2022-05-18 21:23:53
豆瓣电影 TOP250 和书籍 TOP250 爬虫 最近开始玩 Python , 学习爬虫相关知识的时候,心血来潮,爬取了豆瓣电影TOP250 和书籍TOP250, 这里记录一下自己玩的过程。 电影 TOP250 爬虫 书籍 TOP250 爬虫 总结 " 点击查看我的Github " " 点击查看我 ......
豆瓣电影 top250 和书籍 top250 爬虫
最近开始玩 python , 学习爬虫相关知识的时候,心血来潮,爬取了豆瓣电影top250 和书籍top250, 这里记录一下自己玩的过程。
电影 top250 爬虫
import requests from bs4 import beautifulsoup import time def getlist(list_url): time.sleep(2) res = requests.get(list_url) soup = beautifulsoup(res.text, 'html.parser') movie_list = soup.select('.grid_view li') for m in movie_list: rank = m.select('em')[0].text score = m.select('.rating_num')[0].text title = m.select('.title')[0].text direct = m.select('.info .bd p')[0].text.strip() actor = '\n主演:'.join(direct.split(' 主演:')) director = '年代:'.join(actor.split(' ')) if m.select('.inq'): comments = m.select('.inq')[0].text.strip() else: comments = 'none' movie.append( '排名: ' + rank + '\n' + '评分: ' + score + '\n' + '片名: ' + title + '\n' + director + '\n' + '评论: ' + comments + '\n' + '\n') if soup.select('.next a'): asoup = soup.select('.next a')[0]['href'] next_page = seed_url + asoup getlist(next_page) else: print('结束') return movie def write(movies): with open('movie.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') as m: for a in movies: m.write(a) def main(): write(getlist(seed_url)) pass if __name__ == '__main__': seed_url = 'https://movie.douban.com/top250' movie = [] main()
书籍 top250 爬虫
import bs4 import requests import re from bs4 import beautifulsoup from operator import itemgetter def gethtmltext(url): try: r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding return r.text except: return "" def parsertext(text, book_list): soup = beautifulsoup(text, 'html.parser') for table in soup('table', {'width': '100%'}): if isinstance(table, bs4.element.tag): tds = table.find('tr')('td') divs = tds[1]('div') content = {} for div in divs: if isinstance(div, bs4.element.tag): if div.find('a'): name = div.find('a').attrs['title'] content.update({"书名": name}) if div.select('.rating_nums'): score = div.select('.rating_nums')[0].text content.update({"评分": score}) if div.select('.pl'): people_num = div.select('.pl')[0].text regex = re.compile(r'[\d]{1,10}') content.update({"评价人数": regex.findall(people_num)[0]}) ps = tds[1]('p') for p in ps: if isinstance(p, bs4.element.tag): if p.attrs['class'][0] == 'quote': description = p.find('span').string content.update({"介绍": description}) if p.attrs['class'][0] == 'pl': author = p.string content.update({"作者信息": author}) book_list.append(content) next_books = soup.find('span', {'class': 'next'}) if next_books.find('a'): a = next_books.find('a').attrs['href'] text = gethtmltext(a) parsertext(text, books) return book_list def sortedbooktop250(book_list): tmp = sorted(book_list, key=itemgetter('评分'), reverse=true) for i in range(len(tmp)): tmp[i].update({"排名": i + 1}) return tmp def writetofile(book_list): with open('good_books.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') as book_file: for book in book_list: for key, value in book.items(): book_file.write(f'{key}:{value}\n') book_file.write('\n') pass def main(): text = gethtmltext(seed_url) book_list = parsertext(text, books) writetofile(sortedbooktop250(book_list)) pass if __name__ == '__main__': seed_url = "https://book.douban.com/top250" books = [] main()
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以上直接贴出了代码,这是很简单的两段代码,主要用到了 requests 库和 beautifulsoup 库,需要的可以直接拿去,或者直接去我的 github上拿 movies.txt 和 good_books.txt
下一篇: 一个萝卜一个坑#我的C坑_两局变量