clr via c# 程序集加载和反射集(一)
//获取当前类的assembly assembly.getentryassembly() //通过load方法加载程序集 assembly.load //通过loadfrom加载指定路径名的程序集--可以时url对象. assembly loadfrom(string path) //只是反射,并确保程序集中的数据不被执行. reflectiononlyloadfrom() reflectiononlyload(string assembly string)
class reflectionref { public static void demo1() { string assemblyname = ", version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=d5812d469e84c693, processorarchitecture=msil"; assembly a = assembly.load(assemblyname); display(0, "{0}'s types:",a.fullname); a.exportedtypes.tolist().foreach(x => display(2, "t's fullname is {0}", x.fullname)); console.writeline(); a = assembly.getentryassembly(); display(0, "{0}'s types:", a.fullname); a.exportedtypes.tolist().foreach(x => display(2, "t's fullname is {0}", x.fullname)); } private static void display(int indent,string format,params object[] obj) { console.write(new string(' ', indent * 2)); console.writeline(format, obj); } }
结果:, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=d5812d469e84c693's types:
t's fullname is
t's fullname is
//通过实列获得类型 obj.gettype(); //通过type类的静态函数gettype() public static type gettype (string typename);//必须是fullname //是否抛出异常和忽略大小写. public static type gettype (string typename, bool throwonerror, bool ignorecase); //
- typename
- string
要获取的类型的程序集限定名称。 请参阅 assemblyqualifiedname。 如果该类型位于当前正在执行的程序集中或者 mscorlib.dll 中,则提供由命名空间限定的类型名称就足够了。
system.reflection.assembly 类型提供了实列成员
gettype \\string,输入的类型的全名
definedtypes \\ 返回所有定义的类型的typeinfo.
public virtual system.collections.generic.ienumerable<system.reflection.typeinfo> definedtypes { get; }
public virtual system.collections.generic.ienumerable<type> exportedtypes { get; }
typeinfo ti = typeof(reflectionref).gettypeinfo();
- ispublic
- issealed
- isabstract
- isclass
- isvaluetype
- 另一些参数返回:
- assembly
- assemblyqulifiedname
- fullname
- module
- 批量加载程序集---注意,加载程序集的四个要素
private static void loadassemblies() { string[] assemblies = { "system, publickeytoken={0}", "system.core, publickeytoken={0}", ", publickeytoken={0}", ", publickeytoken={1}", "system.directoryservices, publickeytoken={1}", "system.drawing, publickeytoken={1}", ", publickeytoken={1}", ", publickeytoken={1}", "system.messaging, publickeytoken={1}", "system.runtime.remoting, publickeytoken={0}", ", publickeytoken={1}", "system.serviceprocess, publickeytoken={1}", "system.web, publickeytoken={1}", "system.web.regularexpressions, publickeytoken={1}", ", publickeytoken={1}", ", publickeytoken={0}", "system.xml, publickeytoken={0}", }; string ecmapublickeytoken = "b77a5c561934e089"; string mspublickeytoken = "b03f5f7f11d50a3a"; // get the version of the assembly containing system.object // we'll assume the same version for all the other assemblies version version = typeof(system.object).assembly.getname().version; // explicitly load the assemblies that we want to reflect over foreach (string a in assemblies) { string assemblyidentity = string.format(a, ecmapublickeytoken, mspublickeytoken) + ", culture=neutral, version=" + version; assembly.load(assemblyidentity);//在appdomain中加载程序集 } }
- 找到所有的派生自memberinfo的类型
public static void demo2() { assembly[] oldassembly = appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies();//未加载程序集时的app domain中的程序集 loadassemblies();//加载程序集 var newassemblyname = (from a in appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies()//获取在原程序集中的程序集 where array.indexof(oldassembly, a) >= 0 orderby a.fullname select a.fullname).toarray(); array.foreach<string>(newassemblyname, x => display(3, x));//打印原程序集 console.writeline("compare assemblys end"); var alltypes = (from a in appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies() from t in a.exportedtypes where typeof(memberinfo).gettypeinfo().isassignablefrom(t.gettypeinfo())//获取所有派生自exception的类型. orderby select t).toarray(); display(0, walkinheritancehierachy(new stringbuilder(), 0, typeof(memberinfo), alltypes).tostring());//迭代打印这些类型. }
- 迭代查找派生关系
private static stringbuilder walkinheritancehierachy(stringbuilder sb,int indent,type basetype,ienumerable<type> alltypes)//迭代打印函数 { string spaces = new string(' ', indent * 3);//前缀空格 sb.appendline(spaces + basetype.fullname);//添加基类的全名,新一行. foreach(var t in alltypes) { if (t.gettypeinfo().basetype != basetype) continue;//如果这个类不是另一个类的基列,继续. walkinheritancehierachy(sb, indent + 1, t, alltypes);//如果找到某个类是派生类,则将这个类作为基类,去查找新的派生类. } return sb; }
