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将依赖的jar包inlining到另外一个jar包的ant插件 javajarjarant 

程序员文章站 2022-05-20 08:36:58



Jar Jar Links is a utility that makes it easy to repackage Java libraries and embed them into your own distribution. This is useful for two reasons:

  • You can easily ship a single jar file with no external dependencies.
  • You can avoid problems where your library depends on a specific version of a library, which may conflict with the dependencies of another library.


        task asmRepackJar(type: Jar) { repackJar ->
                repackJar.baseName = "spring-asm-repack"
                repackJar.version = asmVersion
                doLast() {
                        project.ant {
                                taskdef name: "jarjar", classname: "com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask",
                                        classpath: configurations.jarjar.asPath
                                jarjar(destfile: repackJar.archivePath) {
                                        configurations.asm.each { originalJar ->
                                                zipfileset(src: originalJar)
                                        rule(pattern: "org.objectweb.asm.**", result: "org.springframework.asm.@1")
        task cglibRepackJar(type: Jar) { repackJar ->
                repackJar.baseName = "spring-cglib-repack"
                repackJar.version = cglibVersion
                doLast() {
                        project.ant {
                                taskdef name: "jarjar", classname: "com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask",
                                        classpath: configurations.jarjar.asPath
                                jarjar(destfile: repackJar.archivePath) {
                                        configurations.cglib.each { originalJar ->
                                                zipfileset(src: originalJar)
                                        // repackage net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib
                                        rule(pattern: "net.sf.cglib.**", result: "org.springframework.cglib.@1")
                                        // as mentioned above, transform cglib"s internal asm dependencies from
                                        // org.objectweb.asm => org.springframework.asm. Doing this counts on the
                                        // the fact that Spring and cglib depend on the same version of asm!
                                        rule(pattern: "org.objectweb.asm.**", result: "org.springframework.asm.@1")
相关标签: java jarjar ant

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