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程序员文章站 2022-05-20 08:42:15
1)现在的情况是这样的:有一个表 testtbl( id int, name varchar, level int, age int) ; 根据level的取值分为三个级别:高,中,低。

 现在要统计每个age中,高、中、和低级别的数目。即通过age作group by,但在每个age值内,还要按level取值统计各级别的记录数。


select age, (select count(*) from testtbl t2 where t2.age=t1.age and level )as low,

(select count(*) from testtbl t2 where t2.age=t1.age and level and level >=?)as mid,

(select count(*) from testtbl t2 where t2.age=t1.age and level >?)as high

from testtbl t1 group by age;

相关标签: 数据库查询