- 结果:
createinstance | 512 |
declaredonly | 2 |
指定当前类上面声明的成员 |
default | 0 |
指定未定义任何绑定标志。 |
exactbinding | 65536 |
未知... |
flattenhierarchy | 64 |
指定应返回层次结构往上的公共成员和受保护静态成员。. 静态成员包括字段、方法、事件和属性。. 不支持嵌套类型。 |
getfield | 1024 |
指定应返回指定字段的值。此标志会传递给 |
getproperty | 4096 |
指定应返回指定属性的值。此标志会传递给 |
ignorecase | 1 |
指定在绑定时不应考虑成员名称的大小写。 |
ignorereturn | 16777216 |
在 com 互操作中用于指定可以忽略成员的返回值。 |
instance | 4 |
指定实例成员要包括在搜索中。 |
invokemethod | 256 |
指定要调用的方法。非构造器 此标志会传递给 |
nonpublic | 32 |
指定非公共成员要包括在搜索中。 |
optionalparambinding | 262144 |
返回其参数计数与提供的参数数量匹配的成员集。 此绑定标志用于参数具有默认值的方法和使用变量参数 (varargs)
的方法。此标志只应与 invokemember(string, bindingflags, binder, object,
object[], parametermodifier[], cultureinfo, string[]) 结合使用。 |
public | 16 |
指定公共成员要包括在搜索中。 |
putdispproperty | 16384 |
指定应调用 com 对象上的 |
putrefdispproperty | 32768 |
指定应调用 com 对象上的 |
setfield | 2048 |
指定应设置指定字段的值。 |
setproperty | 8192 |
指定应设置指定属性的值。 |
static | 8 |
指定静态成员要包括在搜索中。 |
suppresschangetype | 131072 |
未实现。 |
public class bindingflagsref { public static void go() { // bindingflags.invokemethod // call a static method. type t = typeof(testclass); console.writeline(); console.writeline("invoking a static method."); console.writeline("-------------------------"); t.invokemember("sayhello", bindingflags.invokemethod | bindingflags.public |//调用类的静态方法.注意binder=null,target=null bindingflags.static, null, null, new object[] { }); // bindingflags.invokemethod // call an instance method. testclass c = new testclass(); console.writeline(); console.writeline("invoking an instance method."); console.writeline("----------------------------"); c.gettype().invokemember("addup", bindingflags.invokemethod, null, c, new object[] { });//调用实列的方法,注意,target=c; c.gettype().invokemember("addup", bindingflags.invokemethod, null, c, new object[] { });//调用实列的方法,注意,target=c; // bindingflags.invokemethod // call a method with parameters. object[] args = new object[] { 100.09, 184.45 }; object result; console.writeline(); console.writeline("invoking a method with parameters."); console.writeline("---------------------------------"); result = t.invokemember("computesum", bindingflags.invokemethod , null, null, args);//调用带参数的方法. console.writeline("{0} + {1} = {2}", args[0], args[1], result); // bindingflags.getfield, setfield console.writeline(); console.writeline("invoking a field (getting and setting.)"); console.writeline("--------------------------------------"); // get a field value. result = t.invokemember("name", bindingflags.getfield, null, c, new object[] { });//获取和设定字段. console.writeline("name == {0}", result); // set a field. t.invokemember("name", bindingflags.setfield, null, c, new object[] { "newname" }); result = t.invokemember("name", bindingflags.getfield, null, c, new object[] { }); console.writeline("name == {0}", result); console.writeline(); console.writeline("invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)"); console.writeline("--------------------------------------------------"); // bindingflags.getproperty // get an indexed property value. int index = 3; result = t.invokemember("item", bindingflags.getproperty, null, c, new object[] { index });//获取索引器的值. console.writeline("item[{0}] == {1}", index, result); // bindingflags.setproperty // set an indexed property value. index = 3; t.invokemember("item", bindingflags.setproperty, null, c, new object[] { index, "newvalue" });//设定索引器的值. result = t.invokemember("item", bindingflags.getproperty, null, c, new object[] { index }); console.writeline("item[{0}] == {1}", index, result); console.writeline(); console.writeline("getting a field or property."); console.writeline("----------------------------"); // bindingflags.getfield // get a field or property. result = t.invokemember("name", bindingflags.getfield | bindingflags.getproperty, null, c, new object[] { }); console.writeline("name == {0}", result);//获取属性或者字段的对象. // bindingflags.getproperty result = t.invokemember("value", bindingflags.getfield | bindingflags.getproperty, null, c, new object[] { });//获取属性或者字段的对象. console.writeline("value == {0}", result); console.writeline(); console.writeline("invoking a method with named parameters."); console.writeline("---------------------------------------"); // bindingflags.invokemethod // call a method using named parameters. object[] argvalues = new object[] { "mouse", "micky" }; string[] argnames = new string[] { "lastname", "firstname" }; t.invokemember("printname", bindingflags.invokemethod, null, null, argvalues, null, null,//指定named类型的方法. argnames); console.writeline(); console.writeline("invoking a default member of a type."); console.writeline("------------------------------------"); // bindingflags.default // call the default member of a type. type t3 = typeof(testclass2); t3.invokemember("", bindingflags.invokemethod | bindingflags.default, null, new testclass2(), new object[] { });//利用特性memberdefault,和反射配合指定使用方法.当前是print. // bindingflags.static, nonpublic, and public // invoking a member with ref parameters. console.writeline(); console.writeline("invoking a method with ref parameters."); console.writeline("--------------------------------------"); methodinfo m = t.getmethod("swap"); args = new object[2]; args[0] = 1; args[1] = 2; //m.invoke(new testclass(), args);//和调用有参的形式一样,这是新的办法 t.invokemember("swap", bindingflags.invokemethod, null, new testclass(), args);//这是通过type来调用. console.writeline("{0}, {1}", args[0], args[1]); // bindingflags.createinstance // creating an instance with a parameterless constructor. console.writeline(); console.writeline("creating an instance with a parameterless constructor."); console.writeline("------------------------------------------------------"); object cobj = t.invokemember("testclass", bindingflags.public |//注意3个bindingflags的应用. bindingflags.instance | bindingflags.createinstance, null, null, new object[] { });//创建类的实列的另外一个办法. console.writeline("instance of {0} created.", cobj.gettype().name); // creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters. console.writeline(); console.writeline("creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters."); console.writeline("------------------------------------------------------------"); cobj = t.invokemember("testclass", bindingflags.public |//创建有参的构造器,并且返回实列. bindingflags.instance | bindingflags.createinstance, null, null, new object[] { "hello, world!" }); console.writeline("instance of {0} created with initial value '{1}'.", cobj.gettype().name, cobj.gettype().invokemember("name", bindingflags.getfield, null, cobj, null)); // bindingflags.declaredonly console.writeline(); console.writeline("declaredonly instance members."); console.writeline("------------------------------"); system.reflection.memberinfo[] meminfo = t.getmembers(bindingflags.declaredonly | bindingflags.instance |//考虑在本类中创建(非继承,实列,公共)的成员集合. bindingflags.public); for (int i = 0; i < meminfo.length; i++) { console.writeline(meminfo[i].name); } // bindingflags.ignorecase console.writeline(); console.writeline("using ignorecase and invoking the printname method."); console.writeline("---------------------------------------------------"); t.invokemember("printname", bindingflags.ignorecase | bindingflags.static |//忽略大小写 bindingflags.public | bindingflags.invokemethod, null, null, new object[] {"brad","smith"}); // bindingflags.flattenhierarchy console.writeline(); console.writeline("using flattenhierarchy to get inherited static protected and public members."); console.writeline("----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); fieldinfo[] finfos = typeof(mostderived).getfields(bindingflags.nonpublic | bindingflags.public |//nopublic是protected对象. bindingflags.static | bindingflags.flattenhierarchy);//返回受保护静态成员. foreach (fieldinfo finfo in finfos) { console.writeline("{0} defined in {1}.",,;//declaringtype...成员所定义的type } console.writeline(); console.writeline("without flattenhierarchy."); console.writeline("-------------------------"); finfos = typeof(mostderived).getfields(bindingflags.nonpublic | bindingflags.public | bindingflags.static); foreach (fieldinfo finfo in finfos) { console.writeline("{0} defined in {1}.",,; } } } public class testclass { public string name; private object[] values = new object[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; public object this[int index] { get { return values[index]; } set { values[index] = value; } } public object value { get { return "the value"; } } public testclass() : this("initialname") { } public testclass(string initname) { name = initname; } int