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程序员文章站 2022-05-18 12:52:34
<%function bytes2bstr(vin)strreturn = ""for i = 1 to lenb(vin)thischarcode = ascb(m...

function bytes2bstr(vin)
strreturn = ""
for i = 1 to lenb(vin)
thischarcode = ascb(midb(vin,i,1))
if thischarcode < &h80 then
strreturn = strreturn & chr(thischarcode)
nextcharcode = ascb(midb(vin,i+1,1))
strreturn = strreturn & chr(clng(thischarcode) * &h100 + cint(nextcharcode))
i = i + 1
end if
bytes2bstr = ubb(strreturn)
end function

function dq(key)
dim xmlhttp
set xmlhttp = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
xmlhttp.open "get","http://www.baidu.com/s?wd="&key&"&pn="&request("pn"), false
xmlhttp.setrequestheader "content-type","text/xml"
dq = bytes2bstr(xmlhttp.responsebody)
end function

function br(str)
str = replace(str,"{br}","<br>")
str = replace(str,vbcrlf,"<br>")
str = replace(str,"<br> <br>","<br>")
str = replace(str,"<br><br>","<br>")
str = replace(str,"<br><br>","<br>")
br = str
end function

function ubb(str)

if instr(str,"找到相关网页") = 0 then
ubb = "没有搜索到任何内容"
exit function
end if

str = replace(str,vbcrlf,"{br}")
str = replace(str,"<br>","{br}")
str = replace(str,"</td>","</td>"&vbcrlf)
str = replace(str,"<td",vbcrlf&"<td")

dim re,match,matches
set re = new regexp
re.global = true
re.ignorecase = true

re.pattern=".*\<td class=f>(.*)\<\/td>"

set matches = re.execute(str)

for each match in matches
re.pattern="(\- \<a .[^\<]*>百度快照\<\/a>)"
ubb = re.replace(ubb,"")
re.pattern="(\<a class=""m"".[^\<]*>.[^\<]*\<\/a>)"
ubb = re.replace(ubb,"")
re.pattern="(\<font color=#008000>.[^\<]*\<\/font>)"
ubb = re.replace(ubb,"<hr>") '每一条信息的间隔
ubb = replace(ubb,"<td class=f>","")
ubb = replace(ubb,"</td>","")
ubb = br(ubb)

set matches = re.execute(str)
set match = matches(0)
ubb = ubb & match & "<br>"

str = replace(str,"</div>","</div>"&vbcrlf)

re.pattern="\<div class=""p"">(.*)\<\/div>"
set matches = re.execute(str)
set match = matches(0)
dim thelink
thelink = match
thelink = re.replace(thelink,"href=""$1""")

ubb = ubb & thelink
end function

if len(request("wd")) > 0 then
response.write dq(request("wd"))
end if
<form method=post action="?">
<input type="text" name="wd"> <input type="submit">