ public worker(){ super(); } public worker(string name, int age){ super(name, age); } @override public string tostring(){ return "worker [name =" + getname() + ", age =" + getage() + "]"; } }
collection<string> c1 = new arraylist<string>(); c1.add("dashu"); collection<string> c2 = new arraylist<string>(); c2.add("dashucoding"); boolean b = c1.containsall(c2); // boolean containsall(collection<?> c); system.out.println("b="+b); // 结果为 false
// 简书作者:达叔小生 public boolean containsall(collection<?> c){ for(object o : c){ if(!contains(o)){ return false; } return true; } }
java.util 类 treeset<e> java.lang.object -> java.util.abstractcollection<e> -> java.util.abstractset<e> -> java.util.treeset<e> 参数e:为此set要维护的元素类型
public class treeset<e> extends abstractset<e> implements navigableset<e>,cloneable,serializable
方法 | 说明 |
treeset() | 构造方法,更具元素自然排序 |
treeset(collection<? extends e> c) | 构造一个包含collection 元素的新treeset ,按照其元素自然顺序进行排序 |
treeset(comparator<? super e> comparator) | 构造一个新的空treeset ,它根据指定比较进行排序 |
treeset(sorted |
构造一个有序的set ,具有相同的映射关系与相同排序的treeset
public class person implements comparable<person> { // 定义属性 private string name; private int age; // 定义构造方法 public person(){ super(); } // 有参的构造方法 public person(string name, int age){ super(); this.name = name; this.age = age; } public string getname(){ return name; } public void setname(string name){ this.name = name; } public int getage(){ return age; } public void setage(int age){ this.age = age; } // tostring @override public string tostring(){ return "person [ name=" + name + ",age=" + age + "]"; } @override public int compareto(person o){ int temp = this.age - o.age; return temp == 0?this.name.compareto(o.name) : temp; return 0; } }
collection<person> c = new arraylist<person>(); c.add(new person("dashu",12)); c.add(new person("dashucoding",13)); treeset<person> ts = new treeset<person>(c); ts.add(new person("dashuxiaosheng",14)); for(iterator<person> it = ts.iterator(); it.hasnext();){ person person = it.next((); system.out.println(person); }
// 简书作者:达叔小生 treeset<student> ts = new treeset<student>(new comparetoname() ); ts.add(new student("dashu",12)); ts.add(new student("dashucoding",13)); for(iterator<student> it = ts.iterator(); it.hasnext();){ student student = it.next(); system.out.println(student); }
class comparetoname implements comparator<student>{ @override public int compare(student o1, student o2){ int temp = o1.getname().compareto(o2.getname()); return temp == 0 ? o1.getage() - o2.getage() : temp; } }
arraylist<dog> a = new arraylist<dog>(); // 可以 arraylist<object> a = new arraylist<string>(); // 不可以
public class demo{ public static void main(string[] args){ // 获取集合中的最大值元素 collection c = new arraylist(); c.add(new student("da",12)); c.add(new student("dashu",13)); c.ass(new student("dashucoding",14)); student stu = getmax(c); system.out.println(stu); } public static student getmax(collection<student> c){ iterator<student> it = c.iterator(); student max = it.next(); while(it.hasnext()){ student temp = it.next(); if(temp.compareto(max) > 0){ max = temp; } } return max; } }
// 简书作者:达叔小生 public static <t extends comparable<? super t>> t getmax(collection<? extends t> c){ iterator<? extends t> it = c.iterator(); t max = it.next(); while(it.haxnext()){ t temp = it.next(); if(temp.compareto(max)>0){ max = temp; } } }
java.util 类 collections java.lang.object -> java.util.collections
public class collections extends object
public class collectionsdemo{ // 集合框架中的操作集合对象的工具类,静态的方法 collection<string> c = new arraylist<string>(); c.add("dashu"); c.add("dashucoding"); string max = collections.max(c); }
max public static <t extends object & comparable<? super t>> t max(collection<? extends t> coll)
// 简书作者:达叔小生 public static <t extends object & comparable<? super t>> t max(collection<? extends t> coll){ iterator<? extends t> i = coll.iterator(); t candidate = i.next(); while(i.hasnext()){ t next = i.next(); if(next.compareto(candidate) > 0){ candidate = next; } return candidate; } }
max public static <t> t max (collection<? extends t> coll,comparator<? super t> comp) // 可以根据比较器产生顺序
collection<string> c = new arraylist<string>(); c.add("dashu"); c.add("dashucoding"); string max = collections.max(c, new comparator<string>(){ @override public int compare(string o1, string o2){ int temp = o1.length() - o2.length(); return temp == 0?o1.compareto(o2) : temp; } });
public static <t> t max(collection<? extends t> coll, comparator<? super t> comp){ if(comp == null){ return (t)max((collection<selfcomparable>)(collection) coll); iterator<? extends t> i = coll.iterator(); t candidate = i.next(); while(i.hasnext()){ t next = i.next(); if(comp.compare(next, candidate) > 0) candidate = next; } return candidate; } }
list<string> llist = new arraylist<string>(); list.add("a"); list.add("add"); list.add("sl"); list.add("dljf"); collections.sort(list);
public class comparatorlength implements comparator<string>{ @override public int compare(string o1, string o2){ int temp = o1.length() - o2.length(); return temp == 0 ? o1.compareto(o2) : temp; } }
public class arraysdemo{ public static void main(string[] args){ int[] arr = {23,434,575}; system.out.println(arrays.tostring(arr)); string[] strs = {"dashu","da","shu"}; list<string> list = arrays.aslist(strs); system.out.println(list); } }
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