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RadRails 1.0正式版发布

程序员文章站 2022-05-17 15:47:29
Aptana发布了ruby on rails集成开发环境RadRails1.0正式版本。这是自从aptana合并了Radrails团队最后一个0.7.2版本之后的首次发布正式版本,提供了全面的Rails支持。主要包括了强大的Ruby代码重构功能、Rails console集成、针对高级用户的ruby profiler,强大的ruby和rhtml代码高亮和自动提示功能,以及支持ruby 1.0的语法。主要新特性的列表如下:

The highlights include:

    * A new Rails Shell console - A screencast dedicated to this feature is available at aptana.tv.
    * Bundled auto-installing gems for rails development
    * A Ruby profiler for Pro users
    * An RDoc preview view
    * Extended RHTML/ERb color preferences
    * Code completion for ActiveRecord model fields and finders
    * Code completion suggesting method call arguments
    * Significant expansion of code warnings and analysis, including syntax changes from Ruby 1.8 to 1.9
    * An improved look and feel

These new features join an already impressive set of functionality:

    * A Fast Ruby debugger
    * RHTML, YML, HTML, JS, and CSS editors with code assist.
    * Unit testing integration and GUI
    * Refactoring
    * Code analysis and warnings
    * IDE Scriptable via Ruby
    * Much, much more!
相关标签: Aptana Ruby Rails