methodcalled = 0; public static void sayhello() { console.writeline("hello"); } public void addup() { methodcalled++; console.writeline("addup called {0} times", methodcalled); } public static double computesum(double d1, double d2) { return d1 + d2; } public static void printname(string firstname, string lastname) { console.writeline("{0},{1}", lastname, firstname); } public void printtime() { console.writeline(; } public void swap(ref int a, ref int b) { int x = a; a = b; b = x; } } [defaultmemberattribute("printtime")] public class testclass2 { public void printtime() { console.writeline(; } } public class base { static int baseonlyprivate = 0; protected static int baseonly = 0; } public class derived : base { public static int derivedonly = 0; } public class mostderived : derived { }
public static void callcreateobjectbyreflection() { //方法1,使用createinstance--type方法. type t = typeof(testclass); testclass t1 = (testclass)activator.createinstance(t, new object[] { }); display(0,; //方法2,使用程序集的方法,第一个参数可以是null,当前程序集,或者是assembly.getenterassembly.tostring(),返回程序集的全名. var t2 = (testclass)activator.createinstance(null, typeof(testclass).fullname).unwrap(); display(0, assembly.getentryassembly().tostring()); display(0,; //方法3,使用createinstancefrom生成. var path = assembly.getentryassembly().codebase; var t3 = (testclass)activator.createcominstancefrom(path, typeof(testclass).fullname).unwrap(); display(0, "path is {0},type is {1}", path, t3); //方法4,使用appdomain的createinstance;注意,如果是另外的appdomain则需要类型是marshalrefobject的派生类,或者可序列化对象. appdomain ad0 = appdomain.createdomain("ad0"); var t4=appdomain.currentdomain.createinstancefromandunwrap(path, typeof(testclass).fullname); display(0, "path is {0},type is {1}", path, t4); //方法5,使用invokemember调用构造器. var t5 = (testclass)t.invokemember("", bindingflags.public | bindingflags.instance | bindingflags.createinstance, null, null, null); display(0,; //方法6,使用constructorinfo,其实类似上面的 constructorinfo ci = t.getconstructor(new type[] { typeof(string) }); var t6=(testclass)ci.invoke(new object[] { "new constructor" }); display(0,; //方法7,数组类型创建实列 array t7 = array.createinstance(t, 10); for(int i=0;i<t7.length;i++) { t7.setvalue(new testclass(i.tostring()), i); } int count=0; array.foreach<testclass>((testclass[])t7, x => display(count++,; //方法7_1,另外一个方法创建数组的实列. type t71 = t.makearraytype(); var t72 =(testclass[]) activator.createinstance(t71, new object[] { 10 }); display(0, t72.length.tostring()); //方法8,委托类型创建实列 methodinfo mi = t.getmethod("addup"); var t8 = new testclass(); delegate d = delegate.createdelegate(typeof(action), t8, mi); d.dynamicinvoke(); d.dynamicinvoke(); //方法9,构造泛型实列 type opentype = typeof(dictionary<,>);//首先创建opentype type closetype = opentype.makegenerictype(typeof(string),typeof(string));//创建封闭type type listopentype = typeof(list<>);//创建新的opentype type listclosetype = listopentype.makegenerictype(closetype);//创建复合的封闭对象 object o = activator.createinstance(listclosetype);//创建类型对象的实列. display(0, o.tostring()); } }
- 如果某个类是强名称,那么所有它引用的类也必须都是强名称.
//hostsdk.cs using system; namespace winteliect.hostsdk { public interface iaddin { string dosomething(int32 x); } }
//addintypes.cs using system; using winteliect.hostsdk; namespace addintypes { public sealed class addin_a:iaddin { public addin_a(){} public string dosomething(int32 x) { return "addin_a:"+x.tostring(); } } public sealed class addin_b:iaddin { public addin_b(){} public string dosomething(int32 x) { return "addin_b:"+(2*x).tostring(); } } }
- sn -k host.snk
- csc.exe /out:hostsdk.dll /t:library /keyfile:host.snk hostsdk.cs---生成hostsdk.dll
- csc.exe /out:addintypes.dll /t:library /r:hostsdk.dll /keyfile:host.snk addintypes.cs---生成addintypes.dll
public static void dynamicloaddemo() { string path = assembly.getexecutingassembly().location;//获取.exe的详细路径 string addindir = path.getdirectoryname(assembly.getentryassembly().location);//获取.exe的目录.../debug var dlls = directory.enumeratefiles(addindir, "*.dll");// var types = (from file in dlls let asb = assembly.loadfrom(file) from t in asb.exportedtypes where t.ispublic && t.isclass && (typeof(iaddin).gettypeinfo().isassignablefrom(t.gettypeinfo())) select t).tolist();//获取有该接口的类. types.foreach(//创建类的实列并且工作. x => { iaddin t = (iaddin)activator.createinstance(x); display(0,t.dosomething(10)); }); }