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程序员文章站 2022-05-19 08:52:22
";foreach($err as $a){echo $a."
";}} class wrzc_netmail { /* var $localhost; var $smtp_accname; var $smtp_password; var $smtp_host; var $from; var $fromname; */ function send($to, $subject = 'no subject', $body) { $localhost = $this->localhost; $smtp_accname = $this->smtp_accname; $smtp_password = $this->smtp_password; $smtp_host = $this->smtp_host; $from = $this->from; $fromname = $this->fromname; $lb = "rn"; $headers = "content-type: text/html;charset="gbk""; $headers.= $lb; $headers.= "content-transfer-encoding: base64"; $hdr = explode($lb, $headers); if ($body) { $bdy = preg_replace("/^./", "..", explode($lb, $body)); } $smtp[] = array( "ehlo " . $localhost . $lb, "220,250", "ehlo error: " ); $smtp[] = array( "auth login" . $lb, "334", "auth error: " ); $smtp[] = array( base64_encode($smtp_accname) . $lb, "334", "authentification error: " ); $smtp[] = array( base64_encode($smtp_password) . $lb, "235", "authentification error: " ); $smtp[] = array( "mail from: " . $lb, "250", "mail from error: " ); $smtp[] = array( "rcpt to: " . $lb, "250", "rcpt to error: " ); $smtp[] = array( "data" . $lb, "354", "data error: " ); $smtp[] = array( "from: " . $fromname . " " . $lb, "", "" ); $smtp[] = array( "subject: " . $subject . $lb, "", "" ); $smtp[] = array( "to: " . $to . $lb, "", "" ); foreach ($hdr as $h) { $smtp[] = array( $h . $lb, "", "" ); } $smtp[] = array( $lb, "", "" ); if ($bdy) { foreach ($bdy as $b) { $smtp[] = array( base64_encode($b . $lb) . $lb, "", "" ); } } $smtp[] = array( "." . $lb, "250", "data(end)error: " ); $smtp[] = array( "quit" . $lb, "221", "quit error: " ); $fp = @fsockopen($smtp_host, 25); if (!$fp) return "error: cannot conect to '" . $smtp_host . "' by port 25"; while ($result = @fgets($fp, 1024)) { if (substr($result, 3, 1) == " ") { break; } } $result_str; foreach ($smtp as $req) { @fputs($fp, $req[0]); if ($req[1]) { while ($result = @fgets($fp, 1024)) { if (substr($result, 3, 1) == " ") { break; } }; if (!strstr($req[1], substr($result, 0, 3))) { $result_str[] = $req[2] . $result; } } } @fclose($fp); return $result_str; } function setlocalhost($localhost) { $this->localhost = $localhost; } function setsmtp_accname($smtp_accname) { $this->smtp_accname = $smtp_accname; } function setsmtp_password($smtp_password) { $this->smtp_password = $smtp_password; } function setsmtp_host($smtp_host) { $this->smtp_host = $smtp_host; } function setfrom($from) { $this->from = $from; } function setfromname($fromname) { $this->fromname = $fromname; } } //unset

