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利用 HTML5 File API 写的文件存哪了

程序员文章站 2022-05-17 23:31:37
在html5中,加入了file api,允许程序进行类似于本地文件的操作。   但是在通过demo初学的时候,就会产生一个疑问,文件到底存哪了?   我们在demo程序中设置了文...
在html5中,加入了file api,允许程序进行类似于本地文件的操作。












because this api may allow untrusted code to read and write parts of a user's hard drive, there are a number of security and privacy issues that must be dealt with. risks to the user include:


denial of service by filling a local disk or using up io bandwidth. this can be mitigated in part through quota limitations.

theft or erasure of private data. this is mitigated by limiting the scope of access to the local filesystem to a chroot-like, origin-specific sandbox.

storing malicious executables or illegal data on a user's system. this is similar to the risk of any download, and similar security precautions apply, but is potentially worse in that:

it may involve multiple files.

the files may be in a part of the filesystem that's harder for the user to find than the standard downloads directory.

the malicious writes may happen long enough after granting of filesystem access that the user doesn't connect the two events.

this may be mitigated by restricting file creation/rename to non-executable extensions, virtualizing paths [leading to unguessable or non-executable filenames] and by making sure the execute bit is not set on any file created or modified via the api.

as with any other client-side storage, filesystem access allows for cookie-resurrection attacks. uas will likely wish to present the option of clearing it when the user clears any other origin-specific storage, blocking access to it when cookies are blocked, etc. this is especially important if temporary storage space is permitted by default without explicit user permission.





当我们通过代码调用file api的时候,浏览器将在一个安全的环境中建立一个模拟的文件系统,所有的文件读写操作都是在这个安全的环境中进行的。




有了这些策略之后,程序在使用file api的时候就安全多了。




c:\users\{username}\appdata\local\google\chrome\user data\default\file system\000\t\00





